They are at it again, spreading fear and hysteria and promoting lockdowns as a cure


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
What SECOND WAVE? The states that have opened up aren't seeing any sort of thing, and there's millions upon millions of people that are now immune.

This lockdown is the demtards plan, and the longer they can make it last and the worse they can hurt America's economy, the more they'll try and blame president Trump. They've tried every other moronic and corrupt thing to get rid of president Trump, and this is just another one of their fucked up ideas. Anything GOOD for America is BAD for democrats.

Well, once again, the DUMBASS plan by democrats is BACK FIRING. People are sick of it, and they see who's doing it.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755

OH MY GAWD.......WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!


See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755

OH MY GAWD.......WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep, that's what they want you to believe. Problem is, the survival rate is 99%+.

There's not a democrat alive you can trust.
Lockdowns and mitigation were never meant as a cure for C-19. They have always been meant as tools for reducing the spread of C-19 and preventing unnecessary deaths. The debate is about defining "Acceptable Casualties" and what sacrifices and costs should be incurred for keeping those casualties as minimal as possible.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
You know, the only way we can really get a handle on this thing is to have everyone get tested so we can identify who has it, who has the antibodies, and who is still at risk. Until then? We have no good way of fighting it.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
The thread premise is ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

The issue concerns the spread of the virus by healthy individuals to those vulnerable.

This can be mitigated by healthy individuals following the health and safety guidelines recommended by the CDC.

What’s obvious is this is more whining from the right about the necessary, proper, and Constitutional health and safety guidelines because conservatives perceive such appropriate measures as a threat to Trump’s reelection bid and jeopardizing the GOP’s control of the Senate.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
It would definitely be better. Cuomo might even get on board next time.
You know, the only way we can really get a handle on this thing is to have everyone get tested so we can identify who has it, who has the antibodies, and who is still at risk. Until then? We have no good way of fighting it.

This. Let's face it. You can't shut the economy down indefinitely and contrary to Trump supporters and right wingers, no one on the left wants to see that. But at the same time, since people generally (mostly on the right wing) can't be trusted to do the right thing, you are going to see the virus spring up again. You're already beginning to see it in several states. And don't get me started on states like GA and FL who have fudged their numbers. Whether there is a second shutdown necessary is anyone's guess. Like I said, if people could be expected to do the right thing like wear a mask when you're out or when it's not possible to stay 6 feet apart, continue to socially distance (even at places like beaches), practice cleanliness, and stay the bleep home if you're feeling sick. Opening back up wouldn't be a big deal....but there are a lot of "patriots" out there that I don't trust to be civil and mindful when it comes to treating your fellow American with respect.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
SMH Cuomo was putting known infected patients into nursing homes to free up hospitals beds that were never at full capacity.
Thousands died in the nursing homes.
You know, the only way we can really get a handle on this thing is to have everyone get tested so we can identify who has it, who has the antibodies, and who is still at risk. Until then? We have no good way of fighting it.
Testing will not really tell you who has it. The best answer is who has it at the moment they are tested. They could get it in the next 30 minutes.
Well at least we are being warned. Then those who choose to avoid participating in the economy can stay hunkered down. I cannot think of a loser in this scenario. Those who have ant to go out go out. Those who don't, don't. Everyone wins big time.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
SMH Cuomo was putting known infected patients into nursing homes to free up hospitals beds that were never at full capacity.
Thousands died in the nursing homes.
That’s false. Hospitals surged bed availability by around 50% and were well over that during the peak. Keeping any institutionalized patient inpatient would have required an additional surge well beyond anyone’s capabilities.
Well at least we are being warned. Then those who choose to avoid participating in the economy can stay hunkered down. I cannot think of a loser in this scenario. Those who have ant to go out go out. Those who don't, don't. Everyone wins big time.

Again, venturing out shouldn't be a big deal if you take the time to consider your fellow human being and try and do the right thing. Wear a mask, keep socially distant, practice cleanliness...and above all, keep your tendency to be a dick at home. I'm sorry. If people could have been trusted to do the right thing from the get go...maybe we don't have to shut down the economy in full.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
SMH Cuomo was putting known infected patients into nursing homes to free up hospitals beds that were never at full capacity.
Thousands died in the nursing homes.
That’s false. Hospitals surged bed availability by around 50% and were well over that during the peak. Keeping any institutionalized patient inpatient would have required an additional surge well beyond anyone’s capabilities.
During the peak they had 1000 beds in a convention center not being used and a military ship that wasn't being used.
Having said that, do you believe that it was a prudent thing to do as to put infected patients into nursing homes
with the aged? Please use some common sense before you answer.
Cuomo just last week ended that practice and even stated that it was a bad idea.
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
SMH Cuomo was putting known infected patients into nursing homes to free up hospitals beds that were never at full capacity.
Thousands died in the nursing homes.
That’s false. Hospitals surged bed availability by around 50% and were well over that during the peak. Keeping any institutionalized patient inpatient would have required an additional surge well beyond anyone’s capabilities.
During the peak they had 1000 beds in a convention center not being used and a military ship that wasn't being used.
Having said that, do you believe that it was a prudent thing to do as to put infected patients into nursing homes
with the aged? Please use some common sense before you answer.
Cuomo just last week ended that practice and even stated that it was a bad idea.

Yes he did. Refreshing wasn’t it?
See: CDC chief issues stark warning on possible second wave and more lockdowns as global cases top 5 million


”As the world reached 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said he can’t guarantee whether a second round of lockdowns is coming as a possible second wave of the virus looms.”

So, instead of offering a common sense and logical approach to a possible second wave ___ protecting those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus, namely the elderly, and more specifically those with underlying medical conditions, which account for the vast majority of deaths due to the virus, and allowing the rest of our population to go about its business ___ the evil doers at the CDC promote a remedy which knowingly will cause more harm to the American people and its vital economic base.

Is it not obvious by now we have a Fifth Column movement in the United States whose mission is to weaken and destroy America’s economic base, and make its population totally dependent upon government for its economic needs?


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
I am sure you would rather just be surprised so you could say, "Well I'll be damned, never saw that coming." Guess we will see if one comes or not and if it does, how it will be handled.
Just keep it away from the nursing homes this time, and it'll be fine.
Basically impossible. Nursing homes are staffed by people who are going to be exposed to the virus much more frequently when social distancing goes away.
SMH Cuomo was putting known infected patients into nursing homes to free up hospitals beds that were never at full capacity.
Thousands died in the nursing homes.
That’s false. Hospitals surged bed availability by around 50% and were well over that during the peak. Keeping any institutionalized patient inpatient would have required an additional surge well beyond anyone’s capabilities.
During the peak they had 1000 beds in a convention center not being used and a military ship that wasn't being used.
Having said that, do you believe that it was a prudent thing to do as to put infected patients into nursing homes
with the aged? Please use some common sense before you answer.
Cuomo just last week ended that practice and even stated that it was a bad idea.

The military ship is not a nursing home and neither is the convention center. They’re makeshift field hospitals.

I think nursing homes need to be able to isolate patients who are ill. Do you disagree?

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