The Science Channel, L-5 Society and Space Defense Force

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The L-5 society 1975-1987 when it merged with the Space Society was and is the original invest in space source. Pres. Trump's Space defense force/guard needs to be stationed somewhere it is possible to park possibly dangerous asteroids. those parking spaces are L4 and L5 the Trojan points of the moon's orbit.

The reason for this thread is that I just watched a Science Channel program on the industrialization of the moon that did not mention the two pre-Conditions of such industrialization:

1) Asteroid capture by somebody's Space Guard to avoid eventual catastrophe on Earth or the moon.

2) Mining the asteroids to provide services to space or lunar based industries and pay for the cost of a Space Guard through asteroid sales. The more mass that accumulates at the Trojan points the cheaper it becomes to capture more asteroids.

This new science series does not impress me because it showed less sophistication than what was available more than 40 years ago.

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