‘They know how it’s done’: Turkey violated Greek airspace 2,244 times in 2014 alone


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I believe Turkey shot down the Russian plane because Putin stepped up the action against ISIS refineries and shipments of crude.

It was a set up.

And Turkey is now also looking like complete hypocrites considering he's harassing Greece.

Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times in 2014; Erdogan’s Son, ISIS Oil Smuggler
November 26, 2015 eClinik Learning 3 Comments
NATO is just paying lip service to Erdogan’s provocation against Russia. Everyone else is condemning the 17-second executive decision to shoot down the anti-terrorist Russian warplane.

The Erdogan government is now exposed for its double standard regarding airspace incursions as its own air force is also accused of intruding into Greek airspace 40 times a day!

‘They know how it’s done’: Turkey violated Greek airspace 2,244 times in 2014 alone
Turkish claims that the downed Russian Su-24 jet “violated” its airspace have sparked outrage among Greeks, who took to social media to say it is a clear-cut case of double standards as Turkish jets breached Greek airspace 2,244 times in 2014 alone.

Turkish claims that the downed Russian Su-24 jet “violated” its airspace have sparked outrage among Greeks, who took to social media to say it is a clear-cut case of double standards as Turkish jets breached Greek airspace 2,244 times in 2014 alone.

They wondered what would happen if Greece had authorized engagement of Turkish aircraft, which breach the country’s borders on a regular basis.

Turkey violating Greece Airspace 40 times a day @tpel78 @TouchMyTweets @JohnJwso @ArRuple Cable: 05ATHENS1505_a pic.twitter.com/XBXyDyQGBA

— Aud رمز (@CodeAud) November 25, 2015

#Turkey has been violating #Cyprus for 41 years, #Greece airspace 15 times daily. No problem? @NATO @WhiteHouse pic.twitter.com/O6rE1YNFNA

— Harry Theocharous (@TheocharousH) November 25, 2015

On Wednesday, the Protothema newspaper released the numbers of breaches saying the Turkish Air Force is usually reluctant to share any details when it comes to such violations.

The newspaper quoted University of Thessaly statistics based on the Greek military’s count – there were 2,244 violations in 2014, an increase from 636 in 2013.

“The Turks are trying to enforce sovereignty over disputed islands and bring Greece to the negotiating table,” Thanos Dokos, the director general of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, told the Politico news website in July. “What’s worrying are the low-altitude flights, often by helicopters, over these islands.”

More at link:

Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times in 2014; Erdogan’s Son, ISIS Oil Smuggler
Erdogan wanted a fight with Russia. But not the one he got

Russia says it has proof that Erdogan's son has been buying ISIS oil. That's a direct funding of ISIS. If they have the proof, things are going to get really really hot in the ME.

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