the wheel is after bill cosby


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Michael Jackson, the most popular music star in the world, starts making non-politically correct statements.
so...the wheel, run by the Stonecutters, or who-the-fk ever, runs over him,
NOW, you know him only as the child molester.
do you still think of him as child molester?
congratulations! you were brainwashed by the media, there was never one shred of evidence, that's why he was never convicted.
Bill Cosby, making non-politically collect statements for the last 15 years.
Telling the black community they need to be responsible for themselves, not to just beg the government.
"But sexual assault allegations have been going on about him for years!"
Yeah, in the National Inquirer.
Why were they in the National Inquirer?
Because they weren't credible.
Everyone who didn't like him made a statement, and everyone ignored it.
Now that The Wheel has decided to go after Bill Cosby, everyone is on the payroll again.
The woman who originally said in the National Inquirer she hit on Bill Cosby, and he wouldn't do anything, now says he sexually assaulted her.
All of his reruns and upcoming show plans are cancelled.
just remember, every time Bill Cosby says something conservative , ...think rapist
I never believed Michael Jackson was a child molester. He was a child himself. Those kids that accused him were doing what mommy and daddy told them to do. GET MONEY.
Looks like we have a built-in defense for celebrities. "They're after my money".

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