The "Total Transformation System" for disobediant children

Using anything other than your hand is child abuse IMO.
Geez, I don't know, WestWall. I've got mixed feelings about that.
My dad worked in construction, his hands were callused and hard. A swat from his hand was more painful than the wooden ruler my mom used.
This worked:

First serious offense: Had son use a coping saw (very slow) to cut a paddle from a length of 1X4. Took an hour of sweat (it was summer).

Second serious offense: Stood over son while he used a slow brace-and-bit to make a series of holes in the paddle. Explained how they were so blood would well up on his ass when he got whacked with it.

Next offense: Looked on, requiring son to varnish paddle and sprinkle with coarse sand so, when applied, not only would blood well up through the holes in the paddle but the rough surface would tear the skin off his ass.

Next time he just barely started to offend his Mom told him to stop right there and get the paddle.

He stopped and never started again.

Never had to actually use the paddle.
Using anything other than your hand is child abuse IMO.
Geez, I don't know, WestWall. I've got mixed feelings about that.
My dad worked in construction, his hands were callused and hard. A swat from his hand was more painful than the wooden ruler my mom used.

I don't think it is the strength of the swat that matters. I think it is the mere usage of it that is effective. I have swatted my daughter one time when she ran out into the street after i told her to stop. I also didn't swat her near as hard as i could have. I used to climb mountains so my hands are rather strong... But the fact that I would do it made her think.

I haven't had to swat her since. i do agree with you though, we tailor the punishment to the situation and the offense. What works in one case won't in another. There is no such thing a s one size fits all punishment.

The worst thing we've ever done to her is when she lied to us about doing her homework we took her Pokemon cards away from her for a week. Boy was she miserable.
This worked:

First serious offense: Had son use a coping saw (very slow) to cut a paddle from a length of 1X4. Took an hour of sweat (it was summer).

Second serious offense: Stood over son while he used a slow brace-and-bit to make a series of holes in the paddle. Explained how they were so blood would well up on his ass when he got whacked with it.

Next offense: Looked on, requiring son to varnish paddle and sprinkle with coarse sand so, when applied, not only would blood well up through the holes in the paddle but the rough surface would tear the skin off his ass.

Next time he just barely started to offend his Mom told him to stop right there and get the paddle.

He stopped and never started again.

Never had to actually use the paddle.
I'd say yer a thinking parent when it comes to discipline.
This worked:

First serious offense: Had son use a coping saw (very slow) to cut a paddle from a length of 1X4. Took an hour of sweat (it was summer).

Second serious offense: Stood over son while he used a slow brace-and-bit to make a series of holes in the paddle. Explained how they were so blood would well up on his ass when he got whacked with it.

Next offense: Looked on, requiring son to varnish paddle and sprinkle with coarse sand so, when applied, not only would blood well up through the holes in the paddle but the rough surface would tear the skin off his ass.

Next time he just barely started to offend his Mom told him to stop right there and get the paddle.

He stopped and never started again.

Never had to actually use the paddle.
This is awesome
Neighbor picked up on the paddle trick after more conventional stuff failed.

He overdid it.

Kid really nastied his mom.

Dad had him load a steel (measuring) tape, hammer, four stakes, a spool of string, pick and pointed shovel into the car.

Drove deep into a nearby State Forest.

Stood the kid by the side of the car and measured the kid's height and width.

Had the kid make several trips to walk all the gear into a clearing off the road
and had the kid drive a stake.

Measured width corresponding to the kid's width and had him drive another stake.

Measured up from those points and had him drive two more stakes.

Ran string round the perimeter of the stakes.

Told the kid to put all the stuff back in the car.

For now.

Kid quickly figure out where this was going and it took only one more visit to the site for an hour of digging though the stakes first had to be readjusted slightly as time had passed.

The third trip, fortunately, did not have to be made.

It was never necessary to explain what all the pounding and digging might have been for.
Save your money. Tried and true methods work for a helluva lot less money.


Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.
Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.
Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.


Until the kid decides that it ends...puts a large pan of water on the stove, brings it to a rolling boil, and pours it over your head while you sleep.

In that case, it will more than likely be a closed casket.

Or what my wife did: she warned her father several times: he raised a hand to her, she'd put him in the hospital. A few weeks later, he slapped her. She beat the living shit out of him with a pair of fighting sticks--knocked out a couple teeth, fractured his arm, bruised several ribs, She then vowed that if he ever touched her again, she would bathe in his blood.
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Save your money. Tried and true methods work for a helluva lot less money.


Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.
Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.
Wooden spoon - apply directly to the buttocks.


Using anything other than your hand is child abuse IMO.

Anyone that hits a child in any way, shape, or form under any circumstances is a child abuser and should be publicly vivisected.

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