The Treasure Island Heist*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a very fun heist story involving a good sum of money, an inside-man, computer skills, transfer swiftness, deliveries, and a very rare book arguably worth its weight in dollars...and drama. Thanks so much for reading (and enjoy!),


Three career thieves wanted an extremely rare copy of Treasure Island which was worth $5 million, but they didn't have the money to buy it. They decided to plan a terrific bank robbery to finance the purchase. The three men would travel to LA to rob a bank to purchase this rare book.


CHRIS: A very smart thief, he'd be doing a special part of the job; he'd be withdrawing money from a hacked account in the bank and giving it to one of the other team-mates in the robbery who'd then deposit the money in another opened account.


TOM: This is the inside-man; he'd procure the information to hack into the federally insured bank account to allow Chris to withdraw the $5 million from the account and give it to the third member of the team who'd deposit the money in the new opened account.


AMLAN: The third member; he'd receive the $5 million from Chris and then deposit the same money into the account he'd open in the bank; a very dashing man who looks great in sunglasses.


The bank the trio naming themselves the Account Gang (AG) chose this impressive LA bank to perform their very swift and neat robbery. Tom, the inside-man and employee of the LA bank would inform the account-holder who lost the $5 million that a mysterious thief stole $7 million from the account by hacking into his personal information but that the money was insured by the bank's computerized insurance and fraud protection system.


Now, the bank these men chose was a very nice bank indeed. It had a long and illustrious history in California. Since then, it was completely refurbished into a glass skyscraper, but it carries the same lineage of proud managers. The trio of thieves, the Account Gang (AG), wanted this theft to be an homage to the rare Robert Louis Stevenson book they sought to purchase with the robbery. The excess $2 million left over from the total $7 million theft would be used to finance their getaway and retirement in a remote island. The LA bank AG chose was one for the history books, really!


Tom had the most difficult job in hacking into the member account holding the $7 million and then enabling Chris to deliver the withdrawn money to Amlan. Tom had to have the necessary account breaking information and transfer speed to deliver the money to Chris who'd be withdrawing from the account by claiming to be the account-holder with the necessary ID access materials delivered by Tom and customized by Chris.


CHRIS: We've purchased the $5 million Stevenson book.
TOM: This was a perfect job.
AMLAN: We'll blog about the rare book on the Internet to hype its social and historic value!


Would you plan an analagous detailed heist just for a rare $5 million copy of Stevenson's Treasure Island? That's what the Account Gang (AG) did. This was a team of highly dioramic thieves, so what face of capitalism do they really represent? You decide, my friends!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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