The Socialist.......Obama?


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2007
South Texas Republic
Man, talk about the one world order. Say hello to Barack.

Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama is pushing a bill that will lead to the implementation of a UN global tax, costing the U.S. at least $845 billion dollars over bthirteen years in the name of fighting worldwide poverty, as well as banning "small arms and light weapons".The "Global Poverty Act," which is sponsored by Obama, is up for a Senate vote today, and if passed would mandate the U.S. to spend 0.7 percent of the gross national product on foreign aid, on top of the money being sent out of the country already.The bill passed the House by a voice vote last year because most members failed to read what was actually in it. The words "global" and "poverty" in the title were presumably enough to convince them that it must be good.

More on Obama and it isn't good

Whew!! Wow!!
Fairness Paycheck Act
Global Poverty Tax..additional 65billion in taxes to US
UN for children
Ban on light weapons
Anyone who can help conquer poverty deserves a special place in heaven. We exist for this brief second and yet somehow we manage to fill it with a hopeless greed that worries only about money.
No offense, midcan, because you've always been cordial to me but do you know what happens when the UN acquires monies for food and then disperses it to war torn, poverty stricken countries?
Anyone who can help conquer poverty deserves a special place in heaven. We exist for this brief second and yet somehow we manage to fill it with a hopeless greed that worries only about money.

Who are you to decide what others should be worried about? Isn't that kinda what you lefties like to accuse conservatives of doing? Minding your business? Keep your dirty little meatbeaters out of my wallet.
Who are you to decide what others should be worried about? Isn't that kinda what you lefties like to accuse conservatives of doing? Minding your business? Keep your dirty little meatbeaters out of my wallet.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight... the money should be used to occupy a country we have no business being in. ;)
IF the US bans gun ownership there will be an armed rebellion. And I will be one of those IN the rebellion.

The bill is unconstitutional since no foreign Government or entity can dictate to the US what it can or will do. It is Unconstitutional because the 2nd Amendment is STILL part of the Constitution.

You want a war? Pass this bill. TRY and take our guns away.
Anyone who can help conquer poverty deserves a special place in heaven. We exist for this brief second and yet somehow we manage to fill it with a hopeless greed that worries only about money.

Anyone who pushes class-warfare should be shot, its legalized stealing. Taking from one person and giving to another person is stealing. Charity is for the churches not for the government.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight... the money should be used to occupy a country we have no business being in. ;)

No we should allow allow a lunatic stay in power that aspirations to develop a nuclear bomb and control all of the world's oil. That's smart.
No we should allow allow a lunatic stay in power that aspirations to develop a nuclear bomb and control all of the world's oil. That's smart.

So now we should attack people for their aspirations??? lol...

And do you think for a second that the Saudis, et al, would ever allow Iran to control all the world's oil? And while we're at it, do you think Israel would ever allow Iran to obtain nuclear capability? They'd do what they did to the reactors in Iraq.

You make yourself sound ridiculous.
IF the US bans gun ownership there will be an armed rebellion. And I will be one of those IN the rebellion.

The bill is unconstitutional since no foreign Government or entity can dictate to the US what it can or will do. It is Unconstitutional because the 2nd Amendment is STILL part of the Constitution.

You want a war? Pass this bill. TRY and take our guns away.

And that sir is your one redeeming quality.. I have often thought if the shit hits the fan and rgs sees the light.... there in for a fight
So now we should attack people for their aspirations??? lol...

And do you think for a second that the Saudis, et al, would ever allow Iran to control all the world's oil? And while we're at it, do you think Israel would ever allow Iran to obtain nuclear capability? They'd do what they did to the reactors in Iraq.

You make yourself sound ridiculous.

I didn't know that we were occupying Iran...:eusa_think: I was talking of Iraq

All of the world's intelligence agencies said that he had a working WMD's program, he had used chemical weapons on the Kurds his own citizens. That's the reason it was not a bad choice to go to war with Iraq.
So now we should attack people for their aspirations??? lol...

And do you think for a second that the Saudis, et al, would ever allow Iran to control all the world's oil? And while we're at it, do you think Israel would ever allow Iran to obtain nuclear capability? They'd do what they did to the reactors in Iraq.

You make yourself sound ridiculous.

If said country aspires to a nuclear weapon who is on the record calling for the destruction and obliteration of a neighboring nation....ABSOLUTELY YES and with NO DEBATABLE DOUBT.

But as you said, Israel and mabye even the Saudis would take of things when the time comes.

As for Iran, most of the populace is actually pro western and democracy. But they live in a police state. Whatever we can do to take down the Mullah's, we should, because they (and their mouthpiece Akmadena-I'm a Nut Job) do NOT represnt their own people and unlike Iraq, the people of Iran would take care of themselves just fine without their oppressors.
Anyone who can help conquer poverty deserves a special place in heaven. We exist for this brief second and yet somehow we manage to fill it with a hopeless greed that worries only about money.

if you want REAL help to end poverty look no farther than Bono and his red program. private enterprise and charity can do more good than governemnt theft

he's raised millions that have actually gone to the people in need and wasn't chewed up by bureaucratic costs, corruption and graft.

if you haven't realized that government can't do anything right by now there is no hope for you.
Who are you to decide what others should be worried about? Isn't that kinda what you lefties like to accuse conservatives of doing? Minding your business? Keep your dirty little meatbeaters out of my wallet.

et al.

Ah, how this sort of moral dilemma stuff hits home. Tiny bits of heart exist even in the most social darwinist right wing corporate worshipers. We waste money on weapons that don't work, on lots of projects that make zero sense, and yet none of you tax phobics rail against that why? Because your view of human nature is based on the mirror you look through. It is only fear that life would be improved for some on your two bits that scares you. :rofl:
IF the US bans gun ownership there will be an armed rebellion. And I will be one of those IN the rebellion.

What a bunch of BS, you would obey the law as you obey that other law you all rail against taxes. Why not start the revolution now. Pure hokum.
What a bunch of BS, you would obey the law as you obey that other law you all rail against taxes. Why not start the revolution now. Pure hokum.

Gun ownership is in the constitution. If you go pissing all over the constituiton, I believe there would be a revolution. Overtaxation isn't in the constitution. That's the difference.
et al.

Ah, how this sort of moral dilemma stuff hits home. Tiny bits of heart exist even in the most social darwinist right wing corporate worshipers. We waste money on weapons that don't work, on lots of projects that make zero sense, and yet none of you tax phobics rail against that why? Because your view of human nature is based on the mirror you look through. It is only fear that life would be improved for some on your two bits that scares you. :rofl:

I guess 680 Billion dollars toward class warfare isn't a waste huh? According to, 680 billion dollars last year went toward slackards and deadbeats, in social programs.

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