The Syrian Civil War May Yet Be Savable For the Anti-Assad Side!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Obama Administration needs to make some course corrections on their policies for Syria. Presently, the Obama Administration backs in a big way the Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF, this sounds like a great entity but it is not completely good. The SDF is an umbrella group of fighters made up of mostly Kurds the balance being Arabs. America has U.S. special forces embedded with the SDF and provides military supplies as well as air support to this group. It is very noteworthy that the Kurdish forces that make up this group are YPG fighters. See there is two major factions amongst the Syrian Kurdish people. The one faction, the real good faction, is represented as the Kurdish National Council which is made up of multiple Syrian Kurdish groups that have as the important feature of their faction that their territorial ambitions is no larger than the Kurdish territorial boundaries that existed before the current Syrian Civil War began; now the Kurdish National Councils fighters are called the Peshmerga. The other faction, the not really good faction, is called PYD (Kurdish Democratic Union Party), the important feature of this faction is that their goal and they are extremely zealous about this goal is to create a Kurdish autonomous region from the eastern border of Syria to the western border of Syria that encompasses the top ten to twenty percent of the Northern part of Syria, essentially their goal is to partition Syria they even have a name for this Kurdish territory they call it "Rojava"; the PYD fighters are known as YPG. It is important to note that the PYD is enormously politically powerful throughout the Kurdish regions of Syria as well as is the YPG which dwarfs the Peshmerga from a militarily strong fighting force standpoint.

Another factor America needs to keep in mind is that the PYD is at minimum closely affiliated with the PKK which is a Kurdish political and militant movement in Turkey that is hugely powerful in Turkey that has as its goal the partitioning of Turkey where the huge Kurdish region in Turkey separates off into its own Kurdish autonomous region many knowledgeable people believe the PYD and PKK are part of the same organization with the ultimate ambition of creating the country of Kurdistan out of these Kurdish regions in the respective country. The bottom line is that the U.S. government needs to stop partnering with the YPG they need to stop allying with them with no reservations because in doing this they are facilitating and promoting the partitioning of Syria and Turkey and to lesser extent Iraq all of which is wrong it really hurts the respective peoples from each of these countries and will cause shocking and indescribable amounts of violence and suffering in these countries. America has to stop using the YPG forces to take ISIS held territory in Syria outside of Kurdish territorial boundaries that existed prior to this Syrian Civil War because America cannot guarantee that the YPG won't annex this territory as Kurdish territory even though it is largely Sunni territory and in fact by American Special forces and Air power enabling the YPG to take this territory America it is enabling the PYD and PKK to assemble Rojava it makes America fully culpable in this catastrophic Kurdish partitioning initiative. Along the same lines America outside of providing solely an arms lifeline to the YPG America has to stop arming and providing munitions to the YPG en masse because in all likelihood these tools of war will be used against the Turkish armed forces in the Kurdish goal to partition Turkey and Turkey is our Nato ally.

The Obama Administration needs to start seeing the YPG and PYD for who they are. They were supposed to let the Sunni civilian refugees from the territory reclaimed from ISIS return to their homes which they haven't always done. In these reclaimed areas they have arrested authorities in the Kurdish National Council sending a message to local people not to mess with their goal of a Kurdish autonomous region. The YPG have availed themselves of the assistance of the Russian airforce which bombed Sunni Syrian rebel held towns and villages in Northern Syria to take control of such territory from the Syrian rebels who are supporting America's goal of ousting the Assad family from power in Syria and bringing democracy to the Syrian people. The YPG sold out the Syrian rebels in Aleppo by helping the Assad forces push the Syrian rebels out of the Bani Zaid district in Aleppo resulting in Assad's forces taking control of that district and the rebels critical supply route there the Castello road cutting off 250,000 Sunni Syrians in East Aleppo. The PKK are also not the good guys they backed out of a peace accord with the Turkish government which was set to permanently end their violence in Turkey probably with the Syria civil war they thought it provided an opportunity to pursue their goal of partitioning Turkey; since they broke the peace accord the PKK have killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers and police just on August 18th of this year two bombings by the PKK killed ten Turkish security officers.

It was very promising today when Vice-President Biden publicly told the YPG to stay on the east side of the Euphrates river and not pursue their military assault on the Syrian town of Jarabulus that borders Turkey or America will stop its military resupply to YPG forces hopefully if the YPG doesn't heed the VP's instructions the American government will follow through on its warned consequences and not be a feckless government. The YPG today underscored again their not the good guys when through their spokesperson they uttered garbage statements claiming that the Syrian rebels that today liberated the town of Jarabulus are just ISIS fighters that shaved their beards to disguise themselves (why would ISIS fighters need to liberate a town from an ISIS garrison) and they need to control Jarabulus to free all their Kurdish brothers in the town when the population of Jarabulus is mostly Sunni. The American government really needs to push this supply cut-off threat in the YPG's face to get them to honor America's commitment to the Turkish government that after the YPG won the battle of Manbij in the Aleppo province they would withdrawal back to the east of Euphrates because instead they are moving on Al Bab a town west of Manbij. America has an opportunity here to turn a critical corner in the Syrian civil War creating conditions where the Syrian rebels don't lose the war on the battlefield so that the peace process stays alive and their exists hope that the War can end with true democracy prevailing all brought about by success at the negotiating table. The opportunity exists if Washington can get the YPG to move back to the east of the Euphrates river and the Syrian rebels can cut the 68 mile corridor from the border of Turkey between Jarabulus and Azaz , both which they now control, down to the city of Aleppo thereby breaking the blockade of the rebel held portion of Aleppo, opening a supply route for military supplies and fighters, if this is accomplished the Assad forces will not be able to win on the battlefield and will have no choice but to be amenable to a peace deal at the negotiating table. To strengthen this obvious strategy why doesn't the U.S. government work to separate the Syrian Democratic Forces specifically separate the Arab forces from the YPG forces in this group and help these Arab forces join up with the Syrian rebels that just liberated Jarabulus so they can make a rescue effort for the Syrian rebels blockaded in Aleppo!
According: to "JimofPennsylvan" ( :laugh2: )
PKK = evil
Al-Qaeda = good

In reality, al-Qaeda is far worse than PKK. Something, "JimofPennsylvan" ( :laugh2: ) is well aware of.
Young woman standing guard against Nato´s wahabi terror.

Turkey tanks on the ground against syrian permission. Everyone is out for the land grab and attacking each of the many "oppositions" both countries have, picking the bones of the dead.
Iran pats one back and russia pats both while shaking Iran's hand.
The Obama Administration needs to make some course corrections on their policies for Syria. Presently, the Obama Administration backs in a big way the Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF, this sounds like a great entity but it is not completely good. The SDF is an umbrella group of fighters made up of mostly Kurds the balance being Arabs. America has U.S. special forces embedded with the SDF and provides military supplies as well as air support to this group. It is very noteworthy that the Kurdish forces that make up this group are YPG fighters. See there is two major factions amongst the Syrian Kurdish people. The one faction, the real good faction, is represented as the Kurdish National Council which is made up of multiple Syrian Kurdish groups that have as the important feature of their faction that their territorial ambitions is no larger than the Kurdish territorial boundaries that existed before the current Syrian Civil War began; now the Kurdish National Councils fighters are called the Peshmerga. The other faction, the not really good faction, is called PYD (Kurdish Democratic Union Party), the important feature of this faction is that their goal and they are extremely zealous about this goal is to create a Kurdish autonomous region from the eastern border of Syria to the western border of Syria that encompasses the top ten to twenty percent of the Northern part of Syria, essentially their goal is to partition Syria they even have a name for this Kurdish territory they call it "Rojava"; the PYD fighters are known as YPG. It is important to note that the PYD is enormously politically powerful throughout the Kurdish regions of Syria as well as is the YPG which dwarfs the Peshmerga from a militarily strong fighting force standpoint.

Another factor America needs to keep in mind is that the PYD is at minimum closely affiliated with the PKK which is a Kurdish political and militant movement in Turkey that is hugely powerful in Turkey that has as its goal the partitioning of Turkey where the huge Kurdish region in Turkey separates off into its own Kurdish autonomous region many knowledgeable people believe the PYD and PKK are part of the same organization with the ultimate ambition of creating the country of Kurdistan out of these Kurdish regions in the respective country. The bottom line is that the U.S. government needs to stop partnering with the YPG they need to stop allying with them with no reservations because in doing this they are facilitating and promoting the partitioning of Syria and Turkey and to lesser extent Iraq all of which is wrong it really hurts the respective peoples from each of these countries and will cause shocking and indescribable amounts of violence and suffering in these countries. America has to stop using the YPG forces to take ISIS held territory in Syria outside of Kurdish territorial boundaries that existed prior to this Syrian Civil War because America cannot guarantee that the YPG won't annex this territory as Kurdish territory even though it is largely Sunni territory and in fact by American Special forces and Air power enabling the YPG to take this territory America it is enabling the PYD and PKK to assemble Rojava it makes America fully culpable in this catastrophic Kurdish partitioning initiative. Along the same lines America outside of providing solely an arms lifeline to the YPG America has to stop arming and providing munitions to the YPG en masse because in all likelihood these tools of war will be used against the Turkish armed forces in the Kurdish goal to partition Turkey and Turkey is our Nato ally.

The Obama Administration needs to start seeing the YPG and PYD for who they are. They were supposed to let the Sunni civilian refugees from the territory reclaimed from ISIS return to their homes which they haven't always done. In these reclaimed areas they have arrested authorities in the Kurdish National Council sending a message to local people not to mess with their goal of a Kurdish autonomous region. The YPG have availed themselves of the assistance of the Russian airforce which bombed Sunni Syrian rebel held towns and villages in Northern Syria to take control of such territory from the Syrian rebels who are supporting America's goal of ousting the Assad family from power in Syria and bringing democracy to the Syrian people. The YPG sold out the Syrian rebels in Aleppo by helping the Assad forces push the Syrian rebels out of the Bani Zaid district in Aleppo resulting in Assad's forces taking control of that district and the rebels critical supply route there the Castello road cutting off 250,000 Sunni Syrians in East Aleppo. The PKK are also not the good guys they backed out of a peace accord with the Turkish government which was set to permanently end their violence in Turkey probably with the Syria civil war they thought it provided an opportunity to pursue their goal of partitioning Turkey; since they broke the peace accord the PKK have killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers and police just on August 18th of this year two bombings by the PKK killed ten Turkish security officers.

It was very promising today when Vice-President Biden publicly told the YPG to stay on the east side of the Euphrates river and not pursue their military assault on the Syrian town of Jarabulus that borders Turkey or America will stop its military resupply to YPG forces hopefully if the YPG doesn't heed the VP's instructions the American government will follow through on its warned consequences and not be a feckless government. The YPG today underscored again their not the good guys when through their spokesperson they uttered garbage statements claiming that the Syrian rebels that today liberated the town of Jarabulus are just ISIS fighters that shaved their beards to disguise themselves (why would ISIS fighters need to liberate a town from an ISIS garrison) and they need to control Jarabulus to free all their Kurdish brothers in the town when the population of Jarabulus is mostly Sunni. The American government really needs to push this supply cut-off threat in the YPG's face to get them to honor America's commitment to the Turkish government that after the YPG won the battle of Manbij in the Aleppo province they would withdrawal back to the east of Euphrates because instead they are moving on Al Bab a town west of Manbij. America has an opportunity here to turn a critical corner in the Syrian civil War creating conditions where the Syrian rebels don't lose the war on the battlefield so that the peace process stays alive and their exists hope that the War can end with true democracy prevailing all brought about by success at the negotiating table. The opportunity exists if Washington can get the YPG to move back to the east of the Euphrates river and the Syrian rebels can cut the 68 mile corridor from the border of Turkey between Jarabulus and Azaz , both which they now control, down to the city of Aleppo thereby breaking the blockade of the rebel held portion of Aleppo, opening a supply route for military supplies and fighters, if this is accomplished the Assad forces will not be able to win on the battlefield and will have no choice but to be amenable to a peace deal at the negotiating table. To strengthen this obvious strategy why doesn't the U.S. government work to separate the Syrian Democratic Forces specifically separate the Arab forces from the YPG forces in this group and help these Arab forces join up with the Syrian rebels that just liberated Jarabulus so they can make a rescue effort for the Syrian rebels blockaded in Aleppo!
What Obama needs to do is explain to the American people where he derived his authority to use the armed forces in the sovereign state of Syria.

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