The Vindication of President Barack Obama.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Remember all the nasty things the right wing were saying about him.

Well, he won.

And handily.

That's real live vindication.


Remember all the nasty things the right wing were saying about him.

Well, he won.

And handily.

That's real live vindication.



If you weren't so Shallow, you would realize that you just vindicated his opponents.:clap2:
OMG.. Wow, a nanny nanny boo boo thread??? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shallow is correct!! How frightening to see the mindset of some of you. Honest to God, really?? Just because there's a thread today on the Vindication of Mitt Romney, being LIES came out about Obama and his campaign.. This is true OBAMA WORSHIP, right here.. Sick but hey..knock yourself out Shallow.
OMG.. Wow, a nanny nanny boo boo thread??? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shallow is correct!! How frightening to see the mindset of some of you. Honest to God, really?? Just because there's a thread today on the Vindication of Mitt Romney, being LIES came out about Obama and his campaign.. This is true OBAMA WORSHIP, right here.. Sick but hey..knock yourself out Shallow.

You're fun.


And easy..

Remember all the nasty things the right wing were saying about him.

Well, he won.

And handily.

That's real live vindication.



I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.......

Sally....he won the election....

....that has no relation to whether or not "the nasty things the right wing were saying about him" were true.

....which they were.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’
Remember all the nasty things the right wing were saying about him.

Well, he won.

And handily.

That's real live vindication.



I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.......

Sally....he won the election....

....that has no relation to whether or not "the nasty things the right wing were saying about him" were true.

....which they were.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’

Guess I'm pushin' all the buttons today.

:cool: - Pimpin'

And how many al Qaeda, including bin Laden, did King Bush the Younger kill?

How many terrorists did King Bush the Younger kill?





But, to be fair, he didn't have time because he had all that brush to clear and trips to take and executive orders to write.

and you wonder why people think you're a troll. to claim bush did not kill any AQ members or kill any terrorists is flat out false.

good grief.

And how many al Qaeda, including bin Laden, did King Bush the Younger kill?

How many terrorists did King Bush the Younger kill?





But, to be fair, he didn't have time because he had all that brush to clear and trips to take and executive orders to write.

He killed many, but back then you all were saying all he was doing was creating more Obamabots are two faced hypocrites, but most people already knew that
I think the nanny nanny boo-boo communication style is the only way these right wingers can understand others have values and ways of life in this country besides "conservative values".

Obama winning a second term while the conservative media was in full assault mode just vindicates the fact conservative America is full of shit and always will be.

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