The Weakness of Wickedness

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
There is a devotion William Gurnall wrote, entitled "The Weakness of Wickedness", which is a great reminder to the Bible Believing Christian's position in Christ. Too often Christians become overwhelmed with looking at the strength, ability, size of the enemy - rather than remembering the strength, ability and size of their God! It is not a comparison between the believer and the enemy but rather the Lord Jesus Christ and the enemy. You see, when you realize that the Battle is the LORD's, there is no problem. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty! Our faith is a shield. And it quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6) By spending time each day with the LORD, spending time in praise and worship, reading the Scriptures and being encouraged by great devotionals, Sermons, and exhorting one another daily - lest anyone be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin - we become stronger and stronger in the LORD each day. The righteous are as bold as a lion but the wicked flee when no one is chasing them. Rejoice that no weapon formed against you shall prosper! Rejoice that the LORD has won the Battle and more than anything else - Rejoice in your Salvation, Christian!

Here then is first part of Gurnalls' message - The Weakness of Wickedness - from the Christian in Complete Armour.

God calls Satan wicked to encourage believers in their combat with him. It is as if God says, "Do not be afraid of him; it is a wicked company you go against, And they that defend it are wicked, too." If the saints must have enemies, the worse they are, the better! It would put courage into a coward to fight with such a crew! Wickedness must be weak. the devil's guilt tells them their cause is lost before the battle is ever fought. They fear you, Christian, because you are holy, so you do not need to fear them at all.

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This is a great sermon - it is actually from the first page of the Christian in Complete Armour - January 1st. Enjoy!


Blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord has promised to them who love Him.
James 1:12

I love how this worship leader opened with his testimony of overcoming Satan! Totally awesome! Listen to this, people of God and rejoice! Victory is ours! ALWAYS. Satan is under our feet. Right where he belongs!

Second part of Gurnall's message:

Wickedness must be weak. The devil's guilt tells them their cause is lost before the battle is ever fought. They fear you, Christian, because you are holy, so you do not need to fear them at all. When you see them as subtle, mighty, and many, your hearts beat fast. But look on all these spirits as ungodly wretches who hate God more than they hate you. And the only reason they detest you at all is your kinship to Him.

Whose side is God on?

In the past He rebuked kings for touching His anointed ones. Will He stand still now and let those wicked spirits threaten His life in you without coming to your rescue? It is impossible. - William Gurnall

I have only one response for Satan and those who serve him and dare to mock Jesus Christ and His servants.

It is written:

The Wicked all have something in common. They despise the Word of God, the Christians who preach the Word of God and most of all? They despise God! Here is a classic example to prove the point. Note the end of this video - the seething hatred that consumes this anti-Christ cult.

Second part of Gurnall's message:

Wickedness must be weak. The devil's guilt tells them their cause is lost before the battle is ever fought. They fear you, Christian, because you are holy, so you do not need to fear them at all. When you see them as subtle, mighty, and many, your hearts beat fast. But look on all these spirits as ungodly wretches who hate God more than they hate you. And the only reason they detest you at all is your kinship to Him.

Whose side is God on?

In the past He rebuked kings for touching His anointed ones. Will He stand still now and let those wicked spirits threaten His life in you without coming to your rescue? It is impossible. - William Gurnall

There is a closing paragraph on this message of the weakness of wickedness which perhaps will be put up later on - God willing - but right now there is another message that builds upon the first. Again from William Gurnall the title is "Satan's power is Limited".

Here then is Satan's power is Limited:

If you are a saint, you are wrapped in the everlasting arms of almighty power. The devil, however, is wrapped up in the chains of everlasting condemnation and cannot shake them off no matter how hard he tries.

If he cannot free himself from God's chains, how can he tear you from God's grasp?

The devil can tempt the saint only by God's permission. If you believe God loves you, then surely you can trust his wisdom when he releases Satan to assault you. Will it not be when he can be repulsed with the greatest humiliation?

To know that Satan's power is limited, and God's grace is limitless, should restore the spirits of weak believers who fear they will never hold out to the end.

God has given Christ the life of every soul within the ark of his covenant. If you are his, your eternal safety is provided for.

Was he not able to make you willing to march under his banner and join his quarrel against sin and hell? The same limitless power that overcame your rebellious heart will overcome your enemies within and without.

The God who can make a few wounded men rise up and overthrow a city can also make a wounded spirit triumph over sin and Satan (Jeremiah 37:10).

The ark stood in the midst of Jordan until the whole camp of Israel was safely over Canaan (Joshua 3:17). So does Christ's covenant, which is typified by the ark. Christ, covenant and all, stand to secure the saints a safe passage to heaven.

A word of caution must be given. There is a great danger of believers falling from this comfortable doctrine into a careless security and presumptuous boldness.

Although the Christian is secure from total and final apostasy, yet he may suffer a grievous fall which bruises his conscience, weakens his grace, and brings reproach on the Gospel. To know these dangers lurk in the shadows of this doctrine should be enough to keep the Christian on watch at all times. -William Gurnall

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Another one from Gurnall:

Results of Perseverance:

In earthly wars, not everyone who fights shares the spoils. The gains of war are commonly put into a few pockets. The common soldier, who endures most of the hardship, usually goes away with little of the profit. He fights to make a few that are great greater, and is often discharged without enough to pay for the cure of his wounds.

But in Christ's army, the only soldier who loses is the one who runs away. Every faithful soldier receives a glorious reward, which is spelled out in the phrase, "having done all, to stand." To stand implies these things:

It means "to stand conquerors."

An army, when conquered, is said to fall before its enemy, and the conqueror stands. At the end of this spiritual war, every Christian shall stand a conqueror over his vanquished lusts and Satan who headed them. Though the Christian enjoys many sweet victories here over Satan, still the joy of his conquests is interrupted by fresh alarms from the rallied enemy. He wins a victory one day, only to be confronted with still another battle on the next. And often, even his victories send him from the conflict bleeding. Though he repulses temptations to the last, yet the wounds his conscience receives in the fight cast a shadow on the glory of the victory.

For your eternal comfort, Christian, you can look forward to a day when there will be a full and final decision in the quarrel between you and Satan.

You will see your enemy's camp completely scattered, with not a weapon left in his hand to use against you.

You will tread upon the very fortresses from which he fired so many shots. You will see them dismantled and demolished, until there is not one corruption left standing in your heart for the devil to hide himself in.

On that glorious day, the enemy who has made you tremble will be trampled under your feet.

-William Gurnall
by William Gurnall

You might own all the empires of the world, and have nations creeping at your feet, as the animals came to Adam; and your lease on life might be twice as long as Methuselah's span to enjoy all this, without one cloud of trouble.

But if you lack peace, I'd rather be the worm under your shoe or the toad in the ditch than you in your palace. Just one thought of approaching death and the torment waiting for you can immediately destroy all your present happiness.

This refusal to accept God's peace on Gospel terms makes the great leaders of the world - in fact, all unreconciled sinners, high and low, - go to their graves as bears go down hill - backwards.

One glance forward might cause them to die of fright as they see where they are going. They are headed there without a breastplate, the persuasion of peace with God.

What should you do next then? Shut yourself up as a condemned sinner, apart from flattering friends who would lullaby your soul into senseless security- the cradle which the devil rocks souls in, to their utter destruction.

Instead, send for those who dare to be faithful, like Samuel, to tell you every word God has against you, hiding nothing.

Read your own sentence with your eyes on the Word, take your condemnation from God's mouth, not from man's.

"There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked." (Isaiah 57:21)

Meditate on that Scripture until it cleaves to your soul like plaster to a sore and draws out the core of pride and carnal confidence which have hardened your heart.

By this time the anguish of your own spirit will prompt you to want peace with God more than anything else in the world. That is what God has been waiting to hear from you.

-William Gurnall
Superstitious nonsense.

Maybe this will change your mind, Clayton. This girl was a high Priestess in Satanism and demonically possessed. In this video you will see the manifestation of that possession, the demons speaking through her to the minister - and then finally her deliverance. In the second part of the video you will see her give a testimony telling the congregation how Satan and his workers operate against people in the world and even Christians who are living in sin - the curses they placed on people to kill them, cause them to have accidents, and more. Then at the end you will hear her give testimony to her complete deliverance and that she is now serving Jesus Christ. Interesting story - when she was attending a meeting in the spirit realm - in hell - she said Jesus appeared and Satan could do nothing while Jesus was there - and that Jesus showed her great compassion. It is a very moving testimony. She is now serving Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus Christ came for. To set the captives free. The demons had been attempting to kill her before she made it to the meeting but they told the pastor they could not kill her. They were blocked from killing her. Thank God for the power of Jesus Christ and for the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. God is great!

Yeah, yeah, "the great satan." Heard that one before...

I'm not surprised to learn of it. Truth is often couched in sarcasm, Agit8r. The good news about this video is that the girl was set free by the power of God once again proving the weakness of wickedness. Once she had the desire to know Jesus - the gates of hell could not prevail against her - in her desire to be free. He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Her testimony should be heard by everyone. Especially people who do not realize how witchcraft works. If you see someone putting up posts with satanic symbolism, pentagrams, etc - she is telling you on that video - the people put curses on those images so that those who view them are cursed - she spoke of how they do these things to cause people to have accidents, to cause deaths. This is no coincidence. If you see someone posting satanic images on the internet, a message board, even USMB? You need to protect yourself and put the person on ignore so you are not viewing what they are putting up. Do not watch what they put up, do not listen to what they put up for music and do not read what they have to say. Guard your eyes, your ears, gates to the soul. Have no part with the workers of evil. Avoid them - go the other way - have nothing to do with them.
There is a devotion William Gurnall wrote, entitled "The Weakness of Wickedness", which is a great reminder to the Bible Believing Christian's position in Christ. Too often Christians become overwhelmed with looking at the strength, ability, size of the enemy - rather than remembering the strength, ability and size of their God! It is not a comparison between the believer and the enemy but rather the Lord Jesus Christ and the enemy. You see, when you realize that the Battle is the LORD's, there is no problem. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty! Our faith is a shield. And it quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6) By spending time each day with the LORD, spending time in praise and worship, reading the Scriptures and being encouraged by great devotionals, Sermons, and exhorting one another daily - lest anyone be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin - we become stronger and stronger in the LORD each day. The righteous are as bold as a lion but the wicked flee when no one is chasing them. Rejoice that no weapon formed against you shall prosper! Rejoice that the LORD has won the Battle and more than anything else - Rejoice in your Salvation, Christian!

Here then is first part of Gurnalls' message - The Weakness of Wickedness - from the Christian in Complete Armour.

God calls Satan wicked to encourage believers in their combat with him. It is as if God says, "Do not be afraid of him; it is a wicked company you go against, And they that defend it are wicked, too." If the saints must have enemies, the worse they are, the better! It would put courage into a coward to fight with such a crew! Wickedness must be weak. the devil's guilt tells them their cause is lost before the battle is ever fought. They fear you, Christian, because you are holy, so you do not need to fear them at all.

Someone should preach to Obama on the wickedness of weakness.
Yeah, yeah, "the great satan." Heard that one before...

I'm not surprised to learn of it. Truth is often couched in sarcasm, Agit8r. The good news about this video is that the girl was set free by the power of God once again proving the weakness of wickedness. Once she had the desire to know Jesus - the gates of hell could not prevail against her - in her desire to be free. He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Her testimony should be heard by everyone. Especially people who do not realize how witchcraft works. If you see someone putting up posts with satanic symbolism, pentagrams, etc - she is telling you on that video - the people put curses on those images so that those who view them are cursed - she spoke of how they do these things to cause people to have accidents, to cause deaths. This is no coincidence. If you see someone posting satanic images on the internet, a message board, even USMB? You need to protect yourself and put the person on ignore so you are not viewing what they are putting up. Do not watch what they put up, do not listen to what they put up for music and do not read what they have to say. Guard your eyes, your ears, gates to the soul. Have no part with the workers of evil. Avoid them - go the other way - have nothing to do with them.

They haven't made me have any accidents. Maybe because I don't bother them...

...or because curses are make-believe, self-fulfilling prophecies, by the superstitious viewer. We'll never be able to prove for sure either way ;)

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