The Turkish Whore to German Turks

Is it because that is exactly the knowledge the world should have to resist the horrors of another totalitarian movement....and the war one always brings?

That would be understandable.

Yes, totalitarian movement by expanding constitutional rights of the citizens and adapting them to EU-standards.

Islamism is one more totalist movement,,,,

.. The most interesting aspect is not Qutb’s program, wonderful and deeply Muslim, but how it fits the pattern of 20th century Europe’s totalitarian movements. Each of them, also, had a grand vision of modern civilization and of desperate predicaments and utopian destinies. Each expressed the vision by telling of the ur-myth, the myth of Armageddon. So did Qutb.

a. There was a people of God, the Muslims., who had come under insidious attack from within their own society, and from cosmic enemies from abroad, the Crusaders and Jews. The jahili barbarians were out to bring about the extermination of Islam. He used the Islamic term ‘jahili,’ which refers to the heathen ignorance that prevailed in Arabia before Muhammad, to modern liberal society. He saw liberal attitudes toward sex and morality as pagan.

b. There will be a terrible war, led by the Muslim vanguard, such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood. Victory, of course, was guaranteed. Viewed form this aspect, the movement is but another cult of death.

c. The reign of shariah, of God, would create a perfect society, the usual in totalitarian mythology. And, as always, another totalitarian movement that rose up in rebellion against the liberal values of the West.

d. Of course, if his vision became fact, the vanguard of believers was going to have to take stern action to bring about a fuller observance of shariah, the reality would be, as usual, a police state, even if it were a police state claiming to be enforcing ‘freedom.’ Every totalitarian movement proposed a total renovation of life, and each created a total renovation in death.

The above based on the thesis of Paul Berman, in "Terror and Liberalism"
German State Television

Under the professing Muslim, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been Turkish Prime Minister since the fall of 2002, Turkey has done more steps in the direction of Brussels then any secular government before.

Progress can be seen in expression and press freedom.
There are now officially television and radio stations which broadcast in the languages of minorities, especially in Kurdish, which was vilified several years ago as "mountain Turkish".
Moreover, the diversity of opinion has grown significantly and the climate of debate has become more open.

In addition, non-Muslim minorities now have more leeway.
For the first time since 88 years the former Greek monastery of Sümela on the Black Sea coast celebrated a Mass.
Also for the first time in over a hundred years, the Holy Cross church on the island Aghtama in Lake Van, which was the seat of the Armenian Catholicos, held a religious service.
EU-Beitritt: Türkei zwischen Fortschritt und Verärgerung |

In September 2010 there was a referendum, which has been voted yes by the citizens. (Inclusive Democracy)
In that referendum children rights and privacy of citizen-information in-front of the State was strengthened.
(Again from German State Television)
Nach dem Ja zur Verfassungsreform: Rückenwind für Erdogan |

After June 12th elections there will be written a new constitution.
It's a key demand of the EU.

You can continue to make your claims, they don't stem from the reality.
Just bad-bad Muslim propaganda. Simplistic Muslim bashing. How can we be 'old friends'?

I think we are arguing two disparate points...
I fully understand the importance to Turkey to enter the EU, and the steps the government is willing to take to afford same.

But you are obfuscating if you pretend that you do not understand the truth that I have documented in this thread.

I understand your reluctance. These are 'interesting' times.

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers..."
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey in 1998
Every totalitarian movement proposed a total renovation of life, and each created a total renovation in death.

Berman cites the notion that the 20th century began in 1914 and ended in 1989. He disagrees with the notion and goes on the assert that the 20th century continues unabated. I interpret the larger part of his point to be that humankind continues to hanker after the "final solution", and that the more massive the notion and the more all-inclusive it may be, the better. Marxist-Leninist communism, Hitler-Mussolini-Franco fascism have bit the dust and now Islamism as interpreted by Sayyid Qutb represents the final, final solution solution. I am reminded of the only memorable and useful remark the Nazi Goebbels ever made, "Every time I hear the word "culture", I instinctively reach for my pistol." Cynical though it may be, he has a good point.

This looks to be a useful read. I am downloading the ebook.
EU: Turkey needs new constitution
EU: Turkey needs new constitution - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

That's it.
After June 12th elections there will be written a new constitution by all segments of society through the new Parliament, which will incorporate most of the legislation of the 35 EU-chapters.

Egypt will switch to our old system, we'll move on and assist them in the future in a US-Dictator-free region.
Hello, new World.
Islamist law.
Law of death-sentence abolishment.

Not to mention Jews who identify with Israel over being Americans 1st

Yep I despise those people also. Difference is most American Jews are firmly assimilated into American culture, they speak only English and not hebrew and their overwhelming support of the Democratic party and Obama is proof enough that American Jews support their American ideology and not according to Israel! But care on with your ignorant rant!
Here is the reasons we should care. German like America has a large immigrant population. German liberals like American liberals are more interested in accommodating these new arrivals then seeing that that adopt the German culture and language. The Turks are the biggest minority group in German and the Turkish Whore President over the border is telling them its a CRIME for Turks to adopt to the German culture and society! Many refuse to learn the language, abuse the welfare state and make OUTRAGEOUS demands (such as sharia law in Germany).

Take this parallel to America. We have an influx of illegal immigrant from South of the border. Their leader have been telling them for years to be loyal to only Mexico and not to America.

There are parallels to our problems! Main premise multiculturalism is a farce and will destroy the American culture and society if it continues.

I also think Ardogan is one of the most hypocritical and arrogant leaders in the world and Turkey is the most hypocritical and arrogant nations on the planet!

sometimes I click on threads b/c of cool titles, sometimes b/c I see the author and wonder what's new.
I'm often happy with the out come.

Now I know that Ghook is either in or from Illinois, and I think is a Jew.

So I'm wondering why I should give even the littlest bit of a damn as to what some douch in Germany?Turkey said Turks should or shouldn't do.

I've read all the posts up to this point and just can't find a valid reason for us to care.

Enlighten me.
And then the likes of Ropey and High-Gravity show up and claim, that genocide is taking place in Turkey - Under the screening of the EU.
You don't become 99.5% of one religion by being a religious tolerant country. You don't get a country of nearly one ethnicity without being an EXTREMELY intolerant country.

Turkey currently occupies Cyprus, Kurdistan and parts of Armenia! They murder 1.5 million INNOCENT Armenians and won't acknowledge what they did. They facilitated the Bosnian, Albania and Muslim conquest and ethnic cleansing of Serbia's heart and solo of Kosovo! They brutality they show to the Kurds and Turkish Christians can only be characterized as ethnic cleansing. Turkey is in the same boat as the Sudan!
sometimes I click on threads b/c of cool titles, sometimes b/c I see the author and wonder what's new.
I'm often happy with the out come.

Now I know that Ghook is either in or from Illinois, and I think is a Jew.

So I'm wondering why I should give even the littlest bit of a damn as to what some douch in Germany?Turkey said Turks should or shouldn't do.

I've read all the posts up to this point and just can't find a valid reason for us to care.

Enlighten me.
GHook93 likes to bait ekrem, who is Turkish

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