This bullshit with Iran is escalating too fast.

Barry was partially known for admittedly violating both Constitution and Rule of Law, neither of which he allowed to get in the way of him doing whatever he wanted to do.

Before forcing his own personal DACA Edict into existence Barry himself declared just because he was frustrated at the fact that Congress - his own who held control of both the House and US Senate - could / would not pass DACA into law did not give him the ability to affect existing immigration law. In fact, Barry admitted he did not have the Constitutional authority to bypass Congress and do so....and then he did it anyway.

Barry also did not have the Constitutional authority to bypass Congress to negotiate is own personal TREATY with Iran...yet that is exactly what he did.

Bypassing Congress, Barry negotiated his own TREATY, and he did so from a humiliating and dangerous position of WEAKNESS. As shown earlier utilizing numerous links and analysis from both Liberals and Conservatives, Barry allowed the Iranians to dictate the terms, the demands, and the optics.

As Barry sat at the negotiating table, Iran's military conducted extremely publicized military drills practicing attacking mock US aircraft carriers while Iran's top general mocked Barry, declaring Barry was desperate to get a deal done with Iran as part of his 'legacy'. He declared that the destruction of the US was Iran's goal. Barry ignored the comments and remained at the table, refusing to respond, making him look weak.

As Barry sat at the negotiating table, the Shah led publicly televised chants by thousands of Iranians of 'Death To America'. Again, despite the leader of Iran calling for the death of the US, Barry remained at the table, continuing to make him look weak and desperate to get a deal done.

As Barry sat at the negotiating table, UN inspectors reported Iran was already violating the temporary nuclear deal conditions put in place and agreed upon...before the deal had been done and before Barry signed it. Despite evidence that Iran had no intention of adhering to any condition or agreement in the personal TREATY Obama was negotiating, Barry remained at the table and eventually signed it anyway.Again, Barry looked desperate to get a deal signed, even if Iran had no intention of honoring it.

Finally, Barry refused to demand that the release of Americans by Iran be part of the deal. Both Barry and his team revealed later that Barry was AFRAID Iran would walk away rom the table if he asked for the return of US hostages be part of the deal. AFRAID?! This was perhaps, behind discovery that Iran was already violating the treaty and doing nothing bout it, the 2nd biggest tell-tale sign that Barry was negotiating from a position of WEAKNESS. He would later pay a hefty ransom to Iran for the release of the hostages.)

The release of US hostages, un-announced nuclear inspections by UN investigators at ALL sites, to include military installations...all of these and more could have - SHOULD have - been part of any deal negotiated, but instead Barry gave Iran just about everything they wanted while not demanding even the most basic of requests in return.

Bypassing Congress AGAIN, once the TREATY was signed Barry raced straight to the UN with his UN-Constitutional treaty to have the UN / WORLD ratify it before the US Congress could even read it.

Barry cut a deal with an enemy of the United States while that enemy was calling for the destruction of the United States, while its military was conducting military training to destroy US aircraft carriers and kill US military personnel, and while they were caught violating the terms of the deal before the deal had even been signed ... bypassed Congress to do so ... and refused to allow Congress to read his deal before he presented it to the United Nations as a TREATY negotiated between the United States and Iran, which it was NOT. It was a TREATY / DEAL negotiated between Barak Hussein Obama and Iran.

The judicial Branch of the United States has already ruled that President Trump had every Constitutional Authority to withdraw from such treaty. Much like everything else Barry negotiated and accomplished in issues that involved terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, and enemies of the united States, his personal treaty with Iran benefitted IRAN. The negotiations were meaningless in stopping / delaying the advancing of their nuclear arms program, they had won the PR 'war' by making the US /President Obama look weak and desperate, they got everything they wanted, and we did not even get US hostages being held by Iran released as part of the deal. Barry ended up paying a ransom to Iran in the middle of the night later.
A non-treaty which looks like it received 42 votes in the Senate.
Which gave Iran billions and lifted restrictions on their economy, allowing them to continue to support terrorism and continue their nuclear program.

Except it was nothing of the sort. It was an agreement that Congress authorized Obama to negotiate. It would have required 62 votes to reject.

The Billions rightfully belonged to Iran, and lifting restrictions on the economy was in exchange for them allowing inspections of a nuclear program they have every right to have.

In the case of Iran, that's the only thing we want them using for power.

Who is "We". The Six-Party agreement was signed off by most of the world's major economies... Trump tore up a perfectly good treaty because the Black Man did it.

And until Trump murdered one of their top guys, they were still complying with it.
Seized assets are just that, seized. They don't ever get returned. Still funny how you leftist will give away our countrymen to defend and illegal action by an individual. Clinton, Obammy, Biden, and Clinton. But Trump did something you can't actually find and he's the orangemanbad guy. Simply amazing. Fact, that money was used to build weapons and technology used against our countrymen. You're all assholes for supporting that action and flipping off the families of all the Iraq and Afghanistan american family member deaths.

I totally disagree with the seized assets but let set aside that for right now.

1. So Trump violating the Iran nuclear agreement is the right move?

2. Killing one lousy Iranian is worth it in exchange for all these troubles and crisis? We just yanks 3,000 US soldiers and sent to ME, 3 Americans just got killed in Kenya and Iraq is kicking us out.

3. ME conflict is very complex. So did your boi Trump made ME better or worse or we are in the brink of war?

From what we know here at home and people from foreign countries Trump is a corrupted bad person total joke. That’s a fact.
So Trump violating the Iran nuclear agreement is the right move?

what violation? he pulled out. you must have missed that.

BTW, that was a campaign promise. he kept it. I find that honorable.
We killed a guy that was responsible for thousands of deaths good riddance
Awfully convenient, wasn't it?
Yep. Looks like wag the dog...big time.

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.
A non-treaty which looks like it received 42 votes in the Senate.
Which gave Iran billions and lifted restrictions on their economy, allowing them to continue to support terrorism and continue their nuclear program.

Except it was nothing of the sort. It was an agreement that Congress authorized Obama to negotiate. It would have required 62 votes to reject.

The Billions rightfully belonged to Iran, and lifting restrictions on the economy was in exchange for them allowing inspections of a nuclear program they have every right to have.

In the case of Iran, that's the only thing we want them using for power.

Who is "We". The Six-Party agreement was signed off by most of the world's major economies... Trump tore up a perfectly good treaty because the Black Man did it.

And until Trump murdered one of their top guys, they were still complying with it.
Seized assets are just that, seized. They don't ever get returned. Still funny how you leftist will give away our countrymen to defend and illegal action by an individual. Clinton, Obammy, Biden, and Clinton. But Trump did something you can't actually find and he's the orangemanbad guy. Simply amazing. Fact, that money was used to build weapons and technology used against our countrymen. You're all assholes for supporting that action and flipping off the families of all the Iraq and Afghanistan american family member deaths.

I totally disagree with the seized assets but let set aside that for right now.

1. So Trump violating the Iran nuclear agreement is the right move?

2. Killing one lousy Iranian is worth it in exchange for all these troubles and crisis? We just yanks 3,000 US soldiers and sent to ME, 3 Americans just got killed in Kenya and Iraq is kicking us out.

3. ME conflict is very complex. So did your boi Trump made ME better or worse or we are in the brink of war?

From what we know here at home and people from foreign countries Trump is a corrupted bad person total joke. That’s a fact.
Killing one lousy Iranian is worth it in exchange for all these troubles and crisis? We just yanks 3,000 US soldiers and sent to ME, 3 Americans just got killed in Kenya and Iraq is kicking us out.

Troubles and crisis?

That's like saying he escalated a confrontation that's now almost 20 years old, right? too fking funny the ignorant that was in your statement. Oh and BTW, yes that dude dead is great for the world. they want global dominance. They said so this morning.

he tried to pull troops out of Syria and you all lost your private parts. If you weren't such a fking hypocrite, you'd be a hypocrite.
Awfully convenient, wasn't it?
Yep. Looks like wag the dog...big time.

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.
it's all that is needed.

The level of anti-American, US-enemy-sympathizing we have just witnessed and continue to witness from the far extreme leftist liberal progressive socialist Democrats and snowflakes after the President of the United States ordered the airstrike against the leader of a terrorist Iranian Organization following the murder of an American citizen abroad and the storming of a US compound is almost unprecedented!

After his death from a US drone strike there were people throughput the Middle east CHEERING his death and CELEBRATING, holding up signs THANKING the United States for killing this POS!

The ONLY ones angry about it, the only ones condemning the United States, were literally the evil, villainous Iranian Regime, terrorist surrogate groups throughout the Middle East who took their orders from this POS, anti-American Leftist Hollywood extremists, deranged TDS-suffering Democrat politicians, Joe 'I-Have-Been-Wrong-About-Every-Foreign-Policy-Issue' Biden, and butt-hurt, Trump-hating, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, Dem talking point-parroting snowflakes@!

This guy was evil-incarnate, responsible for countless deaths of men, women, and children, US military, and civilians for DECADES. He was the leader of a terrorist organization...and what does the US do to terrorists leaders, what have we done for decades now? Identify them, target them, and kill them. This has not been a problem with Democrats all this time...until it was THIS terrorist leader.
Awfully convenient, wasn't it?
Yep. Looks like wag the dog...big time.

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.
Yep. Looks like wag the dog...big time.

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.
anti american fucking jackass, if you don't mind me saying.
Pelosi and the Democrats are probably most pissed at the fact that this POS TERRORIST LEADER being killed exposed the fact that, despite the Left claiming 'Trump is playing checkers' while the Democrats are playing 'chess' was ASS-BACKWARDS! It was TRUMP who has been playing CHESS while the Democrats have been playing 'checkers!

President Trump played them...and they let him do it.

MONDAY, APRILL 22, 2019: 'Trump Designates The IRGC A Terror Org'
- Trump Designates The IRGC A Terror Org - Frontpagemag

The posts in this thread and others prove that some snowflakes have STILL not gotten the significance of this act by President Trump - Nancy Pelosi sure signaled she sure as hell had no clue what just happened by complaining that the President did not notify her before the strike - hopefully someone has explained it to her.

When Trump declared the IRCG a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION it made the leader of the IRCG a 'TERRORIST LEADER', much like the 'whose turn is it now' Al Qaeda or ISIS leader.

Let's forget for a second that the President of the United States is also the Commander and Chief of the US military and that the Separation of Powers / Constitutional gives the President to conduct military attacks without notifying beforehand and / or without getting the permission of Congress beforehand, conducting precision military strikes targeting and killing TERRORIST LEADERS has been going on for a LONG TIME. In fact, Barry publicly bragged about having his own personal Drone Assassination Program where HE approved all targets on the list and HE gave the approval to strike / kill terrorists.
-- Leftists, Democrats, and snowflakes did not get as dementedly pissed as they have after killing this vile terrorist when Barry was violating the rights of Americans abroad when he was targeting and killing AMERICANS with drone strikes. They were perfectly fine with killing US citizens with drone strikes...because Barry was doing it...but lthey ost their minds, openly publicly voiced their support for this terrorist regime / enemy of the US after this strike.

Naming the IRCG a terrorist organization a terrorist group was a 'genius' move, one not even Pelosi would oppose. It made the leader of the IRCG a 'terrorist leader', gave Trump the authority to take him out any time he wanted to, and allowed Trump to strike Iran's #1 General without it being an act of war that required him to notify Congress before doing it or having to ask their permission.

A Day Late And A Dollar Short.....

Someone must have told Pelosi 'WTF just happened' - she now realizes what / how Trump pulled off what he did, and she now seeks to pass legislation taking away his authority to do so again.....

Let that sink in.....

The Speaker of the House, after rushing an un-warranted Impeachment through the House to remove the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, is now attempting to strip the US President of certain powers to PROTECT TERRORIST LEADERS...

The President has her looking more and more like a traitor and a terrorist / enemy of the US SYMPATHIZER...and all he has had to do was exercise the powers afforded to him by the Constitution and sit back and let the Democrats self-destruct...


Obama uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs silent.
Trump uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs outraged.

Fuck liberals.
Yep. Looks like wag the dog...big time.

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.

Yes. You’re a simpleton. You can’t think with nuance or consider the consequences of actions. You’re a moron.
Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.

Yes. You’re a simpleton. You can’t think with nuance or consider the consequences of actions. You’re a moron.

I know the consequence of INACTION. 600 dead Americans.

Now go suck Obama's dick.
Really? Trumps approval rating has gone UP because of the fake ass impeachment. Why would he give a rats ass about it?
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.

Yes. You’re a simpleton. You can’t think with nuance or consider the consequences of actions. You’re a moron.
they did when they ordered the hit. they said, we can't have any more americans dying at the hands of this evil prick, and boom, he's gone. Seems reasonable to me. I supposed you wanted more americans dead as usual.
Obama uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs silent.
Trump uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs outraged.

Fuck liberals.

Dumbass. This man is a high ranking military and political figure in a sovereign state. He’s not a simple terrorist. Had Trump droned some idiot Hezbollah guy you’d get nobody arguing the wisdom of the action. Moron. You can’t think in depth so you think in simple terms like this.
My guess is he got hosed by the neocons he has hired. It makes no sense to cowardly murder the general, who beat ISIS and the US aligned with to do just that. Thus inflaming the ME and exposing Americans to harm.

Could it be the left is right? Donnie has lost his mind.

It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.

Yes. You’re a simpleton. You can’t think with nuance or consider the consequences of actions. You’re a moron.

I know the consequence of INACTION. 600 dead Americans.

Now go suck Obama's dick.

Trump waited 3 years. Why? Inaction?
Obama uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs silent.
Trump uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs outraged.

Fuck liberals.

Dumbass. This man is a high ranking military and political figure in a sovereign state. He’s not a simple terrorist. Had Trump droned some idiot Hezbollah guy you’d get nobody arguing the wisdom of the action. Moron. You can’t think in depth so you think in simple terms like this.

I don't care about his rank. Killing 600 Americans is reason enough to take out. Him being a high ranking official only makes the death even sweeter. It doesn't protect his life. Fucking anti american jackass. Why don't you just fucking leave you stupid fucking dipshit?
Obama uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs silent.
Trump uses drones to attack terrorists without congressional permission---Libs outraged.

Fuck liberals.

Dumbass. This man is a high ranking military and political figure in a sovereign state. He’s not a simple terrorist. Had Trump droned some idiot Hezbollah guy you’d get nobody arguing the wisdom of the action. Moron. You can’t think in depth so you think in simple terms like this.
who declared war on the US Embassy in Iraq. He lost. your issue is what?

BTW, I supposed I presume you knew that the US Embassy in Iraq was under attack. No? ahhhh maybe that's why you're so surprised the guy that ordered that attack got taken out in Iraq. Where his target was.

BTW, traveling in the battlezone of your enemy isn't always a good thing.
It doesn't matter that he beat ISIS. That was a "partnership of opportunity." Nothing more. He killed 600 fucking Americans dude. Why are you defending killing this son of a bitch? If you hate America so fucking much don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

That is the argument of a simpleton.

600 dead Americans is "simpleton" to you?

You know what? Fuck you you fucking jackass.

Yes. You’re a simpleton. You can’t think with nuance or consider the consequences of actions. You’re a moron.

I know the consequence of INACTION. 600 dead Americans.

Now go suck Obama's dick.

Trump waited 3 years. Why? Inaction?

Obama waited 8 and did nothing. REAL INACTION.

Not only is killing 600 Americans reason enough to kill him, attacking our Embassy is an act of war. They wanted war, they got it.

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