There Is Still Money to Be Made in Trumpery!


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
We're all here to play...
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Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.
We're all here to play...
View attachment 417899

Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.

At least none of Trump's sons smoked crack and fucked his own niece.
We're all here to play...
View attachment 417899

Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.

At least none of Trump's sons smoked crack and fucked his own niece.

Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.
We're all here to play...
View attachment 417899

Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.

True – a good con never grows old – and there’s a sucker born every minute; he usually votes Republican.
We're all here to play...
View attachment 417899

Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.

At least none of Trump's sons smoked crack and fucked his own niece.

Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.

Wanna watch the movies? I'll send you the link if you like.

That's your future president's son.
And then we have Rudy the Ghoul. He is demanding $20K a DAY to manage Trump's election challenges.

Grab what you can while ya can huh Rudy
And then we have Rudy the Ghoul. He is demanding $20K a DAY to manage Trump's election challenges.

Grab what you can while ya can huh Rudy
Rudy Toot Toot is actually earning his recompense.

He is hilarious!
yo schmegma, the money's in China... why are you fucking around with this penny ante shit?

You can sell the country for billions and rape 10-year old Chinese girls for sport.... don't sell yourself short.
And then we have Rudy the Ghoul. He is demanding $20K a DAY to manage Trump's election challenges.

Grab what you can while ya can huh Rudy
Yeah, Rudy makes in a day what you make in 3 years. But HE'S the chump.


Fucking idiot.
yo schmegma, the money's in China... why are you fucking around with this penny ante shit?

You can sell the country for billions and rape 10-year old Chinese girls for sport.... don't sell yourself short.
Was that meant for Rudy?
And then we have Rudy the Ghoul. He is demanding $20K a DAY to manage Trump's election challenges.

Grab what you can while ya can huh Rudy
Yeah, Rudy makes in a day what you make in 3 years. But HE'S the chump.


Fucking idiot.
Being a grifter is hard work right? Asshole
We're all here to play...
View attachment 417899

Some profit-minded folks like Bam Bam Bannon discovered early on the he could fleece the fatuous faithful by convincing the credulous cretins that they could impersonate Mexico and cough up their hard-earned shekels for the reality tv performer's highly-touted "big, beautiful wall" that he promised Mexico would pay for.
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon indicted on fraud charges
(Steve Bannon was arrested on Chinese billionaire's $28M yacht)

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has been indicted on charges he defrauded donors to a $25 million campaign to build a border wall, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Thursday.

Bannon and others are accused of ripping off donations to the “We Build the Wall” GoFundMe fundraiser that was launched in December 2018.

Actually, if Trump had ever achieved his fanciful erection of which he continually boasted, it would have been a boon to Mexico's Olympic pole vault team, and a windfall for Pedro's Shovel Shop in Tijuana.

Then, when it might have been reasonably assumed that the suckers had learned their lesson, the whiny boy himself fleeces the flatulent fatuous by the pretense that he was hard up for the wherewithal to retain his legions of lawyers getting their tender tushies tossed out of court rooms across the land.

Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story:
Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.
Other Trump fundraising pitches in recent days ask for help to “protect the integrity of this election” but lead to a donation page for Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” committee. The fine print on those solicitations says 60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging
As far-right media entrepreneurs seize on Trump’s fraud claims to build new audiences,
a former Secret Service agent rises to the front of the pack.

[Dan] Bongino... is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While Trump’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer-thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world...

[H]e has found a lucrative role to play in the increasingly segregated, angry internet, where different audiences rarely interact, or even see each other’s content...

For an hour each weekday, he rails against mask mandates, probes the latest news on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and, in recent days, offers highly dubious spins on alleged irregularities and unusual voting patterns in the 2020 election...

Bongino said in an interview that, though he repeatedly highlights accounts of questionable votes and possible ballot harvesting, “I make very clear on the show, I’m not saying it’s fraud.” But he isn’t above raising questions about the vote for days on end — and there’s a booming market for such stories.

Peddling crackpot conspiracies, dunce caps, and other trumpy paraphernalia promises to be a bountiful source of revenue for con artists long after their inspiration has had his big, flabby butt extracted from the People's house.

There's a trumpy delivered by an Amazon stork every minute.

Saty scared sweetheart.
And then we have Rudy the Ghoul. He is demanding $20K a DAY to manage Trump's election challenges.

Grab what you can while ya can huh Rudy
Yeah, Rudy makes in a day what you make in 3 years. But HE'S the chump.


Fucking idiot.
Being a grifter is hard work right? Asshole

Grifting is tough duty, but somebody's gotta do it.
Besides, Donald is down to his last lawyer and Rudy needs implants to replace all his lower teeth! :cool:

You forgot to mention Joe Biden's crack smoking son pulling down big money for doing nothing but
being Joe Biden's beloved niece screwing son.
And a good chunk of what Hunter was paid went straight into poppa's pockets. Those many dream homes in Delaware don't buy themselves, you know!

I only brought this inconvenient truth all up only to balance out this asinine thread.
You all have an insatiable appetite for hate and ridicule. See why you are all so twisted up
inside, where it counts.
You forgot to mention Joe Biden's crack smoking son pulling down big money for doing nothing but
being Joe Biden's beloved niece screwing son.
And a good chunk of what Hunter was paid went straight into poppa's pockets. Those many dream homes in Delaware don't buy themselves, you know!

I only brought this inconvenient truth all up only to balance out this asinine thread.
You all have an insatiable appetite for hate and ridicule. See why you are all so twisted up
inside, where it counts.
Hunted fucked the dead brother's widow for a couple years, presumably with the full approval of the vegetable and his Visiting Angel, Jill. The sister-in-law put a stop to it with a text saying he is no longer welcome in her home due to "inappropriate behavior" with her 14-year old daughter.

I suppose smoking crack with your 14-year naked niece is over the line... even in the village of delaware.
Hunted fucked the dead brother's widow for a couple years, presumably with the full approval of the vegetable and his Visiting Angel, Jill. The sister-in-law put a stop to it with a text saying he is no longer welcome in her home due to "inappropriate behavior" with her 14-year old daughter.

I suppose smoking crack with your 14-year naked niece is over the line... even in the village of delaware.
What an insight into the Biden house. Joe and the smartest person he knows...his whoring crack smoking
son. Where is the uproar over the naked niece?

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