The Vivek Ramaswamy For President Tour To Start Soon.Does Anyone Actually Believe He Will Fill Even A Small Outdoor Field/High School Gym?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Somewhere In Florida
Just curious, are any of you here all excited/giddy of a possible "President Vivek Ramaswamy"?, And where is he now in the polls? One Per-Cent? Doesn't he see the brick wall of both Trump and DeSantis to come as we head into the summer? Doesn't he know that once Ron DeSantis enters the race, it's gonna be Trump VS DeSantis right thru 2024. Does anyone see Vivek even get past 2 or 3 percent over the next 6 or 7 months.
Now we wait and see how big and massive his crowds are as he is about to tour the swing states at least. Is he gonna get the same crowds of 20,000 Hillary got in 2016? :abgg2q.jpg: :puhleeze: :auiqs.jpg:
Just curious, are any of you here all excited/giddy of a possible "President Vivek Ramaswamy"?, And where is he now in the polls? One Per-Cent? Doesn't he see the brick wall of both Trump and DeSantis to come as we head into the summer? Doesn't he know that once Ron DeSantis enters the race, it's gonna be Trump VS DeSantis right thru 2024. Does anyone see Vivek even get past 2 or 3 percent over the next 6 or 7 months.
Now we wait and see how big and massive his crowds are as he is about to tour the swing states at least. Is he gonna get the same crowds of 20,000 Hillary got in 2016? :abgg2q.jpg: :puhleeze: :auiqs.jpg:

I dunno but I love the guy.

He'll make a great Treasury Secretary under Orange Man Rad.
Why not?

Dude's a totally successful businessman who wants to put a knife in the heart of globalism and secure our borders.

It doesn't get any more American than that.
yes, he has all of the right ideas to get us back to normal, but its who he will be running against thats gona keep him under 5%. and yes, sure,,,put him in the Trump or DeSantis cabinet
i think vivekio is gonna be in for a few little surprises when he starts seeing his crowd sizes during his tour, wondering why he cant fill any arena/stadium or mall parking lot

I don't think he's really running to win.

He's probably running for a cabinet position.

And he deserves one.

Much more so than say a Nikki Haley, or a Mike Pence.

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