This Is the Kind Of Thing That Makes Me Like GW


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Somehow I don't think we'll be seeing this in MSM:

Bush's reading list
by Yehudit on April 1, 2006 12:01 AM

Below is an email from Lisa Ramaci, widow of murdered journalist Steven Vincent March 26, 2006 (posted with permission):

In my mail yesterday was a note:

March 16, 2006

Dear Lisa,

I recently finished Steven's book In the Red Zone. I enjoyed Steve's insights. I appreciate his courage, his sense of history, and his strong stand against tyranny.

I know you miss Steve. May the good Lord bless you and comfort you -


George Bush

It's on White House letterhead, and is completely handwritten.

I went to Times Square today to see Steven's name on the Reuters news zipper honoring all of the journalists slain in Iraq; I have attached a few below. not all of them have his name but I wanted you to see some of the photos they were using to highlight the scroll. Unfortunately I had to stand across the street to get these shots, so his name appears relatively small on photos 1 and 13. but still, it's a great honor:

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