This could prove to be enlightening for supporters of the prez.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

The act of one stupid cop does not mean the USA is bad
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

Too many blacks wont move off the liberal plantation and will continue to want free stuff from those who give them it. Those people who moved out of the liberal bastions of corruption(inner Cities) and have made a comfortable life for themselves, just arent black enough to vote for Joe the groper Biden. There are the blacks who are intelligent and moved away from the cities, and there are still a majority of stupid blacks who vote for the very people who keep them as slaves to the government.
KILMEADE: According to a Axios-Ipsos poll, 70 percent of white Americans say they trust the local police. Only 36 percent of African-Americans do. How do you attack that problem? How do you change things?

TRUMP: Well I think it's a very sad problem. As you know as a Republican I'm doing very well with African-Americans and with the vote with the -- in polls and everything -- especially I mean I haven't seen one very recently because you had the plague come in from China.

So that changed things up, but we had the best economy ever. We had the best numbers for African-American on employment and unemployment in history. Best homeownership -- best everything. We had the best numbers in everything -- not only African-American, but the African-American numbers were great.

KILMEADE: How do you handle the law enforcement part?

TRUMP: Well I think you have to get better.

KILMEADE: How do you handle the law enforcement part of this?

TRUMP: They have to get better than what they've been doing. I mean obviously that was a terrible thing. And I've spoken about it numerous times in various speeches.

And what's interesting is I spoke about it when we launched a very successful rocket -- a tremendous program that culminated on that day and obviously it goes on from there.

But I then made a speech and it was a speech about the rocket, and I devoted 25 percent of the speech probably to what happened -- or more -- to what happened with respect to George -- George Floyd, and it was -- and then you listen to this, he doesn't talk about George Floyd. The rocket went off, I then I made a speech, and I talked about George Floyd, but they said he didn't talk about George Floyd.

Half -- maybe even almost half of the speech, but a large portion of the speech was devoted exactly to that. And so, you know, with -- with the media you basically -- and basically no matter what you do, it's never going to be good enough. But the people understand it.

What say you?
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

Cultists have too much ego-investment in the object of their adoration to acknowledge reality.
Too many blacks wont move off the liberal plantation and will continue to want free stuff from those who give them it. are in the camp of people who think blacks are "shiftless and lazy." Got it.
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

/----/ It's not the president's job to get any ethnic group to trust the police. What a stupid concept, no wonder the president was thrown off guard.
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

So tell us exactly what 44 did to fix the problem? Oh that's right all he did was make it worse.
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

Funny how no Democrat can answer the questions either.

Have we heard any detailed plan to “reform” the police? Besides defunding and abolishing them? No, we haven’t.
I'd like you to indulge me for a few minutes and listen to a recitation of part of an interview Capt. Clorox gave with Brian Kilmeade on a talk radio show last week.

If you feel the interview has been unfairly edited and prefer to hear the whole thing you can use this link instead.
Once you are satisfied that the rambling, incoherent answers to the questions Kilmeade asked were not altered I'd simply like to ask, does this change your opinion of Trump?

The question did not seem confusing. Why the disjointed, off topic answer? What do Don's poll numbers with blacks have to do with articulating his plan to improve policing of the black community to restore trust?

Did it sound to you like he has a plan? If not, why? Do you think his time could have been better spent last Sunday working on a plan rather than playing golf?

Does it appear to you that he can not differentiate (or is unwilling to) between the economic standing of black Americans (for which he dubiously takes credit) and the issue of how to improve relations between them and the police?

Moreover, is it ever okay to acknowledge any weakness or shortcoming Don has? Does acknowledging a shortcoming make you think differently about him? Is it important to you that he maintains a veneer of infallibility? Because those answers came from a deeply flawed man.

So tell us exactly what 44 did to fix the problem? Oh that's right all he did was make it worse.

TRUMP: They have to get better than what they've been doing. I mean obviously that was a terrible thing. And I've spoken about it numerous times in various speeches.

And what's interesting is I spoke about it when we launched a very successful rocket -- a tremendous program that culminated on that day and obviously it goes on from there.

But I then made a speech and it was a speech about the rocket, and I devoted 25 percent of the speech probably to what happened -- or more -- to what happened with respect to George -- George Floyd, and it was -- and then you listen to this, he doesn't talk about George Floyd. The rocket went off, I then I made a speech, and I talked about George Floyd, but they said he didn't talk about George Floyd.

Half -- maybe even almost half of the speech, but a large portion of the speech was devoted exactly to that. And so, you know, with -- with the media you basically -- and basically no matter what you do, it's never going to be good enough. But the people understand it.
Does this give you confidence in Trump?
You folks sure do run when asked a clear and direct question about the guy.

Understandable, of course.

Run from what ?

Once again (and typically), the OP starts out with some kind of standard that has not been agreed to.

Trump has always answered that way.

We should turn on him because he is "deeply flawed" ?

Says who ?

He gave an what ?

Now comes the fun part (which is so fun to watch).

The OP will be triggered when people don't bow to his POV.

He will mock and critisize those who have a different opinion. He will throw a fit, claiming some kind of high ground.

And what is more funny is his "you can't argue the facts" bullshit. There are no facts to be discerned from the interview. You can walk away with an OPINION, but there are no facts here in terms of being flawed.

So, in reality, he wants to argue an opinion with is POV being the standard.

Typical left winger.
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It's not the president's job to get any ethnic group to trust the police.
Any prez, besides Don, would rightly view a systemic societal problem he/she could contribute in fixing to be their role as prez to try. That not being obvious to you is part of what makes you a Trumpleton.
/----/ So what did Obzo do to increase Black trust with the police? Actually it's higher now than in 2016. (Who was president in 2016?)
The Racial Confidence Gap in Police Performance | Pew ...
The Racial Confidence Gap in Police Performance
When the survey asked about how police around the country are doing in these specific areas, Americans' views are less positive overall, but the wide racial gaps remain. 3 For example, 52% of whites say police around the country are doing a good or excellent job of using the right amount of force for each situation, compared with 21% of blacks.
From the Kilmeade interview 2020 Only 36 percent of African-Americans do. How do you attack that problem? How do you change things?
So tell us exactly what 44 did to fix the problem?
"Obama grappled with police brutality against minorities as president, including in Ferguson, Missouri, where clashes broke out after the death of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old. After Brown’s death, Obama’s Justice Department moved to enact broad policing reforms, though most were halted under the Trump administration."

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