The Theory of Evolution

Two sides of the debate?

One side:

Fossils, genetics, observation - all of which is supported by every other branch of science. Then there are the hundreds of thousands of books and millions of papers. Then you have all the people that actually use knowledge gained from the science of evolution, such as every medical doctor in the world.

Then the other side of the debate. Religion. Which of course, includes "mysticism" and the "supernatural". Spirits and holy ghosts. Not a bit of which has a single documented anything. Not a trace of any evidence of "magic" or whatever it's called. And those people point to the Bible as "evidence". The same book filled with such children's fables as "Noah's Ark" and "Samson" and "Jonah and the Whale".

So there are the two sides of the debate. Either mountains of evidence or, what? Magical creation? And that's the gist. One side, "You can't be serious" and the other side, "They won't take me serious".

Those with an "occult" leaning feel insulted that they aren't being taken seriously. But look at it from the other perspective. How dare you insult me by expecting me to consider mysticism an alternative to real science.

Oh that darn fossil record. Perhaps in another 20 million years, that horse would be the size of an elephant. It works the other way to. Over time, animals will grow smaller. We know this based on fossils found on islands. It's all about adapting to the envirnment.

Just more nonsense from the evolution "true believers"

The drawings show supposedly the evolution of the horse.

In reality, they are all horses, just different sizes.

The small horse on the left side of the picture is the most comical of the group.

They show him almost dog like with spots on his fir.

Pure fantasy!!

There is ZERO evidence that this animal had spots on it's fir, or even what color it was.

The evolution crowd just makes it up as they go :cuckoo: :lol:

Zero evidence?

First Proof: Ancient Birds Had Iridescent Feathers


Proving you wrong is one of the more pleasurable things about this board.
Showing me fossel feathers doesn't prove me wrong at all.

Unless you can provide evidence that they came from a horse. :lol:
Just more nonsense from the evolution "true believers"

The drawings show supposedly the evolution of the horse.

In reality, they are all horses, just different sizes.

The small horse on the left side of the picture is the most comical of the group.

They show him almost dog like with spots on his fir.

Pure fantasy!!

There is ZERO evidence that this animal had spots on it's fir, or even what color it was.

The evolution crowd just makes it up as they go :cuckoo: :lol:

Zero evidence?

First Proof: Ancient Birds Had Iridescent Feathers


Proving you wrong is one of the more pleasurable things about this board.
Showing me fossel feathers doesn't prove me wrong at all.

Unless you can provide evidence that they came from a horse. :lol:

What you said previously:

There is ZERO evidence that this animal had spots on it's fir, or even what color it was.

So I showed you evidence of a colors from fossils millions of years older, but that wasn't good enough. Obviously, you didn't read the article. You haven't read anything. You just sit and shout "IT'S NOT TRUE", regardless of any possible evidence. You don't care about spots and I'm not going to spend time looking to even see if there is evidence of spots. The truth here is that that horse evolved. Does anyone believe that first example of a horse could breed with the last example? Of course not. It's had evolved into another species.

It doesn't make sense trying to "prove" something to someone like you? Where is your evidence for "magical creation"? No, don't bother. We both know it doesn't exist.

Do yourself a favor. The next time you go to a doctor, ask that doctor if they believe in the science of evolution. If they say yes, then go to a faith healer instead. Don't waste your time being treated by someone using a science you don't believe in.
Zero evidence?

First Proof: Ancient Birds Had Iridescent Feathers


Proving you wrong is one of the more pleasurable things about this board.
Showing me fossel feathers doesn't prove me wrong at all.

Unless you can provide evidence that they came from a horse. :lol:

What you said previously:

There is ZERO evidence that this animal had spots on it's fir, or even what color it was.

So I showed you evidence of a colors from fossils millions of years older, but that wasn't good enough. Obviously, you didn't read the article. You haven't read anything. You just sit and shout "IT'S NOT TRUE", regardless of any possible evidence. You don't care about spots and I'm not going to spend time looking to even see if there is evidence of spots. The truth here is that that horse evolved. Does anyone believe that first example of a horse could breed with the last example? Of course not. It's had evolved into another species.

It doesn't make sense trying to "prove" something to someone like you? Where is your evidence for "magical creation"? No, don't bother. We both know it doesn't exist.

Do yourself a favor. The next time you go to a doctor, ask that doctor if they believe in the science of evolution. If they say yes, then go to a faith healer instead. Don't waste your time being treated by someone using a science you don't believe in.
Re read my post rdean and try to pay attention.

I said "fir" from that smallest horse.

I never said that there wasn't fossilized fir or feathers from other animals.

As far as asking a Doctor about evolution. Well that is very easy for me.

My wife is an M.D. and she doesn't believe in the quack science of evolution either. :eusa_angel:
Showing me fossel feathers doesn't prove me wrong at all.

Unless you can provide evidence that they came from a horse. :lol:

What you said previously:

There is ZERO evidence that this animal had spots on it's fir, or even what color it was.

So I showed you evidence of a colors from fossils millions of years older, but that wasn't good enough. Obviously, you didn't read the article. You haven't read anything. You just sit and shout "IT'S NOT TRUE", regardless of any possible evidence. You don't care about spots and I'm not going to spend time looking to even see if there is evidence of spots. The truth here is that that horse evolved. Does anyone believe that first example of a horse could breed with the last example? Of course not. It's had evolved into another species.

It doesn't make sense trying to "prove" something to someone like you? Where is your evidence for "magical creation"? No, don't bother. We both know it doesn't exist.

Do yourself a favor. The next time you go to a doctor, ask that doctor if they believe in the science of evolution. If they say yes, then go to a faith healer instead. Don't waste your time being treated by someone using a science you don't believe in.
Re read my post rdean and try to pay attention.

I said "fir" from that smallest horse.

I never said that there wasn't fossilized fir or feathers from other animals.

As far as asking a Doctor about evolution. Well that is very easy for me.

My wife is an M.D. and she doesn't believe in the quack science of evolution either. :eusa_angel:

You're a flat out liar you are. No licensed MD doesn't believe in the science of evolution. You are flat out lying.
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You're a flat out liar you are. No licensed MD doesn't believe in the science of evolution. You are flat out lying.

That's just not true. I don't think Ron Paul believes in evolution.

Though, I'd say that the vast majority of physicians believe in evolution.

However, M.D.s and D.O.'s aren't who I'd look to for substantive debate for evolution. I'd look to Ph.D.'s in the natural sciences, especially genetics, biology, and *shock* evolutionary biology.
You're a flat out liar you are. No licensed MD doesn't believe in the science of evolution. You are flat out lying.

Here are just two M.D.'s who have written books against the fraud known as evolution.

There are many more rdean. You really look like a fool :lol:

"What Darwin Didn't Know"
Geoffrey Simmons, M.D., 2004. Dr. Simmons dissects the theory of evolution from the perspective of a medical doctor, giving compelling reasons why evolution cannot explain many aspects of the human body. As he notes in the introduction, if Darwin's Origin of Species were submitted to a scientific publisher today, it would likely be rejected due to the author's woefully incomplete understanding of cellular biochemistry, physiology, genetics and other branches of science that deal with the human body.

"Evolution: A Theory in Crisis"
Michael Denton, M.D., Ph.D., senior research fellow, University of Otago, New Zealand, 1996. A molecular biologist, Denton examines features of the natural world that mutation and natural selection cannot explain and shows the impossibility of transitional forms required for Darwinian evolution to have taken place.
You're a flat out liar you are. No licensed MD doesn't believe in the science of evolution. You are flat out lying.
His wife is likely Muslim, and most Muslims don't accept evolution. Many Masjids operate free clinics funded by zakat.

He's probably telling the truth, for once...
☭proletarian☭;1787618 said:
I find it hard to believe that a dog can become a whale, or was it supposed to be the other way around?

Thank you for making it clear you have no idea what you're talking about. Now noone will mistakenly believe you have a fucking clue.
I always struggle with the abiogenesis theory because to me it takes more faith to believe that then to believe that God started all of this

First you must prove that something exists that violates all laws of physics

I provided the links that prove that there are some who claim dogs became whales. I have not denied that the Theory of Evolution is at the very least on the right track. I asked some questions, nothing more... nothing less.

First you must prove that something exists that violates all laws of physics

If you would read this entire discussion rather than proving that you know nothing about what you speak we might actually go some where. I suppose you mean that I must prove that God exists. If I were attempting to prove that God exists then you are correct, I would need to prove that something exists that violates all laws of physics. But, I am not attempting to prove that God exists in this conversation. Rdean and I were simply discussing the Theory of Evolution and quite frankly, I felt we were having a decent conversation until you interfered.

You quoted me when I said that I struggle with the idea of abiogenesis. So what? I struggle with the idea of abiogenesis. I think it takes more faith to believe such a theory than it does to believe in God. I did not say it was incorrect. I said, I struggle with the idea of it. I don't have any links to it, but I would not be surprised to find out that there are plenty of scientists who struggle with this explanation as well. Abiogensis is an attempt to answer the question of how life began. It is one scientist's answer (adopted by many) to the question posed, to people who believe in Darwin's theory, about how life began. It in itself is simply an attempt to answer the question about how life began. I am willing to accept it as an answer but without proof that is all it is.

To be quite honest with you, if someone could prove that all life began as a single cell animal and evolved into life as we know it, my faith would not be shaken. I would still expect that God started the process himself until proven otherwise.

I believe these theories are steps towards us finding answers to how things work. I don't expect answers to how things began. I'm happy to go with what science has provided thus far. When more questions are answered we can adapt our understandings.

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I struggle with the idea of abiogenesis. I think it takes more faith to believe such a theory than it does to believe in God.

Wrong. The latter requires a violation of all laws of physics. The former abides by the laws of physics.
To be quite honest with you, if someone could prove that all life began as a single cell animal and evolved into life as we know it, my faith would not be shaken. I would still expect that God started the process himself until proven otherwise.

IN other words, you will continue to accept fairy tales with zero evidence no matter what because you're too scared to face the truth and too weak to accept the nature of your own being.

BTW, calling yourself Immanuel could be considered heresy
☭proletarian☭;1789313 said:
I struggle with the idea of abiogenesis. I think it takes more faith to believe such a theory than it does to believe in God.

Wrong. The latter requires a violation of all laws of physics. The former abides by the laws of physics.
To be quite honest with you, if someone could prove that all life began as a single cell animal and evolved into life as we know it, my faith would not be shaken. I would still expect that God started the process himself until proven otherwise.

IN other words, you will continue to accept fairy tales with zero evidence no matter what because you're too scared to face the truth and too weak to accept the nature of your own being.

BTW, calling yourself Immanuel could be considered heresy

Obviously, you do not know what Immanuel means.

It means: God With Us. It is nothing more than a name meaning God With Us. Jesus was called Immanuel because he was proclaiming God with us. I am not claiming to be Jesus and never have. What ever your real name is... say Joe, does not mean that you are "The Joe". You are just some schmuck who doesn't know shit, but thinks you do.

Also, since you cannot seem to read let me once again point out that I am not attempting to prove the existence of God.

Perhaps you would like to prove how abiogenesis abides by the laws of physics?

As for Zero evidence there happens to be historical evidence backing the Biblical accounts whereas there is no evidence at all backing the abiogenesis claim. The biblical historical evidence cannot support the existence of God, but it is more than you have in support of your abiogenesis claim.

Maybe that it's still a theory taught as absolute fact.

Not too much unlike the theory of man casued globalclimatecoolerwarmering.

Gravity is a theory.. Are you going to deny that too??

Theory is fact.. But we may not understand how it happens.. Evolution is fact!! There is no denying it.. What we don't know is the exact evolutionary path every species took to get where they are.. Hence the theory part.. Gravity is fact!! But how it exactly works is still under debate, hence the theory part..

Just because something is called a theory doesn't mean it isn't fact or real.. It means we may not know all the details about something.. But we know it to be true..

Why is it you neotards don't know the definition of such a simple word..

Global warming is fact!! But we don't know positively what % man is responsible.. We know we are responsible and that global warming is fact!!

You people are simply in a state of denial and spinning the definition of a word to suit your needs..

Theory in most cases is fact, though the details are yet to become known for sure..

Intelligent design is a farce and there is nothing to back it up with..

Yet another fabulous troll post from MajikMyst! :clap2:

Keep this up and you'll win the coveted USMB "Troll of the Year" award.

I know.. Science is a mystery to you cause you listen to a bunch of prescience morons who wrote a book while living in clay huts..

If you would all do some research.. You would find that I am correct in all fronts.. I have done the research!!

Science doesn't have many laws beyond the laws of physics.. Most everthing else is theory as we don't understand every detail about it.. E=MC2 is a theory, but it's facts made the atom bomb possible.. Do you morons want to deny the atom bomb now too??

According to you morons, gravity isn't a theory?? Great!! Then since you are so smart!! I want you to fully explain the relationship between gravity and planets, astroids, blackholes, light, our own planet, plants, it's toll on people as we grow, how tall would people be if we lived on Mars?? Your so smart!! Educate us and explain all those things!! Gravity is theory.. and the above is why..

This should be easy for your morons!! After all god created all this! Surely he should know!! I am sure those prescience morons living in clay huts wrote it down somewhere.. Right next to the part about camels not having a split hoof.. Yes the bible calls it a hoof when it isn't and every teenager knows what a camel toe is..

Theories are facts as we know them.. Yes, they can be disproven.. Our understanding of gravity may be disproven some day.. None the less gravity is fact and a theory..
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History has proved over and over again, that "scientific consensus" isn't always correct.

That sometimes the lone dissident scientist is proven right and goes down in history books.

While the believers in the current scientific consensus of the day are basically forgotten.



Ummm?? There wasn't much of a scientific consensus back then.. The church was proven wrong, not science.. Try again..
You would find that I am correct in all fronts.. I have done the research!!

Wow!!! that's impressive!!!

You actually did the research all by yourself, without your mommy's help.

Your daddy will be soo proud of you when he comes home from work junior. :lol:

And you guys call me a troll??

Other than being an ignorant insulting prick!! What purpose do you have to this debate??

It is obvious that even with mommies help you still don't know how to research anything.. You can start by researching debating and how to take part in one..
Gravity is a theory.. Are you going to deny that too??

Theory is fact.. But we may not understand how it happens.. Evolution is fact!! There is no denying it.. What we don't know is the exact evolutionary path every species took to get where they are.. Hence the theory part.. Gravity is fact!! But how it exactly works is still under debate, hence the theory part..

Just because something is called a theory doesn't mean it isn't fact or real.. It means we may not know all the details about something.. But we know it to be true..

Why is it you neotards don't know the definition of such a simple word..

Global warming is fact!! But we don't know positively what % man is responsible.. We know we are responsible and that global warming is fact!!

You people are simply in a state of denial and spinning the definition of a word to suit your needs..

Theory in most cases is fact, though the details are yet to become known for sure..

Intelligent design is a farce and there is nothing to back it up with..

Yet another fabulous troll post from MajikMyst! :clap2:

Keep this up and you'll win the coveted USMB "Troll of the Year" award.

I know.. Science is a mystery to you cause you listen to a bunch of prescience morons who wrote a book while living in clay huts..

If you would all do some research.. You would find that I am correct in all fronts.. I have done the research!!

Science doesn't have many laws beyond the laws of physics.. Most everthing else is theory as we don't understand every detail about it.. E=MC2 is a theory, but it's facts made the atom bomb possible.. Do you morons want to deny the atom bomb now too??

According to you morons, gravity isn't a theory?? Great!! Then since you are so smart!! I want you to fully explain the relationship between gravity and planets, astroids, blackholes, light, our own planet, plants, it's toll on people as we grow, how tall would people be if we lived on Mars?? Your so smart!! Educate us and explain all those things!! Gravity is theory.. and the above is why..

This should be easy for your morons!! After all god created all this! Surely he should know!! I am sure those prescience morons living in clay huts wrote it down somewhere.. Right next to the part about camels not having a split hoof.. Yes the bible calls it a hoof when it isn't and every teenager knows what a camel toe is..

Theories are facts as we know them.. Yes, they can be disproven.. Our understanding of gravity may be disproven some day.. None the less gravity is fact and a theory..

more, more, we want more!:eusa_drool:
E=MC2 is a theory, but it's facts made the atom bomb possible..

Actually, it's a mathematical formula that describing an observed fact regarding how much energy one gets when matter is converted into energy.

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