The True Cost of Immigration


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Time to wake up. stop letting the Progressive puke party steer you AWAY from the real damage they are up doing to YOU. like lying about what Trump said when he said: ILLEGAL immigration


Our unsustainable predicament

Democrats, along with a number of equally feckless Republicans, are extolling the virtues of “comprehensive immigration reform.” Such jargon obscures their real agenda, which is the abandonment of the rule of law in favor of a political expediency that benefits the ruling class and its campaign contributors. A ruling class and campaign contributors who seek to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a nation where progressive power is permanent, and cheap labor is plentiful. Hence, while those virtues are put front and center before the public, the vices associated with illegal immigration are relegated to the back of the proverbial bus. Here’s a look at some of those vices.

We begin with crime. There are a number of statistical measurements. One is a 2011 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealing that the number SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails in FY2009 (the most recent data available) was about 296,000. As American Thinker’s Randall Hoven explains, “SCAAP is the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program and in this context means ‘illegal aliens’ ‚Äì a GAO term meaning ‘Noncitizens whom ICE verified were [or whom states and local jurisdictions believe to be] illegally in the United States at the time of incarceration.’”

Another is a report by the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) obtained by Breitbart News. It shows that while illegal aliens comprise 3.5 percent of the nation’s population, they comprised a whopping 36.7 percent of federal sentences following criminal convictions in FY 2014. The actual number of crimes for which these illegals received sentences was 27,505. The primary categories include drug trafficking, kidnapping/hostage taking, drug possession, money laundering and murder convictions.

This data comprise actual convictions of federal offenders subject to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (SRA). Omitted from the list are state and death penalty cases, as well as “cases initiated but for which no convictions were obtained, offenders convicted for whom no sentences were yet issued, and offenders sentenced but for whom no sentencing documents were submitted to the Commission.” And while the data do include immigration violations, which makes up the lion’s share of convictions, eliminating that category entirely would still have illegals comprising 13.6 percent of all sentenced offenders, a number that far exceeds the aforementioned 3.5 percent of the total U.S. population they represent.

More germane is data revealed by Judicial Watch (JW). They note that “as of April 26, 2014, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had released 165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States, including many convicted of such violent crimes as homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault.” These illegals, along with 706,950 non-criminal illegals, were ordered to leave the country, “but have not done so and remain free,” JW reveals. JW also explains the documents reveal the difficulty ICE has with local policies that interfere with federal enforcement of immigration law. Those would be “sanctuary city” policies and JW cites a case in Montgomery County, MD where officials prevented ICE from gaining access to an illegal charged with rape.

all of it here:
The True Cost of Immigration
And what is the true cost of your food stamps, section 8 trailer park rent , government cheese and your medicaid? :dunno:
don't you have a Circus act you need too get to? watch out for the bearded lady.
And what is the true cost of your food stamps, section 8 trailer park rent , government cheese and your medicaid? :dunno:

Fuck you for this asinine response. It is absolutely indefensible. Your are off to the Ignore Ward. Get help.
And what is the true cost of your food stamps, section 8 trailer park rent , government cheese and your medicaid? :dunno:

Fuck you for this asinine response. It is absolutely indefensible. Your are off to the Ignore Ward. Get help.

He's a one trick hateful tool for the DNC
how he's allowed to get away with this all the time, who knows. doesn't do much for the board in my book
don't you have a Circus act you need too get to? watch out for the bearded lady.

He doesn't do matinees.

It's bad enough all the other clowns are sitting on him before they climb out of the car
don't you have a Circus act you need too get to? watch out for the bearded lady.
Guano just goes to the circus to see the animals...
don't you have a Circus act you need too get to? watch out for the bearded lady.

He doesn't do matinees.

It's bad enough all the other clowns are sitting on him before they climb out of the car

he's the worst of the worst on this board. Everyone should put him on Ignore
maybe he'll go back to the sewer he crawled out from
Judicial Watch...:) Got anything from weasel zippers?
The founder of this group is a certified nut case.
Larry Klayman Obama Can t Swear To The Constitution Because He s A Muslim Right Wing Watch

Klayman is a certified Kook just like the Op
Discredited Conspiracy Theorist Larry Klayman Is Behind Lawsuit Wildly Accusing Clinton Of Racketeering

Discredited Conspiracy Theorist Larry Klayman Is Behind Lawsuit Wildly Accusing Clinton Of Racketeering Blog Media Matters for America

Media Matters??? That's not a source, it's a far-left smear site funded by Soros that's constantly caught in lies......

If that's all you have, you're desperate.....

Media Matters??? That's not a source, it's a far-left smear site funded by Soros that's constantly caught in lies......

If that's all you have, you're desperate.....

Of course the tools/sheep for the DNC is desperate. they should be: the people are sick and tired of them. and it's about time
Stephanie, the reason those far left people do not want this brought up along with some establishment republicans is a winning issue! When you have 65 to 70% of Americans agreeing that illegal immigration needs to be fixed, those in power get a sickening feeling because they ignored it; for very different reasons of course; depending up which side of the aisle they reside on.

I am NOT a supporter of Donald Trump, but I am all for him keeping this discussion on the front burner, keeping ALL politicians feet to the fire. Both parties are trying as hard as they can to shut him up, but it is the same thing they did with Perot. Republicans and democrats didn't listen last time to the reality of what was going down, and now both parties go back and tell us we should have listened to Perot. It doesn't mean anyone should change their minds on their stance on the issue; but what it does mean you need to know the TRUTH before making your final choice. If you know the truth and accept it, then it is up to you! But do not come here and say the TRUTH is lie to get your way. Both parties have been doing that to the American people for far, far, to long.

Maybe people should stop, look, and see; instead of following their leaders.........who honestly haven't led us to a good place in many a year. Do not mouth platitudes put up by your favorite political parties spin doctors; educate yourself. We may not agree on everything, but when you again have 65 to 70% of the American populace not happy over this issue, I believe that regardless of what side of the aisle you are on, we can find common ground!

Thx Steph, good links. Keep finding statistics instead of opinions, and you will win the debate hands down!

P.S. You know you are winning when they attack you instead of the facts with counter facts opposed to the facts you have put up, and instead try and take the discussion off course to something unrelated to the facts you posted.

Using this criteria, as far as I can see, you have already won!!!!!!! I dunno, maybe they never were taught debate in a higher education atmosphere, but then again, they are libs.
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