The US has spent nearly $6,000,000,000,000 on wars that have killed over 500,000 people.

Wow! I am impressed! You actually do know how to provide reliable sources. I did not think you had it in you!

You definitely just went up in my book! Your still a lunatic conspiracy theorist who cannot two dots on a plain piece of paper, but I liked your response here!
That's trillion with a T kids and just since 9/11.*
The United States has spent nearly $6 trillion on wars that directly contributed to the deaths of around 500,000 people since the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs published its annual "Costs of War" report Wednesday, taking into consideration the Pentagon's spending and its Overseas Contingency Operations account, as well as "war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security."

The final count revealed, "The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post 9/11 war veterans."

"In sum, high costs in war and war-related spending pose a national security concern because they are unsustainable," the report concluded. "The public would be better served by increased transparency and by the development of a comprehensive strategy to end the wars and deal with other urgent national security priorities."

U.S. has spent $6 trillion on wars that killed 500,000 people since 9/11, a report says

I believe those are conservative numbers.

Incorrectly reported on purpose.


What is your solution?

For example:

Middle East Caliphate the day President Barack Obama took office. ZERO!

Middle East Caliphate during the Presidency of Barack Obama:

Middle East Caliphate today in the Middle East: ZERO!

So your solution to this problem is?
When you fight with one hand tied behind your PC back wars just go on and on.....

You're 100% right.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama tied the hands of our hero's behind their backs with outrageous rules of engagement. Obama put thousands of our troop's lives at risk because he wanted to look like a good guy. Good guys don't win wars, they cost the lives of those serving for them. Shameful and disgusting!
This chart displays the number of terrorist attacks worldwide in the Global Terrorism Database each year from 1989 to 2014. The graphic indicates that global terrorist attacks rose dramatically after 2004: There were just over 1,000 in 2004, but almost 17,000 in 2014. The numbers from 2015 and 2016 (not shown) have remained remarkably high, but below the 2014 peak.

A chart showing demographics will hardly change in five years. However, a chart showing terrorist attacks that is five years old is worthless at best, at worst, it is misleading.

Why post it?
I don't care if he tortured puppies, removing him was one of the biggest mistakes this country ever made. Name 1 benefit to the American people that resulted from that war.

That narrow-minded. So typical of a far left Progressive.

The wisdom of going into Iraq will be debated for decades.

That it was the right decision at the time, is not. The UN had dozens of resolutions against Sadam Hussein and he was financing terrorism and even the terrorists and their families.

If you want to be relevant, discuss the current issues.
Don't blame me, I didn't support any of the warmongering presidents. And I have to say, it's sad to see so many blind, duped people who actually believe whatever their corrupt government tells them in regard to why we go to war. Actually, I take that back....they believe it if those 'leaders' happen to have the right letter by their name. When in reality, the letter doesn't matter, nothing changes much in terms of foreign policy and the nonstop wars. They're all globalist, warmongering corrupt sellouts.

No one was blind going into Iraq, the evidence was clear and Presidents going back through President Bill Clinton said he had to go along with the United Nations.

How many wars has President Donald Trump started?
That's trillion with a T kids and just since 9/11.*
The United States has spent nearly $6 trillion on wars that directly contributed to the deaths of around 500,000 people since the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs published its annual "Costs of War" report Wednesday, taking into consideration the Pentagon's spending and its Overseas Contingency Operations account, as well as "war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security."

The final count revealed, "The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post 9/11 war veterans."

"In sum, high costs in war and war-related spending pose a national security concern because they are unsustainable," the report concluded. "The public would be better served by increased transparency and by the development of a comprehensive strategy to end the wars and deal with other urgent national security priorities."

U.S. has spent $6 trillion on wars that killed 500,000 people since 9/11, a report says

I believe those are conservative numbers.

Incorrectly reported on purpose.


Remember the old TV commercial slogan: That's Italian? Well, my internet friend, That's Empire. Right or wrong, part of the cost of holding together a planet full of shit civilizations made of toilet paper and duct tape, for America, is becoming El Capo De Tutti Capi of historical human empires. Like, what are ya gonna do? Shiite happens.

An Empire would suggest that the US is taking over these countries for financial gain. Land, resources and colonization. The US spends billions of dollars rebuilding every country our military fights in and we never send Americans to live in these countries permanently. Almost every European country has been a real empire the by that definition the US has never been one.

Because the United States is different from other countries. We could have been long term occupiers of Europe, and Japan yet PAID to rebuild them, and their industry even to our economic detriment.

I agree we need to get out of Afghanistan, and Iraq and if those tribes want to kill each other that is THEIR BUSINESS. The entire concept of "nation building" is invalid in these hell holes.
So, basically the USA, doesn't gain much, if anything from it, unlike say the British empire, Spanish empire, French empire, Russian empire etc. who had otherwise gained colonial resources?

Nonsense, that pig-headed and short-sighted. Was it not for the United States of America do you have any doubt, whatsoever, that there would have been a Third World War decades ago?

If we are not to be the World's police, specifically who would fill the vacuum. Please be specific.

We have a hint by looking at what happened in Iraq which failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled out all our troops in Iraq against the advice of his military advisers. Who filled that gap, requiring that we go back in, ISIS and Russia. How was that a good thing?
6 trillion dollars to track down and kill a guy who supposedly lived in a cave sounds like a real bargain to me. .... :rolleyes:
Who is this caveman that you speak of? And please explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to the ridiculous conclusion that we spent $6 trillion to kill him, so that I may rip your argument to pieces and shove it up your ass with a hambone.
Many of those people living in those places want to live like we do. But they have to many others as a percentage who are prone to violence and some of their lands are not as easy to live in as ours. Recent decades have found massive quantities of oil and oil based products and minerals. They seem to like authoritarian rule as it keeps the different Islamic religious sects under some control.
I don't care if he tortured puppies, removing him was one of the biggest mistakes this country ever made. Name 1 benefit to the American people that resulted from that war.

That narrow-minded. So typical of a far left Progressive.

The wisdom of going into Iraq will be debated for decades.

That it was the right decision at the time, is not. The UN had dozens of resolutions against Sadam Hussein and he was financing terrorism and even the terrorists and their families.

If you want to be relevant, discuss the current issues.

Me? A far left progressive?
wtf cat.gif
That's trillion with a T kids and just since 9/11.*
The United States has spent nearly $6 trillion on wars that directly contributed to the deaths of around 500,000 people since the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs published its annual "Costs of War" report Wednesday, taking into consideration the Pentagon's spending and its Overseas Contingency Operations account, as well as "war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security."

The final count revealed, "The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post 9/11 war veterans."

"In sum, high costs in war and war-related spending pose a national security concern because they are unsustainable," the report concluded. "The public would be better served by increased transparency and by the development of a comprehensive strategy to end the wars and deal with other urgent national security priorities."

U.S. has spent $6 trillion on wars that killed 500,000 people since 9/11, a report says

I believe those are conservative numbers.

Incorrectly reported on purpose.


No more empire no more wars for the globalist empire young patriot should be sent to die for empire some shit hole
Military force when necessary and disaster assistance is of course fine .
peace through strength YES

Being a capitalist pig i'm always under the impression our military can be run lean n mean .
Efficiency was once gospel with the US military ..wot happened ?we'll most of yas know .

Western euros wanna keep the friggin Suez and Persian gulf open they can do it themselves
The USA and our hemisphere as a whole can much more easily adapt without middle eastern oil .

Russia isnt the only place the oil sucking euros get it from
ANd why is Germany still under occupation ?
Lets hand that baton of to their future rulers the turks and muzz
Good luck with that ya nazi commie sheep

We no longer need troops in Japan or Europe. Time to get them out.

Who would fill the vacuum? Please be specific and also share how that would be a good thing for the World.

Keep in mind that when former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled out all our troops from Iraq, against the advice of the military, ISIS and Russia filled the vacuum.

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