This could get interesting


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
New Mexico governor to sheriffs: Enforce gun law or resign

Sheriffs response. “We don't work for the governor, we don't work for the Legislature,” he said. “We work for the people that elected us into office.”

Why is it control freaks implement thought policing into their make up? Yes, most laws are predicated on what if.

I'd like to say, Mr./Mrs/Ms control freak, use your head for something other than holding your ears apart.
The SC will strike the law down when it gets there. The easiest way to stop these insane laws that seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights is to VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE!
New Mexico governor to sheriffs: Enforce gun law or resign

Sheriffs response. “We don't work for the governor, we don't work for the Legislature,” he said. “We work for the people that elected us into office.”

Why is it control freaks implement thought policing into their make up? Yes, most laws are predicated on what if.

I'd like to say, Mr./Mrs/Ms control freak, use your head for something other than holding your ears apart.

We seem to be seeing the separation or reconstruction of our nation from the local, county and state level upward. While it's a given few credible historians or political science majors would or could predict a second civil war or a full blown revolution and retain their academic credibility—one that changes the fundamental nature of our government from constitutional to something else—that very sort of transformation seems to be happening regardless and right before our eyes on a state by state, city by city, county by county process. So far we've seen sanctuary cities and states led by mayors and governors who refuse to follow federal law or any constitutional law or process, and now we're watching as individual city and state and even county level government deviate in some way from the common rule of law. So it seems our great nation is rotting, putrefying, bit by bit and from the inside out.
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We seem to be seeing the separation or reconstruction of our nation from the local, county and state level upward. While it's a given few credible historians or political science majors would or could predict a second civil war or a full blown revolution and retain their academic credibility—one that changes the fundamental nature of our government from constitutional to something else—that very sort of transformation seems to be happening regardless and right before our eyes on a state by state, city by city, county by county process. So far we've seen sanctuary cities and states led by mayors and governors who refuse to follow federal law or any constitutional law or process, and now we're watching as individual city and state and even county level government deviate in some way from the common rule of law. So it seems our great nation is rotting, putrifying, bit by bit and from the inside out.

Sure ---- it's creeping secession. Not whole states one after the other as in 1860--61 but town by town, county by county. The Left started it with their refusal to cooperate with federal immigration laws, and now the right is doing it against 2nd Amendment encroachment.
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The SC will strike the law down when it gets there. The easiest way to stop these insane laws that seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights is to VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE!
Unalienable rights pre-date the constitution. Inalienable rights 'granted' by the 14th amendment (the ratification of being questionable) can be stripped. Unalienable rights were given protection by the constitution and being inherent can only be restricted, or ignored, not stripped- Republicans are as guilty as Democrats in ignoring unalienable, constitutionally protected rights- can you say Homeland Security Act which eviscerates the 4th amendment? Or, Asset Forfeiture for the unconstitutional war on drugs? Same destination, different rate of descent.
The SC will strike the law down when it gets there. The easiest way to stop these insane laws that seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights is to VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE!
Unalienable rights pre-date the constitution. Inalienable rights 'granted' by the 14th amendment (the ratification of being questionable) can be stripped. Unalienable rights were given protection by the constitution and being inherent can only be restricted, or ignored, not stripped- Republicans are as guilty as Democrats in ignoring unalienable, constitutionally protected rights- can you say Homeland Security Act which eviscerates the 4th amendment? Or, Asset Forfeiture for the unconstitutional war on drugs? Same destination, different rate of descent.
There are many leftists who pose as conservatives. Ryan, Romney, Kasich, Bush (all of them), McCain, the government is full of them and they need to be voted out.
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There are many leftists who pose as conservatives
Conservatives (of the day) stood with the King of Britain- classical liberals stood with the founders- bastardized word definitions have bastardized words mean things.
To conserve is to keep- in todays political vernacular that is status quo - guess who votes for status quo? ALL Republicans (except three currently that I know of) in the District of Criminals who subscribe to borrow to spend- even in today's world that is NOT fiscally conservative by any stretch of the imagination, which Republicans in the District of Criminals claim to be - and they vote to extend the unconstitutional wars (foreign and domestic)- even though they spend money made from thin air and waste our most precious resource- life. Yeah, vote for the status quo- red, white and blue blinders are free - except nothing is free, just ask bernie- free is unencumbered-

None the less, my assertions stand, as stated- unalienable rights cannot be stripped- inalienable rights can.
Speaking of stripping of grants and privileges- can members of the cabal in the District of Criminals be stripped of their 'granted power'?

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