The Romans renamed Israel "Palestina" during the Roman Empire.

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

[ame=]The Origin of Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
Actually, it was the greeks. It comes from the greek verb to wrestle. As in Isaac wrestling with the angel
Eminent Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University, Diploma in Theology, Oxford University ...
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish messiah] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea. The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.Augustine and the Jews: A Christian ... - Paula Fredriksen - Google Books

Eminent Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White

Dr. Michael Coogan, Eminent Biblical Scholar, PhD, Harvard University, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Stonehill College and Director of Publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum, Author, "The Oxford History of the Biblical World"
The Jewish revolt [against the Romans] had many causes. Anti-Roman nationalistic unrest and militant messianic sentiments were key factors, as probably was the confiscation of Jewish land by the Roman government in the aftermath of the First Jewish Revolt.

In the aftermath of the revolt, the Roman government changed the name of the province from Judea to Syria Palaestina. Jerusalem was tranformed into the Roman city of Aelia Capitolina
Oxford University Press: The Oxford History of the Biblical World: Michael D. Coogan

University of Southern California History
Rome conquered Jerusalem in 70 A.D. ending the national independence gained during the Jewish War (66-70 A.D.). Despite being under Roman control, much of the land in Judea was still in Jewish hands; the Jews were neither exiled nor enslaved. Seventy years after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the Jews in Judea began a war against the Roman Empire. The war lasted for three years from late summer A.D. 132 through late autumn A.D. 135. The war was led by Shim’on ben (or Bar) Kosiba, who became known as “Bar Kokhba” or “Son of the Star.”

The emperor Hadrian found himself forced to deal with this serious Jewish threat to the Roman Empire. His Pax Romana was threatened by the Jewish War. Hadrian sent armies to Judea, but did not find victory against Bar Kokhba’s guerillas. The turning point in the war came when Hadrian called in one of his best generals, Julius Severus, to fight exclusively on the Jewish front. Severus slowly closed in around Bar Kokhba—and without outside help from the Jewish Diaspora which Bar Kokhba was counting on—was able to defeat the Jewish revolt.

As punishment, the Jews were driven from Jerusalem and the gentiles moved in. The city was called Aelia Capitolina and was a pagan city—built on the ruins of Jerusalem. The province was renamed from Judea to Syria-Palaestina to further remove the Jews from their land. Practicing Judaism was outlawed and scholars who supported to rebellion were executed. Soon after the defeat of Bar Kokhba, Hadrian died and Antoninus Pius ascended the throne. Jews slowly regained their cultural and religious freedoms back

Brown University
The Bar Kokhba revolt occurred between the years of 132-135 CE. The Jews of the land of Judea (despite the fact that today there is more evidence that the revolt went beyond the boundaries of Judea), rose against the Roman Empire. This revolt is generally considered as "a continuation of the uprisings of the Jews of the Diaspora against Romein 115-117 C.E." Although its main causes are contested, one thing is certain: external political factors and internal issues among the Jews played key roles in the unraveling of the revolt and its consequences

According to the account by [Roman historian] Eusebius... "The construction of a pagan temple and Hadrian's decision to change the name of Judea to Syria Palestina were both punishment..."

WNET/PBS, Educational Television: Teaching Heritage
As has been true throughout history, the location of Judea was pivotal in the story of its [Jewish] people. When Judea rose in revolt against the brilliant and ruthless Roman emperor Hadrian in 132-135 under the leadership of Simeon Bar Kokhba..., it made a horrific mistake. Following Hadrian's murderous crushing of the rebellion...Hadrian deprived Judea even of its name. He researched the name of the ancestral enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, and renamed the entire country "Palestine," the Latin version of Philistia. Its vanquished and twice-destroyed capital Jerusalem he renamed "Aelia Capitolina," after the name of his family and of his patron god, Jupiter Capitolina.
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Eminent Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University, Diploma in Theology, Oxford University ...
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish messiah] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea. The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.Augustine and the Jews: A Christian ... - Paula Fredriksen - Google Books

Eminent Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White

Dr. Michael Coogan, Eminent Biblical Scholar, PhD, Harvard University, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Stonehill College and Director of Publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum, Author, "The Oxford History of the Biblical World"

University of Southern California History

Brown University
The Bar Kokhba revolt occurred between the years of 132-135 CE. The Jews of the land of Judea (despite the fact that today there is more evidence that the revolt went beyond the boundaries of Judea), rose against the Roman Empire. This revolt is generally considered as "a continuation of the uprisings of the Jews of the Diaspora against Romein 115-117 C.E." Although its main causes are contested, one thing is certain: external political factors and internal issues among the Jews played key roles in the unraveling of the revolt and its consequences

According to the account by [Roman historian] Eusebius... "The construction of a pagan temple and Hadrian's decision to change the name of Judea to Syria Palestina were both punishment..."

WNET/PBS, Educational Television: Teaching Heritage
As has been true throughout history, the location of Judea was pivotal in the story of its [Jewish] people. When Judea rose in revolt against the brilliant and ruthless Roman emperor Hadrian in 132-135 under the leadership of Simeon Bar Kokhba..., it made a horrific mistake. Following Hadrian's murderous crushing of the rebellion...Hadrian deprived Judea even of its name. He researched the name of the ancestral enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, and renamed the entire country "Palestine," the Latin version of Philistia. Its vanquished and twice-destroyed capital Jerusalem he renamed "Aelia Capitolina," after the name of his family and of his patron god, Jupiter Capitolina.

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