Therapists nationwide see wave of "Trump Anxiety Disorder" in patients

grainbely said:
Breaking moral norms isn't a good thing.
Norms Are Fluid

And Who Am I To Say A Solipsist's Morality
Isn't Equally Valid As My Own

Or A Cannibal's
Or A Pair Of Dogs Doing You-Know-What Out In The Yard

Don't Judge Them
It`s hard to understand how people can`t warm up to president pussy grabber who spits on POWs and mocks the handicapped.

It's really not hard to understand at all, Augie, this is, if you don't have your head and shoulders screwed up your own ass with bullshit like you do.

Obviously, with winning 30 of the states, 306 electoral votes and many former Obama and democrat voters, it's not hard to understand warming up to a pussy-grabber when he never actually said he ever grabbed any pussies, just that the contestants WANTED and were WILLING to let their pussies be grabbed in order to win a contest! Especially when the electorate warmed up to serial RAPIST, SEXUAL ASSAULTIST, and very likely murderer in the likes of Bill Clinton, who was not only surrounded with a number of unexplained and suspicious deaths and "suicides," but had an apparent Chinese agent in his wings funneling military and technological secrets to the Chinese back in the 90s in exchange for financial and other favors! But I guess you just blow all of that right in one ear and out the other cause there's nothing in the middle to stop it.

And no, it's not hard to imagine not warming up to a president just because he DIDN'T spit on any "POWs," just one person who was a loser and a very bad senator who also just happened to have been a POW a long, long time ago! You'd have us think Trump "spits on all POWs" just because of McCain, funny that never stopped you from tearing GW Bush limb from limb even though he had a more extensive military career, or maybe you think anyone who just happens to screw up and get shot down is now exempt from all examination and criticism no matter what the rest of their life? Oh, yeah-- -- only when it serves your lopsided agenda.

And lastly, we will be more than happy to warm up to a president who tells it like it really is for a REFRESHING CHANGE who has NEVER "mocked the handicap" but made fun of one guy who had it coming because he was a total lying ass just like you.
MaryL said:
Is that like blame Obama or Clinton unhinged stupid people complex? I am seeing parallels here.
Totally The Same


Mental Dissonance Of Liberal Equivalence

Karp, let's not stoop to their level by using fake pictures. Those shirts were photoshopped on. No need to make up crap about the Obamas.
toobfreak said:
Karp, let's not stoop to their level by using fake pictures. Those shirts were photoshopped on. No need to make up crap about the Obamas.
If You Can Show Me The Original
I'll Stop Using It
"There is a fear of the world ending," she said. "It's very disorienting and constantly unsettling."
Maybe They Should Get A Hobby
Like Building Boats, Or Something...

I Don't Think Crayons And Coloring Books Are Helping
Liberals and the anti trump crowd were deranged in the first place. This just shows how ill equipped they are to deal with reality.
It's a completely psychosomatic hell of their own making. I'm glad they're suffering and I've never seen such a glaring case of creatures deliberately bringing suffering on themselves with TDS. They're their own worst enemies.

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