This country needs Glen Beck!


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
He bought passion, intelligence, historical perspective, and a human touch to the political debate. He also backed up all of his analysis with sources. I think the conservative movement has lost some steam with him having a lesser role in the media.
I miss the Glenn Beck Show that used to be on Fox every afternoon. The Five just plain and simply SUCKS.
He bought passion, intelligence, historical perspective, and a human touch to the political debate. He also backed up all of his analysis with sources. I think the conservative movement has lost some steam with him having a lesser role in the media.
He did?

Obviously we’re not thinking of the same Glenn Beck.

The Glenn Beck I’m thinking of was an ignorant, intolerant reactionary who contrived bizarre conspiracy theories devoid of fact or documented sources – much of his insanity was displayed on a chalkboard.

As for the ‘conservative movement’ losing steam, that has more to do with the fact more and more Americans are rejecting the idiocy of its dogma rather than the departure of Glenn Beck.
Earlier today some on the Right were talking about what a raging success he is now that he got canned from Fox.

He's still here! We don't need him.

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