They're STILL Lying to You

Most likely a Republican made this to make the Democrats look like they did this.

The issue is how Congress failed to protect the public.

"Most likely" we don't know who created it. "Most likely" it was created by an idiot who likes watching Republicans and Democrats throw shit at each other for no other reason than it is entertaining.

The issue is why anyone thinks Congress is supposed to 'protect the public'. I don't need no fucking politician to protect me. I need them to stand back while I protect myself.

Oh, but we DO know who made it. Not the specific individual, but "we" do know the website. I guess anyone who can't figure out how to "get there" without an active link might be clueless, but the rest of us do.

Now, can someone help ME??? I want to get to drudge, but as you can see, the link doesn't work!!! HOW DO I GET THERE????


The only "source" I can see is you. As far as I am concerned, this could be your own creation.... unless you provide the link - as you are required to do under the rules of this board. So link it.
No. I see, at least the majority of posters, aren't capable of much. I won't waste my time.

I will continue to post for those who can think. The rest of you are on your own.

In other words, you don't have a link. You made this up to flame people.
Most likely a Republican made this to make the Democrats look like they did this.

The issue is how Congress failed to protect the public.

Congress failed to protect the public?
That is like saying that the sanitation deprtment failed to put the fire out.

I dont get it where some of you actually see our lawmakers as more than they really are. They are an extension of us...nothing more....we aske them to represent our sentiments....nothing more......they do as we ask them to do....nothing more.

Some of you see them as our puppeteers and we are the puppets.

If anything, it is the other way around.
Of course, dimwits want people to believe that he is a repub. They will lie to get that point out, it is expected from the idiots, dimwits have been lying to the American people for years.

Yep... loved the Communist Manifesto, was an Atheist and believed Bush was behind 9/11. Must be a conservative.
The OP has been caught out as a bullshitter. I despise people on either side who deliberately lie to make their political opponents look bad. As he refuses to provide a source, we are at liberty to label him a liar.

Pisses me off when anyone lies for political point scoring.
I haven't heard of this.

No one has. Because it doesn't exist. It's been created by the OP as a deliberate lie. Note, he refuses to provide a source - a requirement of posting on this board. Intelligent posters - of any political view - will see the OP as a liar. His time on the board will be short - and painful. Liars never last long in this forum. They get humiliated and run away.
I haven't heard of this.

No one has. Because it doesn't exist. It's been created by the OP as a deliberate lie. Note, he refuses to provide a source - a requirement of posting on this board. Intelligent posters - of any political view - will see the OP as a liar. His time on the board will be short - and painful. Liars never last long in this forum. They get humiliated and run away.

You may be correct.

But on the flip side....300 million Americans....I would be surpirsed if someone did not ALREADY make this thing up and put it on the interent.
Dont know who they are. But people do lie. Not saying it's right but It's not like it's a shocking event.
I haven't heard of this.

No one has. Because it doesn't exist. It's been created by the OP as a deliberate lie. Note, he refuses to provide a source - a requirement of posting on this board. Intelligent posters - of any political view - will see the OP as a liar. His time on the board will be short - and painful. Liars never last long in this forum. They get humiliated and run away.

Nah.. look at Sheman and Shintao.
I haven't heard of this.

No one has. Because it doesn't exist. It's been created by the OP as a deliberate lie. Note, he refuses to provide a source - a requirement of posting on this board. Intelligent posters - of any political view - will see the OP as a liar. His time on the board will be short - and painful. Liars never last long in this forum. They get humiliated and run away.

Nah.. look at Sheman and Shintao.

I don't usually read their shit at all. Few people do, as I understand it. But the OP refuses to link to his source. What does that tell us? It tells me there is no source. The guy lied. His choice. But you know what this board is like, people remember this shit. His credibility is shot.
I haven't heard of this.

No one has. Because it doesn't exist. It's been created by the OP as a deliberate lie. Note, he refuses to provide a source - a requirement of posting on this board. Intelligent posters - of any political view - will see the OP as a liar. His time on the board will be short - and painful. Liars never last long in this forum. They get humiliated and run away.

Nah.. look at Sheman and Shintao.

They like the abuse though. And it's not like people can't quickly figure out just how full of crap they are.

Shamans color by the numbers post tend to go unread b/c people don't want to take that much time figuring out what he posted.
But honestly, who cares if he is a republican, democrat or independent??? It doesn't matter at all, because we do know he's crazy and that's what is key here. None of that other bullshit.

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