The Third Jihad


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly is in the hot seat for an appearance in video that has caused an uproar in the Muslim community.

2. "Ray Kelly says the “Third Jihad” movie, which Muslim groups say instructs Americans to be suspicious of all Muslims was never approved for NYPD training and was shown unauthorized by a sergeant on a loop in a break room where police officers filled out paper work.

Kelly said he’s now seen the “The Third Jihad.”

“I think it’s inflammatory and it’s a little much, and, as I say, we never intended to show that movie, but it was shown,” Kelly said on Friday.

Kelly himself was interviewed for the piece and appears in a 20-second clip. He points out that former mayor Rudy Giuliani and FBI director Robert Mueller were also in it."
Commissioner Kelly: 'Jihad' Movie Showing Not Authorized; Calls It 'Inflammatory' « CBS New York

3. Reading the story, and, actually, interested in the subject, I viewed the film on line @
You should as's free. could be considered to be 'inflammatory.'
But, it is pieced together with news footage, documentary fashion, and with interviews to make the point of the auteurs....some might call it a 'cut and paste' fav.

4. But one would be hard pressed to find any errors or falsehoods.
And, of course, it has the obligatory proscription that the subject matter is only aimed at the Islamists.....not most Muslims.

5. It documents both the violent and the deceptive Islamists.

6. If one is Muslim, I can see where this film can, does, make getting along with your neighbors a notch more difficult....but, so, then does the NYC Transit System motto "If you see something, say something."

7. On the other side, the film prominently features folks whose work I have read, and for whom I have a great deal of respect, such as Bernard Lewis, and Melanie Phillips....

8. A polemic...perhaps, but well constructed, and important in our times. Free, at
If you have time, 72 minutes, I'd enjoy any other perspective.

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