"They ALL knew and they let this go on for FOUR years !"

Would make a better prez than his blabbermouth old man....Only but very slightly, but better.
I thought you liked our president.
Not really...Though he provides me enormous entertainment by making the moonbat heads explode, he's not much but a sliver to the right of Bill Clinton.

While I distrust populists and disdain republicans, I utterly loathe Marxocrats....So the error you've made is easy to understand.
Jr. better hope Daddy's USSC conservatives come through on appointing him to a second term.

If they fail in this important task, the entire trump clan, Kushner included, will be forced into, quickly, relocating to a non-extradition country.

Jr. better hope Daddy's USSC conservatives come through on appointing him to a second term.

If they fail in this important task, the entire trump clan, Kushner included, will be forced into, quickly, relocating to a non-extradition country.


We'll let 'em relocate to Texas.
Don Jr has good reason to be upset when asked about the newly released

@ 5:45

Some of us knew it was a set up from the start....
the whole Russia hoax.

Democrats had to double down on their lies to protect themselves. They never gave the Trump Administration a chance to investigate the election crimes these people committed. You have to hand it to the Democrats, they are experts at the game. Never heard a thing from this FISA judge who was lied to either. Makes me wonder if he wasnt also in on the deception.
Don Jr. is greasy looking tool, and his girlfriend looks like a coke whore. Her perfomance at the RNC was creepy. He'll be in jail a long time after Daddy loses too.

Looks like.. looks like.. Some people are hung up on looks. Whats Junior going to jail for? taking money from the Chinese? the Ukraine government? Of course its so much easier for the Democrats to manufacture evidence when they are in full power. This is true. Anything is possible with those scumbags. They never saw a Russian operative they didn't like, ....who could make up stories so they could have high ranking government officials leak to the daily news
Democrats had to double down on their lies to protect themselves. They never gave the Trump Administration a chance to investigate the election crimes these people committed. You have to hand it to the Democrats, they are experts at the game. Never heard a thing from this FISA judge who was lied to either. Makes me wonder if he wasnt also in on the deception.
Speaking of judges, look who the president just appointed to the 'judicial oversight committee'.... ( whatever the fuck that is. Sounds important..)
Would make a better prez than his blabbermouth old man....Only but very slightly, but better.
I thought you liked our president.
Not really...Though he provides me enormous entertainment by making the moonbat heads explode, he's not much but a sliver to the right of Bill Clinton.

While I distrust populists and disdain republicans, I utterly loathe Marxocrats....So the error you've made is easy to understand.
My error was in pegging you as a Trump supporter, and now I see
you're just a far-right nut.
Don Jr. is greasy looking tool, and his girlfriend looks like a coke whore. Her perfomance at the RNC was creepy. He'll be in jail a long time after Daddy loses too.

Yep, I'm sure a coke head such as yourself would know what a coke head looks like.
Don Jr has good reason to be upset when asked about the newly released

@ 5:45

Some of us knew it was a set up from the start....
the whole Russia hoax.

That second video sure reminds me of Schiff.

Would make a better prez than his blabbermouth old man....Only but very slightly, but better.
I thought you liked our president.
Not really...Though he provides me enormous entertainment by making the moonbat heads explode, he's not much but a sliver to the right of Bill Clinton.

While I distrust populists and disdain republicans, I utterly loathe Marxocrats....So the error you've made is easy to understand.
My error was in pegging you as a Trump supporter, and now I see
you're just a far-right nut.
I'm as anti-statist as they come, goober.

Don Jr has good reason to be upset when asked about the newly released

@ 5:45

Some of us knew it was a set up from the start....
the whole Russia hoax.

Is that the same Don Jr who was sitting in Trump tower with representatives of the Russian government offering to help their campaign?
Don Jr. is greasy looking tool, and his girlfriend looks like a coke whore. Her perfomance at the RNC was creepy. He'll be in jail a long time after Daddy loses too.

Yep, I'm sure a coke head such as yourself would know what a coke head looks like.

I wouldn't have lived to the ripe old age of 71 and be living a happy retirement life if I had squandered my health, my wealth, or my life on coke. As a young adult in the 70's and 80's working and living in and around the entertainment industry (my first husband was a heavy metal musician), I saw and had access to a lot of drugs. There were drugs all around me but I took great care to avoid anything that would kill me, or which I could get addicted to, and I didn't hang out with people who did.

I have been around a lot of coke heads in my life, many of whom are dead now, including my younger brother. He managed to get off that shit long before he died, but he died young, and he died broke and alone because of his addictions.

Don Jr. is so reptilian and greasy looking he makes my skin crawl. His comments about the #MeToo movement were odious, at best. He has three daughters who he should be concerned about given that 1/3 women are raped at some time during their lives, and virtually all of us face sexual harassment, unwanted and persistent "advances", or have to fend off over agressive males, but his concern was all about how dangerous life would be for his sons, who might face false acccusations, or (*gasp), might get sued for bad behaviour. Boys will be boys, you know. Some father he is, but then look who raised him.

Yeah, I know exactly what a coke addict looks like.
Don Jr has good reason to be upset when asked about the newly released

@ 5:45

Some of us knew it was a set up from the start....
the whole Russia hoax.

And Obama and Biden stayed silent while multi-millions of taxpayer dollars was spent by the Dem House chasing ghosts!

No it was the Republican House who investigated Benghazi 6 times and found nothing who did that. The Mueller Investigation produced over $40 million dollars in fines, and over 100 charges, 9 convictions in total, so that's not "chasing ghosts". The House Investigation impeached the President, so that's not chasing ghosts.
No it was the Republican House who investigated Benghazi 6 times and found nothing who did that. The Mueller Investigation produced over $40 million dollars in fines, and over 100 charges, 9 convictions in total, so that's not "chasing ghosts". The House Investigation impeached the President, so that's not chasing ghosts.
U.S. District Court Royce Lamberth issued the order Monday in connection with a five-and-a-half-year-old Freedom of Information Act lawsuit the conservative group Judicial Watch filed seeking emails related to the deadly 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton was previously required to submit a sworn written statement about her email use, but the deposition—if it takes place—would be the first time she has had to submit to live questioning under oath on the subject.
Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap
Don Jr has good reason to be upset when asked about the newly released

@ 5:45

Some of us knew it was a set up from the start....
the whole Russia hoax.

And Obama and Biden stayed silent while multi-millions of taxpayer dollars was spent by the Dem House chasing ghosts!

No it was the Republican House who investigated Benghazi 6 times and found nothing who did that. The Mueller Investigation produced over $40 million dollars in fines, and over 100 charges, 9 convictions in total, so that's not "chasing ghosts". The House Investigation impeached the President, so that's not chasing ghosts.

You're so commie chink'ed out, it's ridiculous!

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