The tea party Taliban


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
The tea party Taliban


By MARTIN FROST | 7/29/11 5:59 PM EDT

Ten years ago, the Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed two gigantic figures of Buddha, carved into a hillside 18 centuries before. The world was aghast at this barbarian act taken in the name of religious purity. But was powerless to stop it.

We now have a group of U.S. politicians seeking political purity, who seem to have much in common with the Taliban. They are tea party members; and because of blind adherence to smaller government, they seem intent on risking destroying what American political leaders have constructed in more than two centuries of hard, often painful work. Like the Taliban, they see compromise as an unacceptable alternative.

As part of the House Republican majority, these uncompromising tea party members present an enormous challenge to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) as he seeks to reach a compromise which can avert an unprecedented U.S. default on Aug. 2.

What can the speaker to do in the days ahead and how does he survive as House leader? If the country defaults, Boehner is probably toast. The question is how he avoids a default and still survives in a fractured conference.

I served in Congress with Boehner for 14 years, and I know him to be an honorable man who wants to legislate in a constructive, though conservative way. Here are his options:

(1) Convince enough of the tea party members to support a plan that gives them 90 percent of what they set out to achieve – no new taxes and significant budget cuts. He has the opportunity to do this when his plan comes up for a vote in the House and when something comes back from the Senate in the form of a compromise. Boehner must simply lay his speakership on the line — as Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill and Newt Gingrich were willing to do — by telling his caucus that he must have their vote if he is to be able to continue serving as their leader.
We now have a group of U.S. politicians seeking political purity, who seem to have much in common with the Taliban. They are tea party members; and because of blind adherence to smaller government, they seem intent on risking destroying what American political leaders have constructed in more than two centuries of hard, often painful work. Like the Taliban, they see compromise as an unacceptable alternative.

Very true.

And any measure that doesn’t include tax increases to appease the TPM isn’t a compromise and is a fraud upon the people if presented as ‘debt reduction.’
The tea party Taliban


By MARTIN FROST | 7/29/11 5:59 PM EDT

Ten years ago, the Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed two gigantic figures of Buddha, carved into a hillside 18 centuries before. The world was aghast at this barbarian act taken in the name of religious purity. But was powerless to stop it.

We now have a group of U.S. politicians seeking political purity, who seem to have much in common with the Taliban. They are tea party members; and because of blind adherence to smaller government, they seem intent on risking destroying what American political leaders have constructed in more than two centuries of hard, often painful work. Like the Taliban, they see compromise as an unacceptable alternative.

As part of the House Republican majority, these uncompromising tea party members present an enormous challenge to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) as he seeks to reach a compromise which can avert an unprecedented U.S. default on Aug. 2.

What can the speaker to do in the days ahead and how does he survive as House leader? If the country defaults, Boehner is probably toast. The question is how he avoids a default and still survives in a fractured conference.

I served in Congress with Boehner for 14 years, and I know him to be an honorable man who wants to legislate in a constructive, though conservative way. Here are his options:

(1) Convince enough of the tea party members to support a plan that gives them 90 percent of what they set out to achieve – no new taxes and significant budget cuts. He has the opportunity to do this when his plan comes up for a vote in the House and when something comes back from the Senate in the form of a compromise. Boehner must simply lay his speakership on the line — as Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill and Newt Gingrich were willing to do — by telling his caucus that he must have their vote if he is to be able to continue serving as their leader.

do even care that the TP members were not the ones holding up the vote? or better, do you even care? and that tip o neail shit is so over played and overblown....:lol:
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do even care that the TP members were not the ones holding up the vote? or better, do you even care? and that tip o neail shit is so over played and overblown....:lol:

They didn't directly hold up the vote, but by refusing to vote for the measure, Boehner's hand was forced into delaying the vote (seeing as he desperately wanted the measure to pass).

And there are two types of tea party members:
a: Those with just enough intelligence to form opinions, but not enough to realize they don't know everything.
b. Those that don't know anything. (aka, tea party cavemen)
Boehner is an honorable man? No he is not. He is a douchebag who weasels his way and contradicts himself if necessary to stay in power.
The tea party members are doing what they were voted in to do!! Stop the spending.. And for not voting wasnt it Obama who only voted present in most votes when he was a senator!
The tea party members are doing what they were voted in to do!! Stop the spending.. And for not voting wasnt it Obama who only voted present in most votes when he was a senator!

As if stopping the spending is the cure to all that ails.... Only the ignorant believe that. As far as Obama is concerned, who cares?
Are democrats incapable of taking care of themselves?

Only a person that questions their ability to do that would be terrified of having a smaller government - or at least a the system many of our founding fathers envisioned.

Labeling patriots "the taliban" really shows sane Americans how desperate the left actually is at this point.
The tea party members are doing what they were voted in to do!! Stop the spending.. And for not voting wasnt it Obama who only voted present in most votes when he was a senator!

And before this libertarian tea party invasion a common progressive argument was that republicans flip-flopped on the issues.

Now we stand firm and now we're allegedly the "taliban."

I suppose those who decent the progressive philosophy are some kind of cult. Nazis, the taliban, the KKK, racists...

The progressive crowed acts the same way my 5-year-old nephew does when I have to give him a timeout, naw - as a matter of fact my nephew may stomp his feet but he certainly doesn't call me names...

Are democrats incapable of taking care of themselves?

Only a person that questions their ability to do that would be terrified of having a smaller government - or at least a the system many of our founding fathers envisioned.

Labeling patriots "the taliban" really shows sane Americans how desperate the left actually is at this point.

Desperate people make desperate comparisons....they're in panic mode as they see the '12 election continue to slip further away.
The tea party Taliban


By MARTIN FROST | 7/29/11 5:59 PM EDT

Ten years ago, the Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed two gigantic figures of Buddha, carved into a hillside 18 centuries before. The world was aghast at this barbarian act taken in the name of religious purity. But was powerless to stop it.

We now have a group of U.S. politicians seeking political purity, who seem to have much in common with the Taliban. They are tea party members; and because of blind adherence to smaller government, they seem intent on risking destroying what American political leaders have constructed in more than two centuries of hard, often painful work. Like the Taliban, they see compromise as an unacceptable alternative.

As part of the House Republican majority, these uncompromising tea party members present an enormous challenge to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) as he seeks to reach a compromise which can avert an unprecedented U.S. default on Aug. 2.

What can the speaker to do in the days ahead and how does he survive as House leader? If the country defaults, Boehner is probably toast. The question is how he avoids a default and still survives in a fractured conference.

I served in Congress with Boehner for 14 years, and I know him to be an honorable man who wants to legislate in a constructive, though conservative way. Here are his options:

(1) Convince enough of the tea party members to support a plan that gives them 90 percent of what they set out to achieve – no new taxes and significant budget cuts. He has the opportunity to do this when his plan comes up for a vote in the House and when something comes back from the Senate in the form of a compromise. Boehner must simply lay his speakership on the line — as Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill and Newt Gingrich were willing to do — by telling his caucus that he must have their vote if he is to be able to continue serving as their leader.

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