This Before And After Image Of Afghanistan Is Hard To Believe


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Geoffrey Ingersoll

This image of Afghanistan might be hard to wrap your head around, but it's totally accurate. Prior to three-plus decades of war, Afghanistan, and Kabul in particular, had a pretty solid set up, one that westerners would often visit.

Sadly, the image on the right is likely to remain a reality for the foreseeable future.


Read more: Before And After Afghanistan Image - Business Insider
The place might be totally destroyed, but a least we get a say in the Opium Poppy Production which rose from 10% of world production to 80% after our arrival right?

That's what our Boys are dying for. :(
It is amazing! The book, The Kite Runner, tells the story of earlier days, so well...The poor people...having to move from a civilized society to one of constant war...What do the children know of life, except these wars? Imagine growing up with Post-Traumatic Stress syndrome as a part of life...

Thank You.....
I heard they stopped public executions for adultery (only women of course) in the Kabul stadium. Real bummer, huh?
I think death row inmates in the US should be executed in Public. In fact, there's too much caring about "how they suffer" in my opinion.

I think the victims families should have a say in how the Convicted is Executed too.

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