Theories, experiences, etc. w/UFO's/Ghosts


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
I get an interesting read when people discuss these topics, so maybe you've got a story or stories you'd like to share.

These can range from Government cover-up theories, to actual sightings yourselves. I'm also interested in Ghostly experiences if you've got them to share.

I have had a couple of ghost experiences, and have seen one object which was, I guess, unidentifiable.

I was shooting hoops in my friend's driveway, and across the street was a line of trees along the road. While we were playing, a disc-shaped flying device (cliche, huh?) flew from yonder and stopped in its tracks at the top of the trees; and immediately jetted back in the same direction it came from before it had stopped. We both saw it, my friend and I, but didn't talk about it to friends and stuff because we felt silly, like who'd ever believe us anyway. A couple days later he said his older brother told him he saw it before, too.

We were roughly 16 then; and about 8-years had passed when we were at a drinking party with a bunch of friends. One of us brought it up, and we were kind of feeling :cuckoo: asking "did we really see that." So a friend suggested we go into seperate rooms and draw it, and its course. We both drew almost identically the same picture.

I still feel :cuckoo: talking about it, but I shit you not.

I'll tell my ghostly experiences when I get another free few mins.

Please share.
I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship
I must live a sheltered life I have never seen a thing. Even when I was on the road for many miles driving at night, not a thing. And it ain't for lack of interest. I watch every UFO, Ancient Alien and unexplained mysteries that come on the tube. What pisses me off is that my one daughter knows this and came home to tell me she saw a UFO. I don't believe she would lead me on. She said it was triangular shaped with white lights. She just was lucky to be out at 3AM and looked up and saw it. She was at work at the time so I assume she was sober. Any way, when I merely ask about it she just says she saw an UFO and I am jealous. She's right but that isn't why I ask. I did ask why didn't she take a picture with her smart phone, that I believe, is permanently attached to her hand. She claims she left it in the building.
I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship

It is fairly well documented that the army came in and cleaned up the crash site.

But what you talk about might have been another craft which was being tested by the air force. My thinking that all the bat wing sightings is the government experimenting with Nazi flying wings. Which they perfected with the B1 and B2.
when I was in 6th grade I took a camping trip with my school.
they told us we would probably see satellites but I never did.

later I took a trip to my grandma's house in central California.
I was watching the sky while my family blah-blahed , still trying to see a satellite.

I spotted a light moving across the sky, about the same brightness as a star.
the GFO (government flying object) was moving in an unusual zig zag pattern,
like this /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ from south to north.

3 older members of my family saw it including my grandpa who was in his 80's at the time.
(he lived to be over 100)

because it was a reality, I dismissed it as a satellite.
it wasn't until years later when my mom said "satellites don't fly like that" that I really started to think about it.

unless satellites fly zig zag, we saw something unusual
when I was in 6th grade I took a camping trip with my school.
they told us we would probably see satellites but I never did.

later I took a trip to my grandma's house in central California.
I was watching the sky while my family blah-blahed , still trying to see a satellite.

I spotted a light moving across the sky, about the same brightness as a star.
the GFO (government flying object) was moving in an unusual zig zag pattern,
like this /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ from south to north.

3 older members of my family saw it including my grandpa who was in his 80's at the time.
(he lived to be over 100)

because it was a reality, I dismissed it as a satellite.
it wasn't until years later when my mom said "satellites don't fly like that" that I really started to think about it.

unless satellites fly zig zag, we saw something unusual

I always suspect "seeing lights." A formation of lights were seen from the International Space Station flying past. The atrounaught swore to it but no one else saw it and no camara caught the image. Then someone did some research and it was realize that what he must have saw was fishermen that use very bright lights traveling in formation. They appeared to be moving fast because of the rotation of the Earth.

So I am thinking that first UFO are not going to have lights, why would they? Second why would they be moving as you describe? I am not claiming to know of what you saw or didn't see. But the eyes and mind play tricks and who can know? We need photographic evidence in my opinion which seems to be lacking in this day and age of the smart phone.
I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship

this wing will fly

I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship

It is fairly well documented that the army came in and cleaned up the crash site.

But what you talk about might have been another craft which was being tested by the air force. My thinking that all the bat wing sightings is the government experimenting with Nazi flying wings. Which they perfected with the B1 and B2.
That would seem logical, but the gentleman
Who took the photos, said the craft was noiseless.
His name was William Rhodes, A noiseless, bat winged
craft in 1947, I don't think so.
I get an interesting read when people discuss these topics, so maybe you've got a story or stories you'd like to share.

These can range from Government cover-up theories, to actual sightings yourselves. I'm also interested in Ghostly experiences if you've got them to share.

I have had a couple of ghost experiences, and have seen one object which was, I guess, unidentifiable.

I was shooting hoops in my friend's driveway, and across the street was a line of trees along the road. While we were playing, a disc-shaped flying device (cliche, huh?) flew from yonder and stopped in its tracks at the top of the trees; and immediately jetted back in the same direction it came from before it had stopped. We both saw it, my friend and I, but didn't talk about it to friends and stuff because we felt silly, like who'd ever believe us anyway. A couple days later he said his older brother told him he saw it before, too.

We were roughly 16 then; and about 8-years had passed when we were at a drinking party with a bunch of friends. One of us brought it up, and we were kind of feeling :cuckoo: asking "did we really see that." So a friend suggested we go into seperate rooms and draw it, and its course. We both drew almost identically the same picture.

I still feel :cuckoo: talking about it, but I shit you not.

I'll tell my ghostly experiences when I get another free few mins.

Please share.

Have had a few sughtings I couldn't explain. The most dramatic one is also the most likely explainable ironically. Friend and I were walking home from his gf's late one night when a blueish basketball sized orb seemed to do a figure-8 around a streetlight. Though at the time we joked it was an alien probe, since then I've learned about ball lightning, geo-plasma phenomenae, and other more likely explanations. It's proximity to an electrical light only makes it more likely it was some kind of short, or other mundane thing.

Another occasion's harder to explain, but still my first thought isn't alien but 'exotic.' My grandma woke me up late one night to come see a UFO. She handed me her binoculars and directed me up into the partly cloudy nighttime sky to see. Wasn't lit by lights or anything, but something was there darker against the less-dark background. Despite looking at it was really up there so I couldn't discern shape or any features. All I can say for certain is something was there. Of course, I now know about power of suggestion and how an authority figure's suggestion of "come see the UFO" can make you see such a thing so I tend to discount it.

My impression of most every alledged UFO sighting is aliens must be really stupid. Obviously since not buzzing cities during daytime they don't want their presence known, yet at night their ships have bright unusual lights all over them?

I tend to not believe modern UFO accounts are of aliens. Mostly because since they seem to wanna remain covert, that wouldn't bode well for us. But since we're still here, it's implausible it's aliens.

Makes MORE sense that governments have perpetuated and fed the mythology deliberately. We naturally fear the unknown. If your enemy gets convinced aliens are real, and your government's recovered a crashed alien vessel, that's an awful lot of fear since you now possess alien technology and possibly weaponry.

The alternative, aliens are real but wish to remain covert means just bad things.
I get an interesting read when people discuss these topics, so maybe you've got a story or stories you'd like to share.

These can range from Government cover-up theories, to actual sightings yourselves. I'm also interested in Ghostly experiences if you've got them to share.

I have had a couple of ghost experiences, and have seen one object which was, I guess, unidentifiable.

I was shooting hoops in my friend's driveway, and across the street was a line of trees along the road. While we were playing, a disc-shaped flying device (cliche, huh?) flew from yonder and stopped in its tracks at the top of the trees; and immediately jetted back in the same direction it came from before it had stopped. We both saw it, my friend and I, but didn't talk about it to friends and stuff because we felt silly, like who'd ever believe us anyway. A couple days later he said his older brother told him he saw it before, too.

We were roughly 16 then; and about 8-years had passed when we were at a drinking party with a bunch of friends. One of us brought it up, and we were kind of feeling :cuckoo: asking "did we really see that." So a friend suggested we go into seperate rooms and draw it, and its course. We both drew almost identically the same picture.

I still feel :cuckoo: talking about it, but I shit you not.

I'll tell my ghostly experiences when I get another free few mins.

Please share.

Have had a few sughtings I couldn't explain. The most dramatic one is also the most likely explainable ironically. Friend and I were walking home from his gf's late one night when a blueish basketball sized orb seemed to do a figure-8 around a streetlight. Though at the time we joked it was an alien probe, since then I've learned about ball lightning, geo-plasma phenomenae, and other more likely explanations. It's proximity to an electrical light only makes it more likely it was some kind of short, or other mundane thing.

Another occasion's harder to explain, but still my first thought isn't alien but 'exotic.' My grandma woke me up late one night to come see a UFO. She handed me her binoculars and directed me up into the partly cloudy nighttime sky to see. Wasn't lit by lights or anything, but something was there darker against the less-dark background. Despite looking at it was really up there so I couldn't discern shape or any features. All I can say for certain is something was there. Of course, I now know about power of suggestion and how an authority figure's suggestion of "come see the UFO" can make you see such a thing so I tend to discount it.

My impression of most every alledged UFO sighting is aliens must be really stupid. Obviously since not buzzing cities during daytime they don't want their presence known, yet at night their ships have bright unusual lights all over them?

I tend to not believe modern UFO accounts are of aliens. Mostly because since they seem to wanna remain covert, that wouldn't bode well for us. But since we're still here, it's implausible it's aliens.

Makes MORE sense that governments have perpetuated and fed the mythology deliberately. We naturally fear the unknown. If your enemy gets convinced aliens are real, and your government's recovered a crashed alien vessel, that's an awful lot of fear since you now possess alien technology and possibly weaponry.

The alternative, aliens are real but wish to remain covert means just bad things.

My thinking is that if the aliens came as did Klaatu in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" we would react much like those people did. The military did overreact but the people just went and looked at them as curiosities. Besides couldn't Gort have just eliminated all the weapons?

I wouldn't be scared if aliens came. There wouldn't be much we could do about it so why be scared? The people who I think would be scared are those making millions of the UFO industry.
I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship

It is fairly well documented that the army came in and cleaned up the crash site.

But what you talk about might have been another craft which was being tested by the air force. My thinking that all the bat wing sightings is the government experimenting with Nazi flying wings. Which they perfected with the B1 and B2.
That would seem logical, but the gentleman
Who took the photos, said the craft was noiseless.
His name was William Rhodes, A noiseless, bat winged
craft in 1947, I don't think so.

Actually, being noiseless and a person hearing it are two different things. Why the assumption that any craft would be noiseless?
It is fairly well documented that the army came in and cleaned up the crash site.

But what you talk about might have been another craft which was being tested by the air force. My thinking that all the bat wing sightings is the government experimenting with Nazi flying wings. Which they perfected with the B1 and B2.
That would seem logical, but the gentleman
Who took the photos, said the craft was noiseless.
His name was William Rhodes, A noiseless, bat winged
craft in 1947, I don't think so.

Actually, being noiseless and a person hearing it are two different things. Why the assumption that any craft would be noiseless?

The 'flying wing' was jet powered - anything but noiseless.

Current speculation about triangle UFOs is a covert military 'blimp.' Apparently there's even a registered patent for one in the patent office records. That'd explain many 'silent' UFO sightings, but not ones where the things then accelerates away at unbelievable speeds. Of course, eyewitness accounts, especially of perceived UFOs are in fact the least reliable kind of evidence. Way our brains work and remember makes the witness' credibility moot.

I've yet to see video, film, or photos of UFOs I actually thought 'alien spacefraft.' Well, one. That STS-48 'earth limb/starlight' video of the thing making a 90 deg right turn and zooming away video. Assuming the video wasn't doctored, faked, and what you see is what really happened, there's aren't any terrestrial explainations for it. A 90 deg turn and rapid acceleration would kill an occupant. Unmanned maybe. Alien maybe.

What I find more interesting about that video though is the 'flash and shot' preceeding the UFO zooming away. Lasers would be invisible and move instantaneously so it wasn't a 'laser cannon' and afaik railguns can't be fired from the ground and make it into low-orbit, and supposedly didn't even exist when that video was made. So what exactly was the streak clearly visible? Satellite-based weapon of some undisclosed sort seems the most likely.
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When vacationing in the Mojave desert in southern California, I saw B-2s flying around. They're not silent. When in Texas I saw F-16s taking off less thana mile away, also not silent. And once you've heard military jets taking off it's impossible to imagine anyone confusing that with a UFO. :)
That would seem logical, but the gentleman
Who took the photos, said the craft was noiseless.
His name was William Rhodes, A noiseless, bat winged
craft in 1947, I don't think so.

Actually, being noiseless and a person hearing it are two different things. Why the assumption that any craft would be noiseless?

The 'flying wing' was jet powered - anything but noiseless.

Current speculation about triangle UFOs is a covert military 'blimp.' Apparently there's even a registered patent for one in the patent office records. That'd explain many 'silent' UFO sightings, but not ones where the things then accelerates away at unbelievable speeds. Of course, eyewitness accounts, especially of perceived UFOs are in fact the least reliable kind of evidence. Way our brains work and remember makes the witness' credibility moot.

I've yet to see video, film, or photos of UFOs I actually thought 'alien spacefraft.' Well, one. That STS-48 'earth limb/starlight' video of the thing making a 90 deg right turn and zooming away video. Assuming the video wasn't doctored, faked, and what you see is what really happened, there's aren't any terrestrial explainations for it. A 90 deg turn and rapid acceleration would kill an occupant. Unmanned maybe. Alien maybe.

What I find more interesting about that video though is the 'flash and shot' preceeding the UFO zooming away. Lasers would be invisible and move instantaneously so it wasn't a 'laser cannon' and afaik railguns can't be fired from the ground and make it into low-orbit, and supposedly didn't even exist when that video was made. So what exactly was the streak clearly visible? Satellite-based weapon of some undisclosed sort seems the most likely.

My point about being noiseless. If they saw a craft, alien or otherwise, why assume either would be noiseless? In other words there maybe reasons the person didn't hear noise. Or he just thinks he didn't hear noise.

STS-48 may have just been a film defect or ice flying off the craft. Who can know?
I have a theory about the ufo crash in Roswell, NM in 1947
There was a sighting in Phoenix, Ar. a few days after the crash
on July 7th, two photographs were taken, that are still,
unidentified today, it was a bat winged craft, heading in a
south westerly direction, the Roswell craft, was also described
as bat winged, the Phoenix craft was a recovery ship

It is fairly well documented that the army came in and cleaned up the crash site.

But what you talk about might have been another craft which was being tested by the air force. My thinking that all the bat wing sightings is the government experimenting with Nazi flying wings. Which they perfected with the B1 and B2.
That would seem logical, but the gentleman
Who took the photos, said the craft was noiseless.
His name was William Rhodes, A noiseless, bat winged
craft in 1947, I don't think so.

Here is the picture he allegedly took.


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