This is What Trump Wants Welfare Recipients to Do


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
About time! Good for him for making the effort to help people to help themselves.

The order, “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility,” promotes marriage in addition to work as a way to escape poverty.

Last September, President Trump restored the work requirement for certain recipients in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which the former president had waived.

More @ This is What Trump Wants Welfare Recipients to Do - Black Community News

Note the source!!!!!
About time! Good for him for making the effort to help people to help themselves.

The order, “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility,” promotes marriage in addition to work as a way to escape poverty.

Last September, President Trump restored the work requirement for certain recipients in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which the former president had waived.

More @ This is What Trump Wants Welfare Recipients to Do - Black Community News

Note the source!!!!!
Did you read the actual order? It was a bunch of generalized rhetoric and talking points. The only actions that are coming from it is for the agency’s to conduct reviews. Don’t think anything mind blowing is happening here.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

True Poverty does hurt. It is agonizingly painful. That is why it is poverty. But when you get more food and benefits thrown at you than you can get actually working because you've had 10 babies, it isn't poverty so much any more. Unfortunately some of the people worst hit with poverty are people who were productive then were hit with some sort of accident or illness and cannot work, yet don't qualify for any government programs because they were once productive, and are driven down into total poverty because of that rather than helped back up into being productive again. Hence, government only creates more of what it funds. Poverty.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

True Poverty does hurt. It is agonizingly painful. That is why it is poverty. But when you get more food and benefits thrown at you than you can get actually working because you've had 10 babies, it isn't poverty so much any more. Unfortunately some of the people worst hit with poverty are people who were productive then were hit with some sort of accident or illness and cannot work, yet don't qualify for any government programs because they were once productive, and are driven down into total poverty because of that rather than helped back up into being productive again. Hence, government only creates more of what it funds. Poverty.

If you can't get on disability, then it means you are physically capable of working.

The people I feel bad for are those who are too Fn stupid to work. There are some people unable to be educated and have little common sense. They are not considered mentally retarded, but are very slow.

Those are the only people who are physically capable of working I'd be willing to support. And if it were up to me, no having children while on any government program. You get knocked up, you lose all your benefits.
If you can't get on disability, then it means you are physically capable of working.

Ray, Ray, Ray! Don't EVER make the mistake of thinking that anything the government operates is ever that simple or cut and dry! There are all kinds of people on disability that can work and all kinds of people unable to work being denied disability. You can be deemed disabled and STILL be denied benefits! Doctors and healthcare insurance companies and lawyers are all involved, they are all a racket now and the government has every interest in denying disability to people and mind-numbing machine-like clueless robotic dehumanized formulas and calculations for deciding where you fall.
It sounds good but how many actually lose a cent? I know families on assistance for years and never lost a dime.

They tried doing work search for unemployment here in pa and was a huge bust. I talked to a woman at careerlink and she said they put these rules in place with nobody to check the data so it was meaningless
If you can't get on disability, then it means you are physically capable of working.

Ray, Ray, Ray! Don't EVER make the mistake of thinking that anything the government operates is ever that simple or cut and dry! There are all kinds of people on disability that can work and all kinds of people unable to work being denied disability. You can be deemed disabled and STILL be denied benefits! Doctors and healthcare insurance companies and lawyers are all involved, they are all a racket now and the government has every interest in denying disability to people and mind-numbing machine-like clueless robotic dehumanized formulas and calculations for deciding where you fall.

I've had several neighbors on disability that still worked; two of them my tenants. No, it wasn't easy. Both were denied the first time they applied. But they kept after it and finally accepted.

Both went through layers. The one kept with this lawyer and it took him a year. He got full disability. The other used a lawyer the first time around, denied, but then decided to give it a whirl herself and was accepted for partial disability. It only took her two months.

It's not that they aren't deserving of benefits, it's just that they both got jobs after being accepted. Mind you their income is limited, but they work the maximum allowable.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.
Are you trying to imply that poverty doesn’t currently hurt?
True poverty does, but to see what true poverty looks like, you would have to go somewhere where it exists, parts of Africa and the Far East come to mind. Most "impoverished" Americans are very well off, considered from the point of view of people who really are living in poverty.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

You’re drunk again. That’s incredibly stupid of you.

First you destroy someone’s livelihood and then you shame them for not having a job. That level of stupid.

Don’t offer retraining. Don’t support an increased minimum wage, just make it as difficult as possible to get back on your feet and see who wants it bad enough.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

You’re drunk again. That’s incredibly stupid of you.

First you destroy someone’s livelihood and then you shame them for not having a job. That level of stupid.

Don’t offer retraining. Don’t support an increased minimum wage, just make it as difficult as possible to get back on your feet and see who wants it bad enough.

Coming from the Red Diaper Doper Baby. If someone loses their job, is in retraining or doing something besides having their hand out they are not panhandling or demanding welfare. Demand work. Reinstate apprenticeship. Do not give people anything for sitting on their ass. Make poverty hurt so hard, that anything, even working is preferable.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.
Every time you post you show you have no soul. This is why you voted for Trump.

I was poor. I grew up in severe homelessness and poverty. We had many many self-righteous do-gooders who "helped". I hated them when I was four years old. I hate them even worse now. Starve them and feed the bodies to the wolves.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

You’re drunk again. That’s incredibly stupid of you.

First you destroy someone’s livelihood and then you shame them for not having a job. That level of stupid.

Don’t offer retraining. Don’t support an increased minimum wage, just make it as difficult as possible to get back on your feet and see who wants it bad enough.

Coming from the Red Diaper Doper Baby. If someone loses their job, is in retraining or doing something besides having their hand out they are not panhandling or demanding welfare. Demand work. Reinstate apprenticeship. Do not give people anything for sitting on their ass. Make poverty hurt so hard, that anything, even working is preferable.

Back in 1980 I got my first apartment at the age of 20. I was fascinated with birds at the time, so one of the first things I did was hang a bird feeder on my back porch.

Winter went by, then spring, and I finally got to meet my elderly next door neighbor at the beginning of summer. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you are doing for the birds with that feeder is nice, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, the feeder help keeps them alive in the winter when there is no food to eat. But if you leave that thing up all summer long, the birds begin to use that as their only source of food. If you get bored feeding the birds, or otherwise move, the birds will parish because they will forget how to obtain food on their own."

His words hit me years later; not because of the birds, but because I finally figured out that's exactly what our government does to some of us: leave the feeder out year round.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

You’re drunk again. That’s incredibly stupid of you.

First you destroy someone’s livelihood and then you shame them for not having a job. That level of stupid.

Don’t offer retraining. Don’t support an increased minimum wage, just make it as difficult as possible to get back on your feet and see who wants it bad enough.

Coming from the Red Diaper Doper Baby. If someone loses their job, is in retraining or doing something besides having their hand out they are not panhandling or demanding welfare. Demand work. Reinstate apprenticeship. Do not give people anything for sitting on their ass. Make poverty hurt so hard, that anything, even working is preferable.

Back in 1980 I got my first apartment at the age of 20. I was fascinated with birds at the time, so one of the first things I did was hang a bird feeder on my back porch.

Winter went by, then spring, and I finally got to meet my elderly next door neighbor at the beginning of summer. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you are doing for the birds with that feeder is nice, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, the feeder help keeps them alive in the winter when there is no food to eat. But if you leave that thing up all summer long, the birds begin to use that as their only source of food. If you get bored feeding the birds, or otherwise move, the birds will parish because they will forget how to obtain food on their own."

His words hit me years later; not because of the birds, but because I finally figured out that's exactly what our government does to some of us: leave the feeder out year round.

Had we not had people to help, my Dad may have gotten a job and a place to live long before I was taken away after YEARS of living in the streets. I blame them, all of them. Everyone who gave us a place to stay for the night, or a meal, or some clothing they would otherwise throw away. I hope they burn in hell for eternity they extended my misery for years. Years. Until one mean asshole didn't help. He went to the police instead. That man is blessed.
Poverty should hurt. It should be agonizingly painful.Then we will see who deserves help and who does not.

You’re drunk again. That’s incredibly stupid of you.

First you destroy someone’s livelihood and then you shame them for not having a job. That level of stupid.

Don’t offer retraining. Don’t support an increased minimum wage, just make it as difficult as possible to get back on your feet and see who wants it bad enough.

Coming from the Red Diaper Doper Baby. If someone loses their job, is in retraining or doing something besides having their hand out they are not panhandling or demanding welfare. Demand work. Reinstate apprenticeship. Do not give people anything for sitting on their ass. Make poverty hurt so hard, that anything, even working is preferable.

Back in 1980 I got my first apartment at the age of 20. I was fascinated with birds at the time, so one of the first things I did was hang a bird feeder on my back porch.

Winter went by, then spring, and I finally got to meet my elderly next door neighbor at the beginning of summer. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you are doing for the birds with that feeder is nice, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, the feeder help keeps them alive in the winter when there is no food to eat. But if you leave that thing up all summer long, the birds begin to use that as their only source of food. If you get bored feeding the birds, or otherwise move, the birds will parish because they will forget how to obtain food on their own."

His words hit me years later; not because of the birds, but because I finally figured out that's exactly what our government does to some of us: leave the feeder out year round.

Had we not had people to help, my Dad may have gotten a job and a place to live long before I was taken away after YEARS of living in the streets. I blame them, all of them. Everyone who gave us a place to stay for the night, or a meal, or some clothing they would otherwise throw away. I hope they burn in hell for eternity they extended my misery for years. Years. Until one mean asshole didn't help. He went to the police instead. That man is blessed. can't blame people who were only trying to help. I don't know them, but I'm sure their intention was not to do you ill will.

They say never give homeless people anything of value. They will only use your gift for drugs or alcohol making their plight even worse. If you want to help them out, give to some organization designed to really help those people. But you know, sometimes I just can't help myself. I never give them cash, but I give them the pop cans I save in my truck or bolts that I find in back of my trailer. We haul for a lot of bolt companies and that crap spills all over because they overfill the pans. I just pick them up and put them in a bag for when I"m downtown and homeless people are trying to collect anything metal to turn in for cash.

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