This is our country and we are the bosses


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Clint Eastwood is right. We are the bosses, this is our country and if Obama hasn't done the job then he needs to go. He can't blame it on Bush. He made promises to do the job, he failed and now he needs to go. That's just how it is. We don't have to accept failure.
I work for the space program. Obama introduced the private sector to the space program with great success so far.

what failure do you speak of? For me, and my profession, Obama is the clear choice.

Lets be honest here. Obama took over a hot mess, can we agree on that?
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I work for the space program. Obama introduced the private sector to the space program with great success so far.

what failure do you speak of? For me, and my profession, Obama is the clear choice.

Lets be honest here. Obama took over a hot mess, can we agree on that?

For the moment we can agree to disagree on NASA__

Mess is a relative term. I believe that the bailouts were largely orchestrated to make executives rich. However, I agree that the mortgage crisis was real. But what did he do to 'fix' it? House prices are way down (which is fine by me; but he gets no credit for it), median income is down $4K, Savings are depleted forty percent, gas has more than double, Obamacare has kept unemployment over 8 percent, food prices are higher, we're still in Afghanistan the debt is $5 trillion more, etc. I'm pretty fucking sure that none of that was Obama's 2008 platform.

In fact, you can watch his 08 campaign events with Clinton promising jobs like the '18 million he created.' You can see how he says if he doesn't get unemployment under 6 percent then he doesn't deserve a second term, you can see where he promises to cut the deficit by half by the end of his first term, you can see his promises to get out of Afghanistan, you can see how he advocated 'European gas prices.'

Why are you an apologist that wants to reward failure and lies?
I agree that the mortgage crisis was real.

fuckin A its real. We agree on that good sir. I hope our Govt learned to quit meddling in home ownership.

Im going to try and attempt to take politics out of this and share a personal story. I lost my father to lung cancer last November. My mom is still in great health however, the house I was raised in was far too big for one person. So, we had to sell it. The house was in Cocoa Beach FL, where the market was not very good but not the worst. I was able to sell the house at a profit and allow my mom to retire happily. Now, I cant give Obama credit for this but he has at least patched together things well enough to move my family forward in this fucked up economy.

I do understand people don't like him and that's fine. But for me, Obama is the man.
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I agree that the mortgage crisis was real.

fuckin A its real. We agree on that good sir. I hope our Govt learned to quit meddling in home ownership.

Im going to try and attempt to take politics out of this and share a personal story. I lost my father to lung cancer last November. My mom is still in great health however, the house I was raised in was far too big for one person. So, we had to sell it. The house was in Cocoa Beach FL, where the market was not very good but not the worst. I was able to sell the house at a profit and allow my mom to retire happily. Now, I cant give Obama credit for this but he has at least patched together things well enough to move my family forward in this fucked up economy.

I do understand people don't like him and that's fine. But for me, Obama is the man.

Obama hasn't done shit for the housing market though. It's really not a point of emphasis for me. I feel bad for people that got in at the wrong time and there are many lessons to be learned, but really coming back to Obama; I'm not giving him credit but I'm not giving him too much blame on the issue either (I cited a host of other issues).

Though, I do know that as Obamacare was in the works; part of the deal was something like a 3 percent commission on house sales that would go to medicare (to replace funds he was robbing for Obamacare). WTF!?!? So you're in the business of real estate and all of the sudden some asshole comes and says, I'm skimming an extra 3 percent of your income b/c I can.

I understand markets, and I know that it's ever so subtle realities like this that have a cummulative effect on the economy. Do you think that the laws of economics just stopped applying when he took office? Just because he has a nice smile, everything's supposed to be okay? Sorry, but he failed and there is no excuse for rewarding failure. You don't have to be partisan to realize that reality.
I agree that the mortgage crisis was real.

fuckin A its real. We agree on that good sir. I hope our Govt learned to quit meddling in home ownership.
I do understand people don't like him and that's fine. But for me, Obama is the man.
Obama is a puppet and the "crisis" was made in murka by a bunch of dumb fucks that aren't smart enough to live within their means.
The gov't didn't create crack rocks and meth labs either but murka is #1 in that respect too.
I agree that the mortgage crisis was real.

fuckin A its real. We agree on that good sir. I hope our Govt learned to quit meddling in home ownership.

Im going to try and attempt to take politics out of this and share a personal story. I lost my father to lung cancer last November. My mom is still in great health however, the house I was raised in was far too big for one person. So, we had to sell it. The house was in Cocoa Beach FL, where the market was not very good but not the worst. I was able to sell the house at a profit and allow my mom to retire happily. Now, I cant give Obama credit for this but he has at least patched together things well enough to move my family forward in this fucked up economy.

I do understand people don't like him and that's fine. But for me, Obama is the man.

Had Obama not pushed numerous programs to keep delinquent homeowners in their homes real estate prices would have been much higher by this point.
If this was the house you were raised in, that means it was probably purchased in the 1960s or 70s. I would certainly hope it sold for more than was paid for it. Not counting inflation, of course.
If you think "Obama is the man" on this basis, you are grossly deluded.

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