The Tea Party loves the Constitution?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much
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They why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much
That, plus Christine O'Donnell knows nothing about the constitution.
They why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much


Coming from a big Tea Party supporter, you obviously have no clue what it stands for... BIG SURPRISE!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!
They why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

When you lie, you lie big.
Its a bullshit stance to make them sound smart.

They claim to honor the founders and our GOVERNMENT while they lie about it and trash it constantly.
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

Got any links that have examples and gives thier reasons for thinking this way?

I don't know many, and am not one myself, but;
!st; I have yet to hear anyone say either of those. Asking muslims not to be assholes, is not breaking the law or wanting to change the Constitution.
2nd; well no shit, that's something Dems, libs and progs want to do away with.
4th; what?
14th; People come into America on a regular basis just to give birth so they can't be sent home.
16th; since when?
17th; the electoral college sucks ass. How many Presidents have won the popular vote, but not been elected?

Sounds like they want to fix what's broken. But broken is how the DNC wants America, so shame on those people that want to make it better.
Meanwhile the ACLU whose sole purpose is to DEFEND the Constitution is vilified by the Tea Party.

Have any of them even READ the Constitution?
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

Got any links that have examples and gives thier reasons for thinking this way?

I don't know many, and am not one myself, but;
!st; I have yet to hear anyone say either of those. Asking muslims not to be assholes, is not breaking the law or wanting to change the Constitution.
2nd; well no shit, that's something Dems, libs and progs want to do away with.
4th; what?
14th; People come into America on a regular basis just to give birth so they can't be sent home.
16th; since when?
17th; the electoral college sucks ass. How many Presidents have won the popular vote, but not been elected?

Sounds like they want to fix what's broken. But broken is how the DNC wants America, so shame on those people that want to make it better.

Case in point..
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

You forgot the 6th and 8th Amendments, they don't believe in fair and speedy trials they believe in building prisons in Cuba and detaining people indefinitely without charges and they don't believe waterboarding is cruel and unusual punishment.
Meanwhile the ACLU whose sole purpose is to DEFEND the Constitution is vilified by the Tea Party.

Have any of them even READ the Constitution?

That's a lie.

The aclu only enforces the Constitution when it wants to.

When the military was getting fucked over by your hero clinton, those lying basturds where no where to be seen.
All those constitutional problems the Tea Party has problems with involve the further erosion of civil liberties and personal freedoms.

Why should we bother listening to the Tea Party when they want fewer rights for individuals yet more freedoms for corporations?
Meanwhile the ACLU whose sole purpose is to DEFEND the Constitution is vilified by the Tea Party.

Have any of them even READ the Constitution?

That's a lie.

The aclu only enforces the Constitution when it wants to.

When the military was getting fucked over by your hero clinton, those lying basturds where no where to be seen.
How was the military getting fucked over by (your hero) clinton [sic]? Be specific.
rightwinger hates the constitution! Loves Communism!

I guess that's how liberals start discussions around here so I guess I will try it too.

Next, people need to chime in "yes he does, rightwinger is stupid, etc....

Sheeze it sounds like I am back in elementary school...
rightwinger hates the constitution! Loves Communism!

I guess that's how liberals start discussions around here so I guess I will try it too.

Next, people need to chime in "yes he does, rightwinger is stupid, etc....

Sheeze it sounds like I am back in elementary school...
Never read any defense of communism in the OP. Did read plenty of food for thought vis-a-vis the Tea Party and their zeal to repeal.
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

Got any links that have examples and gives thier reasons for thinking this way?

I don't know many, and am not one myself, but;
!st; I have yet to hear anyone say either of those. Asking muslims not to be assholes, is not breaking the law or wanting to change the Constitution.
2nd; well no shit, that's something Dems, libs and progs want to do away with.
4th; what?
14th; People come into America on a regular basis just to give birth so they can't be sent home.
16th; since when?
17th; the electoral college sucks ass. How many Presidents have won the popular vote, but not been elected?

Sounds like they want to fix what's broken. But broken is how the DNC wants America, so shame on those people that want to make it better.

1st; "asking" muslim not to build a religious center because you don't like them or their religion because people claiming to be muslim attacked us is not a valid reason to restrict their rights.

2nd; I have no problem with the right to bears arms but do believe that there should be some restrictions and unless you believe that felons should have that right then you to believe that in can be limited and infringed upon.

14th; doesn't change the fact that the right wants to change the constitution to "fix" this situation.

16th; I have heard some complain about it but I can;t say that they want to eliminate it alltogether but i am sure there are some just as there are some on the left who would wish to do away with the 2nd.

17th; uh he was talking about senators and you are talking about the president so I will let you two decipher that mess.

BTW better is a matter of opinion. What you deem as better some might see as taking a huge step backwards.
Then why do they constantly want to change it?

First Amendment: They want to outlaw burning the flag, they want a law to prevent Muslims from building Mosques
Second Amendment: Don't dare touch that one
Fourth Amendment: Support expanded searches in the name of public safety
14th Amendment: They want to change citizenship requirements for Mexicans, do not want it to apply to gays
16th Amendment: They want to repeal the right of the government to collect income taxes
17th Amendment: They do not want Senators directly elected by the people

The group that wraps itself in the Constitution does not seem to appreciate it very much

Lust like most libs you think if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

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