There Is No Separation Of Church And State


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
"… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our Constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.
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…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"

Let's go over your post veryyyyyy slowly....

According to government school valedictorian Mud, ......

...wait for it....

.....the writers if the Constitution......

.....were unconstitutional.

I do so appreciate when mud posts if opposition to my posts, and provides the Liberal's answer.
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…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

See, here's the real problem, Mikey.......he isn't lying: the Progressives have done this much damage to the mentality of so very many that the survival of America is in grave doubt.

…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

See, here's the real problem, Mikey.......he isn't lying: the Progressives have done this much damage to the mentality of so very many that the survival of America is in grave doubt.

SO they really are that stupid.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

See, here's the real problem, Mikey.......he isn't lying: the Progressives have done this much damage to the mentality of so very many that the survival of America is in grave doubt.

SO they really are that stupid.

They are very lazy people: they don't read books, or do their own research, or question their elites. All they want is to be part of the matter what it costs them.

Consider.....they will defend folks like Hillary or Quid Pro Joe who got rich selling out their nation.....but, heck....they're Democrats....their team.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

"Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state."


right after you show me where in the constitution or bill of rights is says "The United States of America IS a CHRISTIAN NATION"

"The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll"

But she did mention them;

"5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal."

And MOST of the 10 commandments are, indeed, UNconstitutional.
6. This, from a recent speech by Attorney General Barr:

“From the Founding Era onward, there was strong consensus about the centrality of religious liberty in the United States.

The imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety. It reflects the Framers’ belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government.

In his renowned 1785 pamphlet, “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments,” James Madison described religious liberty as “a right towards men” but “a duty towards the Creator,” and a “duty….precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.

How does religion promote the moral discipline and virtue needed to support free government?

First, it gives us the right rules to live by. The Founding generation were Christians. They believed that the Judeo-Christian moral system corresponds to the true nature of man. Those moral precepts start with the two great commandments – to Love God with your whole heart, soul, and mind; and to Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.”
America’s great experiment with freedom needs religion

Does following the proscription of our Founders make us a better nation, or a worse one? America was founded as a religious nation, the Soviet Union as an atheistic one. The results of each are clear and evident.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
"… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our Constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.
Of course there is

Our founders wanted it that way and the courts have affirmed it

Only conservative nut jobs feel differently
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

"Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state."


right after you show me where in the constitution or bill of rights is says "The United States of America IS a CHRISTIAN NATION"

"The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll"

But she did mention them;

"5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal."

And MOST of the 10 commandments are, indeed, UNconstitutional.
No surprise that you can't show where it says that ya brain washed troll, because it doesn't. As far as the rest of your bullshit, I never said anything about a christian nation.
Yea but it's like the right to a fair trial. The constitution doesnt actually say that, but it sets it up for the accused to have one.
The first amendment does this to the concept of "separation if church and state" as well.
What I mean by that is, the govt cannot mandate religious dogma or doctrine.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.

MOST of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

and we DO have separation of church and state.

our government is secular
our laws are MOSTLY based on logic and reason, NOT any church or religion.

non-religious people have the same rights and privileges as any religious person. say "no separation of church and state"

I notice you didn't tell the WHOLE truth...

you managed (you are good at misleading and deceiving) to say "no separation of church and state" when what you REALLY mean is "our country IS a CHRISTIAN NATION and ONLY CHRISTIANS have rights."

Because you certainly DO BELIEVE that the ISLAMIC church is "separate from the state". Just like you believe NO church has any part of our country or government other than YOUR church.

And of course, in tune with your desire to establish a christian theocracy here you will obviously implement laws against ......well.....everybody on your list of enemies!.

"we are a christian nation! only christians can run for public office!
only christians can teach in schools, only christians can serve in the military, only christians can vote"

gays will be outlawed
atheism will be banned
feminists, liberals, democrats will be given a short period to "convert" but after that will begin the systematic process of eliminating freedom, free speech and ultimately making the USA a carbon copy russia.

Every time you post "there is no separation of church and state" you are declaring;

"I MUST WIN and MY ENEMIES MUST LOSE! I can NOT live a country where we all have the same rights!"
Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state. Liar. The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll.

"Show me in the constitution or the bill of rights where it says ANYTHING about separation of church and state."


right after you show me where in the constitution or bill of rights is says "The United States of America IS a CHRISTIAN NATION"

"The OP is not talking about the ten commandments troll"

But she did mention them;

"5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal."

And MOST of the 10 commandments are, indeed, UNconstitutional.

Do you know that there is a clear reference to Jesus in the Constitution....and four references to God in the Declaration?

Of course you don't.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
"… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our Constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.
Of course there is

Our founders wanted it that way and the courts have affirmed it

Only conservative nut jobs feel differently
Again liar, show me where it says it.
Yea but it's like the right to a fair trial. The constitution doesnt actually say that, but it sets it up for the accused to have one.
The first amendment does this to the concept of "separation if church and state" as well.
What I mean by that is, the govt cannot mandate religious dogma or doctrine.
My understanding is that the government cannot have a government religion or tell us what religion to practice.
Yea but it's like the right to a fair trial. The constitution doesnt actually say that, but it sets it up for the accused to have one.
The first amendment does this to the concept of "separation if church and state" as well.
What I mean by that is, the govt cannot mandate religious dogma or doctrine.
My understanding is that the government cannot have a government religion or tell us what religion to practice.
It does. But the establishment clause also means it cannot set up laws to help any religion.
Part of the three pronged test over a statute is if it neither advances nor inhibits a religion.
Justice Black, appointed by FDR, wrote the majority decision that created the "separation church/state" in the late 40's. Black was also a KKK member who hated Papists among other ethnic groups. The intent was to stop the proliferation of religious based (mostly Catholic) schools. There is no mention of Church/State in the Constitution and democrats relied on an obscure letter by Jefferson. Through the years mostly democrats expanded the concept to the point that a kid can get arrested for carrying a Bible to school and small municipalities would be threatened with law suits that would bankrupt them if they dared put a Christmas tree on public property while federal hypocrites make a point of placing the biggest tree they can find on federal property every year.
Yea but it's like the right to a fair trial. The constitution doesnt actually say that, but it sets it up for the accused to have one.
The first amendment does this to the concept of "separation if church and state" as well.
What I mean by that is, the govt cannot mandate religious dogma or doctrine.
My understanding is that the government cannot have a government religion or tell us what religion to practice.

That is exactly what the first amendment states.

In no way does is deny the influence of religion as a guide, nor prevent any citizen from having a religion....any religion....or none at all.
The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.
FDR the globalist and his commie lesbo wife were enamored with Uncle Joe and the emerging Soviet Union. ... :cool:

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse." Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

When one begins to consider FDR's 'Russia Uber Alles' policy, evidence form KGB archived, opened in 1991, and the Venona Papers, sheds dispositive light on the reasons for said policy.

Was FDR a dupe of Soviet influence?

No doubt.

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