There's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs..we're moving in the right direction


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"There's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs"... and now "we're moving in the right direction"

That's right folks the same person, Joe Biden, the only guy in all of Washington DC who can stand next to Obama and not be the smarter one, made those two statements regrading the US economy

He first claimed that, after outspending the Iraq War in failed Stimulus, there's no way we can get the jobs back, and now during the recovery summer of falling home sales, "there no doubt we're moving in the right direction"

Do we want the Democrats to keep moving us in this direction?
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what a clown, the stimulus (which I opposed) added 4.5% to GDP. Please don't stop being a rightwing clown it's hillarious.
what a clown, the stimulus (which I opposed) added 4.5% to GDP. Please don't stop being a rightwing clown it's hillarious.

You know, government spending makes up part of GDP, right? So how is one-shot Stimulus Fund spending a good thing?
I didn't agree with it. That said, it's clownish to ignore the debt and Iraq and other crusades cost as if they were trivial. nice clowning
I didn't agree with it. That said, it's clownish to ignore the debt and Iraq and other crusades cost as if they were trivial. nice clowning

None of it is trivial.

My objection is that Republicans never seek to undo the Progressive spending jihad by eliminating government programs and departments
I didn't agree with it. That said, it's clownish to ignore the debt and Iraq and other crusades cost as if they were trivial. nice clowning

None of it is trivial.

My objection is that Republicans never seek to undo the Progressive spending jihad by eliminating government programs and departments

Well let's hope republicans win enough seats to cut them this time, if not at least enough to give us gridlock. It's comicle the only spending your against is liberal spending. I'm against all of it.:cool:
Bidenisms like Bushisms?
Biden always did have trouble keeping his foot out of his mouth.

Hes right those jobs are not coming back, we have to create new ones to replace them.

The economy we had was based on false pretenses and it should NEVER be the same type of economy again as we had under Bush.
"There's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs"... and now "we're moving in the right direction"

That's right folks the same person, Joe Biden, the only guy in all of Washington DC who can stand next to Obama and not be the smarter one, made those two statements regrading the US economy

He first claimed that, after outspending the Iraq War in failed Stimulus, there's no way we can get the jobs back, and now during the recovery summer of falling home sales, "there no doubt we're moving in the right direction"

Do we want the Democrats to keep moving us in this direction?

Obama spent more of our money on us than a stupid war? How dare he???!!!!!!!!

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