The Washington Post calls these [Biden] “stories that cannot be verified.”

The guy has been known to embellish the truth a bit. But who cares he's the leader of the Democrat party and they're sticking with him.
Ah, more sweet BDS.
BDS=Biden's Dementia Syndrome.

Some of the lies that Biden tells are obviously dementia syndrome confabulations. Confabulations are a protective defense mechanism that the diseased brain of a DS patient employs to project a facade of normalcy. Due to brain damage the dementia patient loses memories and those memories are replaced with confabulated false memories. And in the minds of those suffering from dementia syndrome those false memories of past events that never occurred are indistinguishable from memories of real events.

Due to BDS, Biden actually believes that he was thrown in jail in South Africa even though nothing like that ever happened.

Some of the other symptoms of BDS include getting lost, falling down often and socially inappropriate behavior such as the infamous cringeworthy hair sniffing and groping of little girls in public.
Ah, more sweet BDS. It does a patriot's soul good to see it. If they're crying about Biden, it's because Biden has whupped their fascist keisters yet another time.
If you ever meet a patriot you can ask them, but they don't run in your leftist sects.

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