The Second Greatest Threat…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…to the Middle East, America, and all of Western Civilization, is Iran.

1.Who says so? The United States State Department, even with it’s long antipathy toward Israel, the State Department says Iran is the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism.

“Iran still top state sponsor of terrorism, U.S. report says”
Iran still top state sponsor of terrorism, U.S. report says

2. “…Iran was firm in its backing of anti-Israel groups as well as proxies that have destabilized already devastating conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. It also said Iran continued to recruit in Afghanistan and Pakistan for Shiite militia members to fight in Syria and Iraq. And, it said Iranian support for Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement was unchanged.”

3. “The Iranian regime has been virtually and universally described as the world’s foremost state-sponsor of terrorism.

…in France, where an opposition rally organized by Iranian expatriates was targeted in June 2018.At Villepinte, just outside Paris, the Free Iran rally brought together an estimated 100,000 advocates for Iranian democracy, under the banner of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. It also nearly attracted two aspiring bombers, who were fortunately stopped on their way to the gathering on June 30, 2018. Shortly thereafter, a senior Iranian "diplomat" named Assadollah Assadi was also arrested and identified as the mastermind of the plot.

4. … European authorities’ awareness of the persistent threat emanating from Tehran. A subsequent investigation by French intelligence left no doubt about the fact that Assadi and his Iranian-Belgian assets were acting upon orders from the highest ranks of the regime.

5. … the Paris plot was not one of a kind. About three months earlier, Iranian operatives had also tried to attack a compound in Albania which houses 3,000 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), the main constituent group in the NCRI coalition.The French and Albania plots were only two of at least six that were publicly exposed over the course of 2018.

6. …a spokesperson for the Belgian police to affirm that almost all Iranian diplomats play a role in the Iranian secret service. This makes them probable terrorist operatives, working under the direction of the Foreign Ministry.” Western Dealings With Iran Must Recognize The Extent Of Terrorist Threats

In light of these facts, and the title of the thread, one’s curiosity might be piqued as to who, or what, the greatest threat.

That would be the individual and political party that serves at the beck and call of Iran, and has been the greatest enabler of this barbaric nation……Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party....who fund and arm the 7th century savages.
Then why is our president letting them get nukes?

What is he thinking?
Then why is our president letting them get nukes?

What is he thinking?

You are a very confused individual.

Trump tore up an agreement preventing them from developing nukes
Now, there is nothing stopping them

Why does Trump want Iran to be a nuclear power?

He did that because they were funneling monies to Hezbollah and Hamas. Show proof that Iran has the capabilities to become a nuclear power.
Then why is our president letting them get nukes?

What is he thinking?

You are a very confused individual.

Trump tore up an agreement preventing them from developing nukes
Now, there is nothing stopping them

Why does Trump want Iran to be a nuclear power?

Nothing in that agreement with Obama (only) prevented anything.

Later, he gave them $1,800,000,000.
In hard cash, in the middle of the night, without Congressional approval.
Actually Right winger is semi-coherent for a change, a maximum of three penetrating shells would take out their nuke capacity

But they don’t have the tech. They can start an activity to cure baldness too. Doesn’t mean they will be successful

You are not correct here, Az

Iran has been subsidizing their nuclear lab for North Korea

"Assist from North Korea

Regardless of any deal to which Iran may agree, Asia expert Gordon Chang said North Korea for years has been helping Tehran in a “secret program” to develop nuclear weapons.

It’s questionable, he said, that a secret program outside Iran’s borders would be covered under the deal with the West.

“The international community wants the preliminary arrangement … to ensure that the country remains at least one year away from being able to produce an atomic device,” Chang said.

“But no inspections of Iranian sites will solve a fundamental issue,” he added. “As can be seen from the North Korean base housing Tehran’s weapons specialists, Iran is only one part of a nuclear weapons effort spanning the Asian continent.

“North Korea, now the world’s proliferation superstar, is a participant. China, once the mastermind, may still be a co-conspirator,” he said.

“Inspections inside the borders of Iran, therefore, will not give the international community the assurance it needs.”

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
If he is forging deals to help Iran get the kind of nuclear and missile technology with which North Korea has surprised and frightened the world, but relations between the two governments go back a long way, and shared weaponry and technology has been key to their rapport.

[As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.]"
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

And, of course, the crypto-Islamofascist President Obama knew it.

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