The right to self-defense is a fundamental Human Right


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The right to self-defense is a fundamental Human Right

Private gun ownership was banned in Venezuela in June 2012, but their homicide rate went from 73 per 100,000 people in 2012 to 82 per 100,000 people in 2015. A private organization, the Venezuelan Violence Observatory (OVV), puts the rate in 2015 at over 90 per 100,000 people. The US's homicide rate is about 6 per 100,000.

The Venezuelans are also losing their democracy. Maduro is arresting his political opposition on trumped up charges. Some of his opposition have “disappeared”. Their election system has been totally corrupted. The Venezuelans are now defenseless against Maduro’s abuses of power.


Another gun ban, another bad outcome: Venezuela homicide rate rose after 2012 ban on private ownership of guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

Venezuelan opposition leader "disappears" in government prison

Venezuela ruling party cracks down on opposition lawmakers
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?

Agreed, so lock up the insane and the non-law abiding, and leave them there.

Leave everyone else alone.
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?
People always say that and then when you ask what they want done about guns, banning certain types always comes up. Banning certain types of guns effects EVERYONE.
I assume you dont want to ban any gun?
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?

Top 10 Most Idiotic Anti-Gun Quotes from Politicians
Quotes: Politicians on Gun Confiscation
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?

Top 10 Most Idiotic Anti-Gun Quotes from Politicians
Quotes: Politicians on Gun Confiscation

You missed my point. It is not about gun control, it is about people control.

My question was, do you believe that those who are abusers of alcohol or other drugs, have been determined to be a danger to themselves or others, and those with a criminal record should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun?

It's a simple question, yes or no.
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?

People always say that and then when you ask what they want done about guns, banning certain types always comes up. Banning certain types of guns effects EVERYONE.
I assume you dont want to ban any gun?

You assume wrongly. I asked a very specific question:

Do you support allowing someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, or has been determined to be a danger to themselves or others, or someone with a criminal record the right to own possess or have in their custody and control a gun?
No one is proposing that all guns in the US be banned.

Most Americans seem to believe sane, sober and law abiding people have the right to protect their family, property and themselves in their home or at their business.

That said, those who are not sane, sober or law abiding should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun. Do those who read this post agree?

People always say that and then when you ask what they want done about guns, banning certain types always comes up. Banning certain types of guns effects EVERYONE.
I assume you dont want to ban any gun?

You assume wrongly. I asked a very specific question:

Do you support allowing someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, or has been determined to be a danger to themselves or others, or someone with a criminal record the right to own possess or have in their custody and control a gun?

People shouldnt be punished for crimes or actions they havent committed yet. But when they have been convicted of a crime? Its different. I believe their should be an amendment passed to curb that.
Here is a question for you : How many gun crimes are done with legally purchased firearms?

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