This is the fly swarm the liberals promised


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
She can't lose
She lost
That can't be
We are unglued

Russia, Comey, taxes,son in law, Flynn........
Swat them down one by one but always more to replace them
Trump implementing great things but constant back seat to the fly swarm
This was their vow, to disrupt his efforts to govern

At some point he just has to refuse to play along and just decline to further participate in proving himself innocent from this emotion driven drivel
The law gives him no choice, mr. flyswarm.

You can put up all your defenses and have them swatted down.
You Benghazi bitches reap what you sow .

We should have said "screw you" to the families of those Americans killed over there. What right they have to demand any answers or accountability for the way their family members were slaughtered after trying to get reinforcements and help?
All of the Benghazi questions have been answered.

That the Alt Right can no longer use those sacrifices in a bad way is a good thing.
You Benghazi bitches reap what you sow .

We should have said "screw you" to the families of those Americans killed over there. What right they have to demand any answers or accountability for the way their family members were slaughtered after trying to get reinforcements and help?
You paraded the dead around for political gain. You abused their memory. 8 investigations later, and you're still trying to squeeze some political points off of those poor people. You're pathetic.
You Benghazi bitches reap what you sow .

We should have said "screw you" to the families of those Americans killed over there. What right they have to demand any answers or accountability for the way their family members were slaughtered after trying to get reinforcements and help?
You paraded the dead around for political gain. You abused their memory. 8 investigations later, and you're still trying to squeeze some political points off of those poor people. You're pathetic.

Try selling that spin shit to the families of those killed.
You Benghazi bitches reap what you sow .

We should have said "screw you" to the families of those Americans killed over there. What right they have to demand any answers or accountability for the way their family members were slaughtered after trying to get reinforcements and help?
You paraded the dead around for political gain. You abused their memory. 8 investigations later, and you're still trying to squeeze some political points off of those poor people. You're pathetic.

Try selling that spin shit to the families of those killed.
That's not spin. You've dug up Amb. Stevens dead body more times than Trump hit the golf course since January.
Liberals are acting like mean girls who weren't selected Prom Queen. It is an embarrassing display of petty, emotional nonsense.

In my opinion, its far worse than means girls....not more competent than teenage girls, mind you...but far more dangerous because the power of a single political party, even a failing one....united in jackboot lockstep with the New York Media...may well be insuperable.

Conservatives and Liberals alike look can look at the oft-posted Clinton Archipelago of votes by county on Trump V. Clinton...and see that this country is in deep trouble.

Lincoln said it best: A House divided against itself cannot stand.

We truly hate one another at this time.

It has been this bad only twice in our history.

1) When John Adams and his New England/New York Control Freaks got control of the Federal Government....the ones who for many generations have assured themselves that they are morally & intellectually superior to the rubes in the Heartland....they got control and passed the Sedition Acts...and used them to put people in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail! They put a man in jail who posted a placard on a pole that simply said "Down with Tyrants."

Is a principal reason Jefferson ran against Adams after only one term...and beat his ass... and one of his first acts in office was to pardon all those jailed by the Control Freaks/Political Correctness Crowd of the day, forefathers of today's Loons & Pinheads.

Then Jeffersonian, then Madison, then Monroe ruled with such wisdom and equity and competence that the period became known as The Era of Good Feeling...nobody educated in this current school system has ever heard of it.

Then there were the 1850's and we all know what came after that. (Well, actually an increasing number of people living in and being educated in this Country, legally or otherwise, don't know---nor do they give a shit as long as the Free Stuff keeps coming.)

We truly hate each other at this time.

We ought to learn something from Mr. Jefferson. It was in 2000 that they came out with a studied ranking of the most important men in the last Thousand Years. Jefferson was 1st in America and very near to top in the whole world, because the Jeffersonian Philosophy of combining Political Freedom with Merit and Hard Work...had built the greatest single country the Earth had ever seen.

He couldn't beat out Karl Marx or Mao Tse Dung or Che Guevara or Al Sharpton in the Clinton Archipelago just 17 years later.

Its the third great internal crisis of our history...because we truly hate each other right now.
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Liberals are acting like mean girls who weren't selected Prom Queen. It is an embarrassing display of petty, emotional nonsense.

In my opinion, its far worse than means girls....not more competent than teenage girls, mind you...but far more dangerous because the power of a single political party, even a failing one....united in jackboot lockstep with the New York Media...may well be insuperable.

Conservatives and Liberals alike look can look at the oft-posted Clinton Archipelago of votes by county on Trump V. Clinton...and see that this country is in deep trouble.

Lincoln said it best: A House divided against itself cannot stand.

We truly hate one another at this time.

It has been this bad only twice in our history.

1) When John Adams and his New England/New York Control Freaks got control of the Federal Government....the ones who for many generations have assured themselves that they are morally & intellectually superior to the rubes in the Heartland....they got control and passed the Sedition Acts...and used them to put people in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail! They put a man in jail who posted a placard on a pole that simply said "Down with Tyrants."

Is a principal reason Jefferson ran against Adams after only one term...and beat his ass... and one of his first acts in office was to pardon all those jailed by the Control Freaks/Political Correctness Crowd of the day, forefathers of today's Loons & Pinheads.

Then Jeffersonian, then Madison, then Monroe ruled with such wisdom and equity and competence that the period became known as The Era of Good Feeling...nobody educated in this current school system has ever heard of it.

Then there were the 1850's and we all know what came after that. (Well, actually an increasing number of people living in and being educated in this Country, legally or otherwise, don't know---nor do they give a shit as long as the Free Stuff keeps coming.)

We truly hate each other at this time.

We ought to learn something from Mr. Jefferson. It was in 2000 that they came out with a studied ranking of the most important men in the last Thousand Years. Jefferson was 1st in America and very near to top in the whole world, because the Jeffersonian Philosophy of combining Political Freedom with Merit and Hard Work...had built the greatest single country the Earth had ever seen.

He couldn't beat out Karl Marx or Mao Tse Dung or Che Guevara or Al Sharpton in the Clinton Archipelago just 17 years later.

Its the third great internal crisis of our history...because we truly hate each other right now.

Why on Earth do you assholes have to take a perfectly reasoned and logical post and then throw in horseshit like that?

It pisses me off so much to be a conservative and have to listed to a bunch of ignorant wannabees bash public education when most of a you: a) are likely products of that system, and b) have not darkened a school house door in the past two decades, if not longer.

Let's see some proof for that allegation, because I, being an educator have seen the actual curricula that is used in the vast majority of the U.S. schools. Have you? Of course not! You merely slap on your liberal look-alike mask and parrot what some other education basher know-nothing wants you to repeat.

Get off your parrot's perch, research what is being taught in your schools, and then whip your kid's ass when they don't learn it! It is being taught, but maybe your precious flowers "snowflakes-in-the-making" have been spending too much time on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook to get their lessons before going home and ditching their homework for more time on the XBox, or Playstation.

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