The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy

Well then, Churchhill was wasting his words during the 2nd World War.

Slightly different type of circumstance, at least in my mind. Wartime leadership is different than promising people their lives are going to be full of sugarplums and roses. The later is not the job of Government and I hope never becomes their job.
Putin is less of a problem for me, than lefties in this country that support political violence and jailing those people that dare to defend themselves.
Putin is kidding himself if he thinks his input into this is relevant. This has been building for decades.
His ‘input’ has, as one example, given him Syria as a permanent Russian base.
I’ll say it again - BLIND TRIBAL IGNORANCE.

I was against going in to Syria from day one. If Putin wants to spend Russian Lives and Treasure in that shithole, I sincerely wish him and the Russia People the best of luck.

The Cold War was an ideological war, against Communism. The Soviet Union had an attractive ideology that gave it massive power projection capability and a real chance at world domination.

Russian nationalism is not a threat to US.

There dems have crossed the line into supporting street violence as political speech and imprisoning their political enemies for political reasons.

That is a threat to all real Americans.

The big picture: "While the data show a decades-long drop-off in violence by left-wing groups, violence by white supremacists and other far-right attackers has been on the rise since Barack Obama’s presidency — and has surged since President Trump took office."

Simply not credible.

All that research nullified by one picture; amazing.

"Research" that asks us to ignore the evidence of our own senses, is to be doubted.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.

Haven't read that much bullshit in a while. CNN, MSNBC and others are nothing but spokespeople for the left's agenda.

And we are not a democracy. We are a Republic. Why do Dems have trouble with that one?

You are trying to compare a few talk shows with the majority of "mainstream" media who do nothing but campaign year round for the left. I guess the fact that there are opposing voices at all tends to infuriate the left.
The dems are more of a threat to me than the russians. That is the truth of the matter.
So, the Democrats have their own stock of hypersonic nuclear armed missiles? That must be very scary for you.

MAD deals with those Missiles. Nothing protects me from the dems, and their thugs and political prisons.

YOur denial of the reality of this situation, undermines your credibility.
The dems are more of a threat to me than the russians. That is the truth of the matter.
So, the Democrats have their own stock of hypersonic nuclear armed missiles? That must be very scary for you.

MAD deals with those Missiles. Nothing protects me from the dems, and their thugs and political prisons.

YOur denial of the reality of this situation, undermines your credibility.
What you cannot, and will not see is Americans on both sides of Congress are out of touch with reality. As to mutually assured distruction, don’t fool yourself. The tribal insanity at the core of human nature can’t see past it’s own nose.
The dems are more of a threat to me than the russians. That is the truth of the matter.
So, the Democrats have their own stock of hypersonic nuclear armed missiles? That must be very scary for you.

MAD deals with those Missiles. Nothing protects me from the dems, and their thugs and political prisons.

YOur denial of the reality of this situation, undermines your credibility.
What you cannot, and will not see is Americans on both sides of Congress are out of touch with reality. As to mutually assured distruction, don’t fool yourself. The tribal insanity at the core of human nature can’t see past it’s own nose.

What you cannot see, is how much those on the Left hate US. They have painted themselves into an ideological corner, where ANY resistance to their agenda can only be motivated by stupidity and/or Evulness.

They gloat about the idea of those of US on the right, "dying off".

VERIFY: Inappropriate, suicide-themed joke at Democratic Party event

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