The Shutdown Proves How Redundant Government Is


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Once again, President Trump comes up with a winner!

No, not that he’s stood up to the Dims and their socialist agenda.

Because he’s showing the American people just how bloated and redundant the U.S. government has become.

The D.C. media complex is not happy with the partial shutdown of the federal government. The government shutdown drags into the New Year, they tell us! It could go on for the rest of January, they cry! “Promise?” is the only thought that readily comes to my mind. It’s actually been quite peaceful with Congress gone and the bureaucracyon furlough.

But to be completely frank, while a complete shutdown of the federal government has some impish attraction both in reality and as a thought experiment, that’s not what’s happening. Still, if the shutdown extended into say February or March or beyond, how quickly would state and local government pick up the slack? What about private enterprise and community-based organizations? They’re certainly capable of doing so, but it would take some effort.

Though one wonders who would listen in on our phone conversations if the surveillance state were suddenly made redundant? But Christmas was last week, so that’s probably too much to ask.

Yet for all of the breathless commentary from Beltway media, the reality is that the federal government can’t even shut itself down properly . .

From The Shutdown Proves How Redundant Government Is

Unintended Consequences of the Federal Shutdown @ Unintended Consequences of the Federal Shutdown

IN THE name of securing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants, President Trump has opted for a partial government shutdown. Irony of ironies, that shutdown has paralyzed the nation’s immigration courts, shuttering many of them and allowing several hundred undocumented immigrants to dodge deportation orders each day the shutdown continues. They are among many hundreds of others whose cases will be postponed for years — or, in effect, indefinitely — for every day the closure lasts.
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1/4 of the government is shutdown as the rest already had funding. Of that quarter, close to half of the people are considered "essential" since things like the Coast Guard and TSA and others are not being payed. So those people are still showing up to work and doing their jobs without pay.

So, basically 1/8 of the government was really shut down and that was during Christmas holiday time when many would have been off. As the new year starts and business gets back to normal there will be more and more people that will be affected by the shutdown.
Have you ever had an original thought?

1/4 of the government is shutdown as the rest already had funding. Of that quarter, close to half of the people are considered "essential" since things like the Coast Guard and TSA and others are not being payed. So those people are still showing up to work and doing their jobs without pay.

So, basically 1/8 of the government was really shut down and that was during Christmas holiday time when many would have been off. As the new year starts and business gets back to normal there will be more and more people that will be affected by the shutdown.

Oopsie. The Coast Guard IS being paid. President Trump saw to that.
Have you ever had an original thought?

1/4 of the government is shutdown as the rest already had funding. Of that quarter, close to half of the people are considered "essential" since things like the Coast Guard and TSA and others are not being payed. So those people are still showing up to work and doing their jobs without pay.

So, basically 1/8 of the government was really shut down and that was during Christmas holiday time when many would have been off. As the new year starts and business gets back to normal there will be more and more people that will be affected by the shutdown.

Oopsie. The Coast Guard IS being paid. President Trump saw to that.

Just once...their next paycheck is still in limbo.
Have you ever had an original thought?

1/4 of the government is shutdown as the rest already had funding. Of that quarter, close to half of the people are considered "essential" since things like the Coast Guard and TSA and others are not being payed. So those people are still showing up to work and doing their jobs without pay.

So, basically 1/8 of the government was really shut down and that was during Christmas holiday time when many would have been off. As the new year starts and business gets back to normal there will be more and more people that will be affected by the shutdown.

Oopsie. The Coast Guard IS being paid. President Trump saw to that.
Oh he fixed the problem he created for them. What a stable genius!

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