These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

Thing is, a poor person here can be diagnosed with cancer and get that treated here in this country. Over there where they are at, they have to save up money to come here and have their cancer treated for free.
THey can't believe it because useful idiots don't know anything else. Useful idiots want UNIVERSAL healthcare/ shitcare for the world that way you can like Veterans and rot in the hallways or get told here's two aspirin call me in a week when really you need a knee replacement YOUR ( Europes) HEALTH CARE SUCKS AND THE UN WANTS THE US TO HAVE THE SAME SHIT HOLE HEALTH CARE!!
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Brits are denied heathcare completely if they are accused of being racist or sexist

?U.K. Health Service to Deny Treatment to Patients Deemed Racist or Sexist

They have long waits for basic care. U.K.'s Healthcare Horror Stories Ought To Curb Dems' Enthusiasm For Single-Payer

Redirect Notice

Because of single payer medical providers are low paid so the field is unattractive.

Nope UK medicine is not better than here. Not unless you prefer pulling your own teeth.
Brits resort to pulling own teeth -
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

You should probably get a better plan.

My Aunt and my Cousin both worked for the Canadian healthcare system and said it totally sucked.
In fact we had a family friend stay at our house in Houston so he could get treatment at MD Anderson the best cancer hospital in the world because the Canadian system refused to treat him as he was "too far gone" That was ten years ago and he's still alive.

Met a couple from the UK while vacationing in Jamaica.
He had a cast on his right ankle. Asked him what happened.
He'd broke it four months ago and they slapped a cast on it and told him to come back in six months and they'd re break it and set it properly.

Anyone other than a destitute moron would accept that kind of care.
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

We do?
How much are you willing to pay for it?
Medical care in the UK is paid for by taxing the populace and industry. It isn't free by any stretch of the imagination.

People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

Well that's because they are looking at it from their perspective, where Brits are poor. Brits are in fact poorer than people here in the US. They give most of their money to government.

Well if you give most of your money to government, then yes $250 for an inhaler is an impossible cost to a Brit that is paid less than a US worker, and loses most of their money in taxes.

By the way, your prices are crazy high. $250 for an inhaler? Are you buying gold plated inhalers? My inhaler was $10. What in inhaler are you inhaling from?
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care cost

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.
Hard to believe that under Life Expectancy at Birth, The CIA World Fact Book lists:
Ranking Country age
39 United Kingdom 80.90 2018 est.
45 United States 80.10 2018 est

Especially with the United states having the best healthcare in the world.You would think that we were at least able to get up with:
Ranking Country age
7 Iceland 83.10 2018 est.
8.6% Iceland relative spending compared to economy (2015)
16.8% United States relative spending compared to economy (2015)

Relative Spending
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

Thing is, a poor person here can be diagnosed with cancer and get that treated here in this country. Over there where they are at, they have to save up money to come here and have their cancer treated for free.
Your post is factually inaccurate.
People in Great Britain find it literally unfathomable how much health care can cost in the United States. $250 for an inhaler? The young woman looks aghast.

“Man, so if you’re poor, you’re dead,” she says.

The same exasperation recurs again and again in this video from JOE, an online news site for young millennials in the UK and Ireland. $600 for an EpiPen? Unimaginable. $10,000 to give birth to your baby?! For a baby?!? $40 to have skin-to-skin contact with your newborn baby after you do?!?!?
These Brits literally cannot believe how much US health care costs

My wife and I are both 63, retired, and in good health. We get at $230 discount on our insurance because she was a former county employee. We pay $1,207 a month for a high deductible plan that essentially doesn't kick in until our out of pocket expense hits $9K. That is crazy. The country needs a public option to keep healthcare costs inflation down.

Thing is, a poor person here can be diagnosed with cancer and get that treated here in this country. Over there where they are at, they have to save up money to come here and have their cancer treated for free.
Your post is factually inaccurate.

No,it's not.
Viral video shows British people shocked as they guess costs of US health care

Democrats are panicking and hoping US voters don't see a viral video that shows British people appearing shocked at the cost in the United States for essential health care services like delivering a baby or purchasing an inhaler or an Epi Pen.

"The U.K.-based political news site JOE shared the video on Twitter Tuesday and it has garnered over 15 million views and more than 50,000 likes. It shows one person going up to multiple British people and asking how much they think essential health services might cost on the U.S. Another man was asked “Ambulance call out, how much do you think that costs?” “Zero payment,” the man responds. After the questioner revealed that receiving medical care in an ambulance can cost $2,500., the man responds "“For real?!?”

The questioner also asked one woman how much she thinks a single inhaler would cost. When the questioner told her it can cost $250 to $300 dollars, she responded “For an inhaler? Man, so if you’re poor you’re dead?”

Obamacare and the Democrats in general has basically made healthcare unaffordable for nearly everyone -- this was never a problem before.....and now the Dems want to do even more to make healthcare unaffordable?? When Trump decides to re-introduce his Trumpcare plan, and when people see how it guarantees low cost, high quality insurance to every American, he will easily win the election in a landslide -- every poll going back to 2018 shows that healthcare is among the top 3 issues that concerns voters, not Democrat tax cuts for the rich, and not Democrat financial deregulation that basically allows fat cats on Wallstreet to do whatever they want.....

Once Trumpcare is passed, you won't be paying 300 bucks for an inhaler, once Trumpcare is passed, ambulance service won't be $2000 bucks, once Trumpcare is passed, there won't be people being turned down for essential health care, just because of some pre-existing condition...I have no idea why Trump and the GOP are not talking about Trumpcare more.
This was discussed a few days ago. Never wonder why taxes are so high is the UK? Socialized medicine.

Of course healthcare costs are going to be lower in socialist countries like the UK: Healthcare is heavily subsidized by the taxpayers.
Medical care in the UK is paid for by taxing the populace and industry. It isn't free by any stretch of the imagination.
No it’s not free, but! It’s not expensive either, of course the more overtime I work the more I pay for it.
In my example on a 37.5 hour week I’d pay in the region of £60 National insurance (NI)
But if I work a 55 hour week it would probably (and has) gone up to £90 per week, of course this is nothing to what Americans fork out over a year..
For my annual usage I get free doctors appointment and consultation, in patient and out patient care with free medication as I’m over 60 yrs old, free eye care, (tests) free hospital procedures, and cheap dentistry
As with free doctors appointments I also get free blood testing, free’s endless!!
Medical care in the UK is paid for by taxing the populace and industry. It isn't free by any stretch of the imagination.
No it’s not free, but! It’s not expensive either, of course the more overtime I work the more I pay for it.
In my example on a 37.5 hour week I’d pay in the region of £60 National insurance (NI)
But if I work a 55 hour week it would probably (and has) gone up to £90 per week, of course this is nothing to what Americans fork out over a year..
For my annual usage I get free doctors appointment and consultation, in patient and out patient care with free medication as I’m over 60 yrs old, free eye care, (tests) free hospital procedures, and cheap dentistry
As with free doctors appointments I also get free blood testing, free’s endless!!

If someone else is paying for it, it's not, by definition, free. It's only free to you.

Like a casino, more people have to lose than win or the door close forever.
My wife and I are retired. My wife has a chronic health problem.

Combined it cost us about 5% of our income for excellent health care.

If I lived in the UK my taxes would be a lot higher than 5% of our income to cover the cost of substandard health care.

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