Even by left-wing standards, the left’s current propaganda campaign around illegal immigrants is extreme and especially repulsive.
  • For starters, the Obama Administration was doing the same thing and far worse and progressives never said a single word for 8 years.
  • The left is horribly exploiting the people they are pretending to care about.
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents - then stuck them in conditions so atrocious - a federal judge actually referred to them as "failing to meet even [the] minimal standard of safe and sanitary”. You get that? And the left celebrated. Because their messiah was still in the Oval Office.

Now that the U.S. has a real leader who has taken unemployment to record lows, the market to record highs, secured the border, improved international relations, and restored constitutional government, the left is in full panic mode and stooping to new lows.
That’s a fact.

No it’s not .

Obama had to deal wh a rush if unaccompanied minors . They didn’t have parents with them.

Trump has a rush of Central American families looking to escape violence . His squad DECIDED to separate the familes as some sort of deterrent .
people from cetral america coming in through mexico are already in a democratic state and do not need to seek asylum from us. D'OH!

Because America is way better , DUH!
More conservative lies . Obama did not split familes .
Obama and his Administration vehemently disagree with you... :lmao:

Obama's DHS Secretary Freely Admits 'We Detained Children,' We 'Believed It Was Necessary'

Yes . Nothing in there about SEPARATING FAMILIES THAT WERE DETAINED ! Pay attention.

Oh and the truth is these people are not “illegal” as they do have the legit temporary status of asylum seekers .

Now that’s the truth.
None of them say the Obama administration split children from their families. See for yourself, the very first sentence:

A California federal judge ruled in 2015 that hundreds of mothers and their children held for illegally crossing the border must be released immediately.
Ahahahahaha!!! You tool....that doesn't say they are being held together. They were separated! :lmao:
Because America is way better , DUH!
What the fuck kind of "logic" is that?!? They would travel an extra 4,000 miles to a nation that doesn't speak their language and a culture that is NOTHING like there's when they could settle in a nation very much like theirs which also speaks their language (opening up endless more opportunities).
None of them say the Obama administration split children from their families. See for yourself, the very first sentence:

A California federal judge ruled in 2015 that hundreds of mothers and their children held for illegally crossing the border must be released immediately.
Ahahahahaha!!! You tool....that doesn't say they are being held together. They were separated! :lmao:
Prove it.

You can't.

Because it is a lie.

You have no proof. You are just an ignorant parrot.
Oh and the truth is these people are not “illegal” as they do have the legit temporary status of asylum seekers .
They are illegal aliens. I can't tell if you enjoy spreading propaganda or if you are just so easily duped.

No they are not ! The fact is the ones in the news , claiming amnesty, are not “illegal”. They have a status . Until their is a decision on their case .

You start a thread about “facts” but can’t handle them yourself .
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents
Wrong. Stop parroting the lies fed to you by your propagandists.
The link is there - from a member of the Obama Administration. Stop specializing in being a troll and and idiot. :eusa_doh:
Read your own links, tard.

None of them say the Obama administration split children from their families.

You've been drinking so much of your propagandists' piss, you are hallucinating things which are not there.

In fact, one of your links specifically states the children AND THEIR MOTHERS were being detained together.

See for yourself, the very first sentence:

A California federal judge ruled in 2015 that hundreds of mothers and their children held for illegally crossing the border must be released immediately.


Come on, no Trump supporter knows the definition of "unaccompanied", it has more than five letters in it. That is the only explanation for their continued ignorance. They have a fourth grade vocabulary AT BEST. Attempting to have a discussion with them is an exercise in futility. They have to be the stupidest group of people that has ever formed a voting block. I think the government should administer an intelligence test to everyone residing in the US, legal residents and illegal immigrants alike. The 12 million people scoring the lowest should be deported post haste. Everyone else gets to be a citizen. We can call it a "merit based" system. We get rid of the vast majority of Trump supporters and keep the hard working illegal immigrants because God knows they would score higher.
Even by left-wing standards, the left’s current propaganda campaign around illegal immigrants is extreme and especially repulsive.
  • For starters, the Obama Administration was doing the same thing and far worse and progressives never said a single word for 8 years.
  • The left is horribly exploiting the people they are pretending to care about.
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents - then stuck them in conditions so atrocious - a federal judge actually referred to them as "failing to meet even [the] minimal standard of safe and sanitary”. You get that? And the left celebrated. Because their messiah was still in the Oval Office.

Now that the U.S. has a real leader who has taken unemployment to record lows, the market to record highs, secured the border, improved international relations, and restored constitutional government, the left is in full panic mode and stooping to new lows.

The greatest fear Democrats have is that America will succeed under Trump.
If you think going extinct is succeeding.
Even by left-wing standards, the left’s current propaganda campaign around illegal immigrants is extreme and especially repulsive.
  • For starters, the Obama Administration was doing the same thing and far worse and progressives never said a single word for 8 years.
  • The left is horribly exploiting the people they are pretending to care about.
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents - then stuck them in conditions so atrocious - a federal judge actually referred to them as "failing to meet even [the] minimal standard of safe and sanitary”. You get that? And the left celebrated. Because their messiah was still in the Oval Office.

Now that the U.S. has a real leader who has taken unemployment to record lows, the market to record highs, secured the border, improved international relations, and restored constitutional government, the left is in full panic mode and stooping to new lows.
That’s a fact.

No it’s not .

Obama had to deal wh a rush if unaccompanied minors . They didn’t have parents with them.

Trump has a rush of Central American families looking to escape violence . His squad DECIDED to separate the familes as some sort of deterrent .
people from cetral america coming in through mexico are already in a democratic state and do not need to seek asylum from us. D'OH!

Because America is way better , DUH!
well it's obvious you don't know how the asylum thing works. to be granted asylum, you must come directly from the country you wish to leave. not take a trip through Mexico and then show up. So, no matter how much better the US is then Mexico, Mexico can grant it. And should grant it since they already crossed over and into that country. those people made it, they have removed themselves from the violence. badda bing, badda boom. drop mic.
I think the government should administer an intelligence test to everyone residing in the US, legal residents and illegal immigrants alike. The 12 million people scoring the lowest should be deported post haste. Everyone else gets to be a citizen. We can call it a "merit based" system.
That would be awesome! It would cure the disease known as "liberalism"! There would be none left after about 5 years or so.
Even by left-wing standards, the left’s current propaganda campaign around illegal immigrants is extreme and especially repulsive.
  • For starters, the Obama Administration was doing the same thing and far worse and progressives never said a single word for 8 years.
  • The left is horribly exploiting the people they are pretending to care about.
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents - then stuck them in conditions so atrocious - a federal judge actually referred to them as "failing to meet even [the] minimal standard of safe and sanitary”. You get that? And the left celebrated. Because their messiah was still in the Oval Office.

Now that the U.S. has a real leader who has taken unemployment to record lows, the market to record highs, secured the border, improved international relations, and restored constitutional government, the left is in full panic mode and stooping to new lows.
That’s a fact.

No it’s not .

Obama had to deal wh a rush if unaccompanied minors . They didn’t have parents with them.

Trump has a rush of Central American families looking to escape violence . His squad DECIDED to separate the familes as some sort of deterrent .
people from cetral america coming in through mexico are already in a democratic state and do not need to seek asylum from us. D'OH!

Because America is way better , DUH!
well it's obvious you don't know how the asylum thing works. to be granted asylum, you must come directly from the country you wish to leave. not take a trip through Mexico and then show up. So, no matter how much better the US is then Mexico, Mexico can grant it. And should grant it since they already crossed over and into that country. those people made it, they have removed themselves from the violence. badda bing, badda boom. drop mic.
Like all liberals....Timmy isn't very bright. And has NO clue what he's talking about. But that never stops liberals for some reason.
That’s a fact.

No it’s not .

Obama had to deal wh a rush if unaccompanied minors . They didn’t have parents with them.

Trump has a rush of Central American families looking to escape violence . His squad DECIDED to separate the familes as some sort of deterrent .
people from cetral america coming in through mexico are already in a democratic state and do not need to seek asylum from us. D'OH!

Because America is way better , DUH!
well it's obvious you don't know how the asylum thing works. to be granted asylum, you must come directly from the country you wish to leave. not take a trip through Mexico and then show up. So, no matter how much better the US is then Mexico, Mexico can grant it. And should grant it since they already crossed over and into that country. those people made it, they have removed themselves from the violence. badda bing, badda boom. drop mic.
Like all liberals....Timmy isn't very bright. And has NO clue what he's talking about. But that never stops liberals for some reason.
it's what happens from bouncing off walls all day.
YES, some children were separated from their families under Obama and the lawsuit against bad conditions in the family detention centers was during the Obama administration. YES, the lying media blaming this all on Trump is a farce because these things have happened before Trump. YET I think that the Trump administration should pardon the few parents of the tender age children taken as an apology for going a bit too far in that matter. The tender age situation is sad.
YES, some children were separated from their families under Obama and the lawsuit against bad conditions in the family detention centers was during the Obama administration. YES, the lying media blaming this all on Trump is a farce because these things have happened before Trump. YET I think that the Trump administration should pardon the few parents of the tender age children taken as an apology for going a bit too far in that matter. The tender age situation is sad.
It is sad...but what does it have to do with President Trump? It is the parents of those children who engaged in the criminal activity (and brought the children with them). Blaming President Trump for this would literally be like blaming Rudy Giuliani for separating John Gotti from his children (which is exactly what happened - and not a single Democrat cried about that in the 1970's and 1980's).

Great "logic" from the left! Separate an American parent from their American children for crimes: perfectly ok! Separate a foreign parent from their foreign children for crimes: oh my God!!! the horrors!!! Nooooooooo!
YES, some children were separated from their families under Obama and the lawsuit against bad conditions in the family detention centers was during the Obama administration. YES, the lying media blaming this all on Trump is a farce because these things have happened before Trump. YET I think that the Trump administration should pardon the few parents of the tender age children taken as an apology for going a bit too far in that matter. The tender age situation is sad.
I watched an interview last week where one of the guards stated that no child five and under were ever separated. so, not sure what that last part was about.
Even by left-wing standards, the left’s current propaganda campaign around illegal immigrants is extreme and especially repulsive.
  • For starters, the Obama Administration was doing the same thing and far worse and progressives never said a single word for 8 years.
  • The left is horribly exploiting the people they are pretending to care about.
The Obama ripped small children out of the arms of their parents - then stuck them in conditions so atrocious - a federal judge actually referred to them as "failing to meet even [the] minimal standard of safe and sanitary”. You get that? And the left celebrated. Because their messiah was still in the Oval Office.

Now that the U.S. has a real leader who has taken unemployment to record lows, the market to record highs, secured the border, improved international relations, and restored constitutional government, the left is in full panic mode and stooping to new lows.
That’s a fact.

No it’s not .

Obama had to deal wh a rush if unaccompanied minors . They didn’t have parents with them.

Trump has a rush of Central American families looking to escape violence . His squad DECIDED to separate the familes as some sort of deterrent .
Ohhhh I see. Why don’t these Central Americans fight back like our Founding Fathers did? Why do they run?

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