The Smartest Player In The Middle East


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
By far & away the smartest player in the Middle East is Jordan. How elated the Jordanians were to sacrifice the West Bank to Israel after the 67 war to dump their Palestinians on Israel. And how wise was king Hussein to establish the one & only lasting peace from Palestinians with Black September. And then Hussein's son king Abdullah II marries the most gorgeous Palestinain woman while refusing to grant any right of return to the rest of the Palestinians. And now Jordan is not only at peace with Israel but has open borders with Israel where tourists to Israel can enter Jordan as well to boost their economy also by purchasing Jordanian goods & services. Hats off to Jordan. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Why do the Arab countries surrounding Israel so detest the Palestinians?

By far & away the smartest player in the Middle East is Jordan. How elated the Jordanians were to sacrifice the West Bank to Israel after the 67 war to dump their Palestinians on Israel. And how wise was king Hussein to establish the one & only lasting peace from Palestinians with Black September. And then Hussein's son king Abdullah II marries the most gorgeous Palestinain woman while refusing to grant any right of return to the rest of the Palestinians. And now Jordan is not only at peace with Israel but has open borders with Israel where tourists to Israel can enter Jordan as well to boost their economy also by purchasing Jordanian goods & services. Hats off to Jordan. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

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