The US of A from a liberal Canadian viewpoint

Democrats were against blacks, until you used welfare to control them. Republicans voted to give them the right to vote.
Women's right to vote, was a good thing. I admit, don't know enough about it to prove you wrong. Since they have been able to vote since 1920. Now marriage is between a man and woman since the beginning of time. I was for civil unions when it first come out. Like always, liberals screw up anything they touch. Because a marriage doesn't mean anything now.
If I ever get married again, it will between my bride, myself, and God. You don't have to be married by government, to get the benefits. In fact with government involed, you're better off single. Lol

Last year's liberals are this year's repubs.
Things change. And you are right, if you do get married it should be between you, your partner and whoever. Nobody else's business. The whole point of marriage equality.
The liberals lately are doing nothing for the American people, but spending and wasting millions of our money. Because they are butthurt, cause they lost in 2016. That will say a lot in 2020.
Pretty weak sauce, coming from the drips who've twice elected an international laughing stock beta boi.

LOL...the irony of this post. Calling Trudeau an international laughing stock when the Orange Buffoon is in the WH...too funny...
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You say that when the British laff at us, when they knew to get their people out. Heck, even the red cross knew to get their volunteers out. Then we had Barrack, finding about the terrorist attack on the eleven o'clock news. The flying off to Vegas to campaign and golf. After to lying about it on international t.v. about it.

Even after the state dept told Stephenson not to go, he went. He takes a huge chunk of responsibility for going. I don't hold much stock in Repubs bringing up Benghazi, when the clusterfuck that was/is Iraq and Afghanistan has cost thousands of Americans lives and 100s of thousands of civilian lives. That little outburst was going a full 5.5 years before Obama was in office.
I wouldn't talk about golfing if I was you. There is already a thread on this board counting the number of days - and the cost to the tax payer - of the Orange Twat's golfing days since he has been in office.
He asked for more security before bengazi and was denied. There was help near, but was called off. Costed two great soldiers lives. Sorry you still defend their deaths.
The liberals lately are doing nothing for the American people, but spending and wasting millions of our money. Because they are butthurt, cause they lost in 2016. That will say a lot in 2020.

Wow lol hehe.... now that's news to me LMAO.

Yup liberals are definitely in power these days. ROFL. ... yup they spending tons of money hehe
That's one of the privileges of being in power lmao
I love going to Canada....Canadians sure know how to manage fish. No better place on Earth to hunt or fish. Canadians are awesome folk.
He asked for more security before bengazi and was denied.
And refused the offer of more security from the military.
Christopher Steven's requests for extra Benghazi security. ... McClatchy News, "Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say," May 14, 2013.
Oh. South Carolina. Got it.
The liberals lately are doing nothing for the American people, but spending and wasting millions of our money. Because they are butthurt, cause they lost in 2016. That will say a lot in 2020.

Bit like $70 million for a blow job. At the risk of sounding like we're in the school year, the Cons started it.
You guys are so f'ing divided, I'm not sure you guys can avoid a civil war.

You may be right about that...It will be known as the ten minute war.

The armed Vs. the unarmed cowardly snowflakes who all died when we cutoff their supply of gourmet coffee & hair gel :)
Times of great polarization do not necessary end in war. More often the result is no meaningful progress in any any direction. Republicans cut taxes, democrats raise taxes, democrats pass healthcare reform, republicans repeal or weakening it. Democrats creates regulation to slow down climate change and republicans reverse it. Republicans limit immigration and Democrats increase it. Eventually, people see the solution is electing a leader that can get things done and make them permanent, regardless of laws, the constitution, or congress, similar to what Trump is trying to do now.

However, our democratic institutions keep getting in the way. Eventually some candidate is going to sell Americans on investing more power in the executive branch, limiting congress into more an advisory body, a more conservative interpretation of individual rights like freedom of speech in order to control the destructive tendencies of the media, a very conservative interpretation of due process to make the criminal justice system run more smoothly. To think that Americans won't sell out democracy in the name of progress is just wishful thinking.
The US of A has never been a socialist state so forget about electing Warren or any left wing extremists. It won't happen. It will NEVER happen.

You guys are so f'ing divided, I'm not sure you guys can avoid a civil war.

I sincerely think impeaching Trump is a waste of time, it's too late. Why? take some time to look at WHO enabled his election. These things take time to build up, we're not talking years here but decades.

If I was going to use a word to describe the current state of affairs: F#@&ED. The educated elite (CNN never-Trumpers) can't currently outweigh a critical mass of highly motivated Russian backed nazis.

Merry Xmas lol

Civil war? Nah. The college educated progressives and moderates are who have all of the money. The corporatists aren't going to let their customer base get hurt.

Most of the yahoos that have personal weapons. That's pretty much all they have. Most of these losers still live at home, or out in the middle of nowhere, so they can afford to live, so their gas money is gone by the time they pay what few bills thy have from their monthly government checks. Ever see one of these morons try to navigate inside of a modern city?

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