The world is watching and waiting !!!


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Feb 25, 2012
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Israeli settlementsMain articles: Israeli settlement and International law and Israeli settlements

The participating High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention,[17] numerous UN resolutions, the International Court of Justice[18] and other instances have ruled that Israel's policy of establishing civilian settlements in occupied territories, including in East Jerusalem, is illegal.

Israel's settlement policy has drawn harsh criticism from the United States[19] and the European Union.[20]

Criticism of the Israeli government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International legal opinions[edit]

At present, based on the result of numerous UN resolutions that cite Article 49 of the Geneva Convention, the consensus view of the international community is that Israeli settlements are illegal and constitute a violation of international law.[10][11][12][35][36] According to the BBC, every government in the world, except Israel, considers the settlements to be illegal.[37]

Arguments based on property rights and private ownership[edit]

On January 30, 2009, the Associated Press reported that Israeli political group Yesh Din plans to use a classified Israeli Government database to prove that many West Bank Israeli settlements were built on land privately owned by Palestinian citizens without compensation.[116]

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel always tell the world that it wants peace, what it needs to realize is that there can be no peace without Justice !!!
PROBLEM----that the most UP TO DATE citation caturday could find----is more
than four years old
Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.
Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.

Reality does not work Caroline. Land disputes are land disputes-----unless there
are jews involved in which cases -----the issue is renamed "ZIONIST THEFT"
The first time the saudis mentioned the " THE pre-1967 lines" ----
I almost fell over laughing. In May 1967 there were no "LINES"-----
the Saudis did not even say the word "ISRAEL" -----they grimaced
and said "ZIONIST ENTITY"-----and recognized NO LINES at all----suddenly---
SUDDENLY !!!!!!!!! something called the 'arab league' decided that there are
"LINES" somewhere
Patrick is so funny. How can we get him to post here more often? Eh, Patrick, Had the Arab countries not united to annihilate Israel there would have been no captured land to build settlements on. Do you think maybe the Arabs made a big mistake? And how do the Palestinians feel about the reult of their Arab brothers?

Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.
Israel always tell the world that it wants peace, what it needs to realize is that there can be no peace without Justice !!!

The truth is relatively simple. We have Muslim people hiding behind a "so-called" religion that perpetrates violence in their "so-called" holy book. There are 164 passages in the Qur'an that promote Jihad, (holy war).

When Muslims take over a country, like they have in Egypt and Turkey the citizens are given a choice, "convert or die." Muslims are barbarian cock roaches who have made slums of their over-populated third world countries. You can not respect individuals who have no respect for themselves. Yet, they want to run the world with their Islamic bull shit. Violence is the only language Muslims understand.

Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.

YAWN..... Let the " International Community" wait.... No return to Borders that never existed in the first place or " Right of Return"
*YAWN* Another OP fraught with faked-up 'alarm' over not much of anything.

Tunnels from Gaza ending next to kindergartens aren't anything worth mentioning - but somehow housing for Israelis is. Yet none of the oh-so-outraged people around the d seem to have noticed that the Arab League nations conspired to beggar and eject just under a million people ........

BTW, guys - who's running the pool? You know, on how many times PatsyCat is gonna use the same Wiki article in yet another silly OP?
Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.


Of course.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]
Patrick is so funny. How can we get him to post here more often? Eh, Patrick, Had the Arab countries not united to annihilate Israel there would have been no captured land to build settlements on. Do you think maybe the Arabs made a big mistake? And how do the Palestinians feel about the reult of their Arab brothers?

Considering Israel begged Jordan not to invade together with the other nations in 1967, yet Jordan ignored Israel's plea, it certainly was to Israel's advantage that Jordan did. :lol:
Israel is totally eligible to settle in the West Bank. It is entitled to by law. Stuff any Resolutions. Resolutions are not legally binding. The UN just wants to see a another Palestinian state there - there aren't enough countries in the Arab world for muslims so the UN wants to squeeze Israel to an even smaller land mass.


Of course.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]

:lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo:
The State of Israel, being a Jewish state is entitled to the land apportioned to it in San Remo, which obviously includes the area of the West Bank that Jordan captured in a war of aggression against Israel in 1948.
The State of Israel, being a Jewish state is entitled to the land apportioned to it in San Remo, which obviously includes the area of the West Bank that Jordan captured in a war of aggression against Israel in 1948.

OK, but where does it say that?
Israel-haters such as you do often ridicule history and facts. No surprise to us at all.

Where does it say that Israel has exclusive rights to Palestine?

That sentence makes no sense. Please rephrase it.

Caroline----give up-----Mr tin has no desire to make sense. Lets ask SHERRI
----"WHAT IS PALESTINE"?? she cites Herodotus----who described quite a
LARGE "palestina" based on the fact that there were greeks and greek-
like people -----living in ASSYIRIA, LEBANON, PARTS OF SINAI, today's
JORDAN ----and----he threw in the then conquored ISRAEL/JUDEA --- mr tin asking "where is it written"??? where is it written
that MECCA AND MEDINA belong to arab muslims EXCLUSIVELY----what
happened to the rights of the INDIGENOUS zoroastrians, jews, and
christians. (well---far more indigenous than the two year requirement
for ARABS TO OWN --'palestine' )
Where does it say that Israel has exclusive rights to Palestine?

That sentence makes no sense. Please rephrase it.

Caroline----give up-----Mr tin has no desire to make sense. Lets ask SHERRI
----"WHAT IS PALESTINE"?? she cites Herodotus----who described quite a
LARGE "palestina" based on the fact that there were greeks and greek-
like people -----living in ASSYIRIA, LEBANON, PARTS OF SINAI, today's
JORDAN ----and----he threw in the then conquored ISRAEL/JUDEA --- mr tin asking "where is it written"??? where is it written
that MECCA AND MEDINA belong to arab muslims EXCLUSIVELY----what
happened to the rights of the INDIGENOUS zoroastrians, jews, and
christians. (well---far more indigenous than the two year requirement
for ARABS TO OWN --'palestine' ) mr tin asking "where is it written"??? where is it written
that MECCA AND MEDINA belong to arab muslims EXCLUSIVELY----

Good point. I have always opposed religion based governments of any stripe.

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