This Is Terrible...Just Awful....Please, BDog, Stop Going...

DT had the unemployment rate at 3.5% before the DEMPANIC!!!! crashed the country through bed wetter stupidity & grew the economy back at a much faster rate.

We have 6.5 million more working age people now than the last time we had the same rate.
We've only added 1.6 million net jobs since then.
Where are the other 4.9 million workers to get that rate? That's right, they aren't looking for work so they don't count. Why work when the govt pays you not to?
Lower labor participation rates & red states opening much earlier gaining jobs from pre-DEMPANIC!!!! levels while blue states that stayed in a fetal position have still not replaced those jobs.

We have had declining real wages for 2 straight years.
Pedo Joe has stifled the economy since day 1.

Let's Go Brandon!!

You were fed something on the innertubes, and in spite of not understanding it, you are capable of incoherently reflecting it.

What do you believe payroll data represents?
Biden and Dems jacked up the price of everything kicking the poor and working class right in the groin. Sky high inflation. Sky high interest rates. Dems jacking up the taxes on everything they can. Dems threatening even more taxes. Dems PUNISHMENT taxes. Dems double the budget of the IRS to go after low income households, already 5x more likely to be audited.
Biden and Dems jacked up the price of everything kicking the poor and working class right in the groin. Sky high inflation. Sky high interest rates. Dems jacking up the taxes on everything they can. Dems threatening even more taxes. Dems PUNISHMENT taxes. Dems double the budget of the IRS to go after low income households, already 5x more likely to be audited.
Given that you've offered no citations, or data, I will assume that these are things you've been told.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Nonfarm payrolls increased 236,000 after an upwardly revised 326,000 advance in February, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5% and monthly wages climbed 0.3%.

America urged Brandon to "Go!", and #19 hasn't looked back since..

Enjoy this now, before the thread is relocated to Quilting, or something.

Excellent news. The fed should raise interest rates a full percent at its next meeting
You were fed something on the innertubes, and in spite of not understanding it, you are capable of incoherently reflecting it.

I notice you didn't try to dispute the facts I showed that proves you don't understand real economics but you are a loyal Pravda parrot, comrade.
Big Brother approves of your ignorance.

You're attempt to deflect has failed again.
Pull your goalie, he's getting pantsed

Because I can make 5 times more by working.
You do realize there are still people that make considerably less than that, don't you? I mean, they're still there & growing under Dear Leaders direction.
Are lefties still concerned for the poor & vulnerable or is that just so 2012?

Thanks for pointing out that proggies really have no concern for those they consider lesser unless they offer a prime opportunity to virtue signal
I notice you didn't try to dispute the facts I showed that proves you don't understand real economics but you are a loyal Pravda parrot, comrade.
Big Brother approves of your ignorance.

You're attempt to deflect has failed again.
Pull your goalie, he's getting pantsed


Post Grifty's real GDP and avg monthly job gain numbers - pre-covid.
No one can file for unemployment after everyone used it up for the lockdowns. Of course "unemployment" is low. Its based on the number of monthly filings. You think this is a good fully employed economy? Are you fucking crazy?!!! :cuckoo:

He is.

Post Grifty's real GDP and avg monthly job gain numbers - pre-covid.
So compare the numbers from a pre-DEMPANIC!!! steadily growing economy with record numbers for prosperity for most Americans to a post-shutdown resurgence that moved much faster under DT than it has under the diaper dude?

Why don't we compare the speed of a plow horse with a thoroughbred while were at it?
The plow horse keeps chugging along getting the work done while thoroughbred is speeding along much faster even if a meat puppet jockey like Joe is holding it back from full potential.

Of course numbers should be higher now because we lowered the levels artificially but they aren't even at the growth levels that DT handed off to the fake resident.
So compare the numbers from a pre-DEMPANIC!!! steadily growing economy with record numbers for prosperity for most Americans to a post-shutdown resurgence that moved much faster under DT than it has under the diaper dude?

Why don't we compare the speed of a plow horse with a thoroughbred while were at it?
The plow horse keeps chugging along getting the work done while thoroughbred is speeding along much faster even if a meat puppet jockey like Joe is holding it back from full potential.

Of course numbers should be higher now because we lowered the levels artificially but they aren't even at the growth levels that DT handed off to the fake resident.
Just post the numbers.

Truth is, you have no idea where to look.

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