The Yard Project


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
So, we are redoing our back yard.

Mr Boe is opposed to the Garden Zombie concept.


ThinkGeek :: Garden Zombie

There goes my entire design motif. Back to the drawing board.
They would be great at Halloween to scare the crap outta the kids. Buy one and stick it on the floor on his side of the bed after he goes to sleep. When he screams the next morning tell him there's your proof of how well it works. lol

We are done the patio staining - um, excuse me, I am done the patio staining - and are in the process of building the enclosure for the grill. 100 degree days makes for not much getting done on that. Yeah. Hoping tomorrow we can knock out a good portion of it.

What have you gotten done on the back yard project so far?
Just finished denuding the yard of plant life. We are basically scraping the entire thing and will redo the fences, gates, patio, deck, planters and vegetable garden - and refurbishing/re-engineering an old fountain. Also adding a big tool shed and fire wood storage.

Tomorrow we're meeting with the guy who is helping us with the design. He has some recommendations for materials. I don't have time to take off work to scour through tile shops, so it's worth getting some advice.

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