The Right Lies! The Right Lies!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Death panels

Obamas a muslim

Obamas a socialist

Obama was born in Kenya

Obamas going to take away your guns

There is a short list of lies the right panders in and the right laps up.

Lies are a favorite tactic of the right."

One of my good buddies on the board posted the above....

Thought it might be illustrative to note how Coulter responds in her latest best-seller:

"So which political perspective was it that believed….
1. Sarah Palin’s infant child, Trig, was actually the child of her daughter.
2. The Rosenberg’s were innocent.
3. The conviction of Mumia Abu Jamal, arrested while literally holding the smoking gun over the body of the cop he had just shot, was a frame-up.
4. Power lines cause cancer
5. 150,000 women die of anorexia each year. Reply to FAIR

6. Domestic violence against pregnant women is the leading cause of birth defects. Domestic Violence Factoids - MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse
7. On January 28, 1993 FAIR, along with several women's groups, …said, "Many women's shelters report as much as a 40 percent increase in calls for help on Super Bowl Sunday" (AP Wire 1/28/93). FAIR had earlier sent out a mailing to its activists which stated "women's shelters report a 40 percent increase in calls for help during Super Bowl Sunday" (reported in American Journalism Review, 5/93). Reply to FAIR
8. Global Warming
9. The Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper.
10. There is a “plastic gun” that is invisible to metal detectors. The Straight Dope: Is it possible to make an undetectable nonmetal gun?

11. The Supreme Court stole the 2000 election
12. Breast implants cause disease. Breast implants safe but don't last forever, FDA says: What women need to know - HealthPop - CBS News
13. O.J. was innocent.
14. Dan Rather had documents proving Bush shirked National Guard duty.
15. Bill Clinton did not have sex with “that woman.”

16. Al Gore didn’t realize he was in a Buddhist temple.
17. Heterosexuals are just as likely to contrast AIDS as gays.
18. Jim Jones was not a sociopathic cult leader but an inspirational visionary in the mold of “Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, Chairman Mao…”WGBH American Experience . Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple . The Peoples Temple in California | PBS
19. John Edward’s campaign aide Andrew Young fathered Rielle Hunter’s child.
20. Tawana Brawley was raped by policemen and a prosecutor.

21. Someone shouted “Kill him!” at the mention of Obama at a Sarah Palin rally in ’08.
22. A census worker found dead in the woods of Kentucky with “Fed” painted on his chest was murdered by a right-wing anti-government nut. Authorities: Hanged Ky. census worker killed self » Knoxville News Sentinel
23. Everything in a Michael Moore or Oliver Stone film is ture.
24. Bill Clinton reduced the national debt.
25. Embryonic stem cells are just as efficient as adult stem cells.

26. More concealed carry permits would produce widespread shoot-outs.
27. Republicans revealed the name of a secret agent in the Plame case.
28. The August 6 (2001) PDB spelled out exactly what was to happen."

So, by the liberal definition....the Left is made up of liars?

Can you think of a few more of the Left's memes?
"Death panels

Obamas a muslim

Obamas a socialist

Obama was born in Kenya

Obamas going to take away your guns

There is a short list of lies the right panders in and the right laps up.

Lies are a favorite tactic of the right."

One of my good buddies on the board posted the above....

Thought it might be illustrative to note how Coulter responds in her latest best-seller:

"So which political perspective was it that believed….
1. Sarah Palin’s infant child, Trig, was actually the child of her daughter.
2. The Rosenberg’s were innocent.
3. The conviction of Mumia Abu Jamal, arrested while literally holding the smoking gun over the body of the cop he had just shot, was a frame-up.
4. Power lines cause cancer
5. 150,000 women die of anorexia each year. Reply to FAIR

6. Domestic violence against pregnant women is the leading cause of birth defects. Domestic Violence Factoids - MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse
7. On January 28, 1993 FAIR, along with several women's groups, …said, "Many women's shelters report as much as a 40 percent increase in calls for help on Super Bowl Sunday" (AP Wire 1/28/93). FAIR had earlier sent out a mailing to its activists which stated "women's shelters report a 40 percent increase in calls for help during Super Bowl Sunday" (reported in American Journalism Review, 5/93). Reply to FAIR
8. Global Warming
9. The Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper.
10. There is a “plastic gun” that is invisible to metal detectors. The Straight Dope: Is it possible to make an undetectable nonmetal gun?

11. The Supreme Court stole the 2000 election
12. Breast implants cause disease. Breast implants safe but don't last forever, FDA says: What women need to know - HealthPop - CBS News
13. O.J. was innocent.
14. Dan Rather had documents proving Bush shirked National Guard duty.
15. Bill Clinton did not have sex with “that woman.”

16. Al Gore didn’t realize he was in a Buddhist temple.
17. Heterosexuals are just as likely to contrast AIDS as gays.
18. Jim Jones was not a sociopathic cult leader but an inspirational visionary in the mold of “Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, Chairman Mao…”WGBH American Experience . Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple . The Peoples Temple in California | PBS
19. John Edward’s campaign aide Andrew Young fathered Rielle Hunter’s child.
20. Tawana Brawley was raped by policemen and a prosecutor.

21. Someone shouted “Kill him!” at the mention of Obama at a Sarah Palin rally in ’08.
22. A census worker found dead in the woods of Kentucky with “Fed” painted on his chest was murdered by a right-wing anti-government nut. Authorities: Hanged Ky. census worker killed self » Knoxville News Sentinel
23. Everything in a Michael Moore or Oliver Stone film is ture.
24. Bill Clinton reduced the national debt.
25. Embryonic stem cells are just as efficient as adult stem cells.

26. More concealed carry permits would produce widespread shoot-outs.
27. Republicans revealed the name of a secret agent in the Plame case.
28. The August 6 (2001) PDB spelled out exactly what was to happen."

So, by the liberal definition....the Left is made up of liars?

Can you think of a few more of the Left's memes?

Wow! I knew Coulter was an idiot but she is a super duper idiot. I have to go and will address these later but "O.J. Simpson"? Really?
And don't forget that 90% of the Illegal Guns in Mexico come from the U.S.!
Dan Rather is right

first, I was wondering whose blood was boiling hotter last week when former CBS news anchor Dan Rather announced he had filed a $70 million lawsuit against his former employer in response to Rather's unceremonious CBS exit following the botched 60 Minutes II story about President Bush and his military service.

Was it executives at CBS News who now face the prospect of reliving one of the network's darkest chapters via endless depositions from a plaintiff who says he won't accept a cash settlement?

Or was it right-wing bloggers, some of whom likely punched their TV sets in frustration watching Rather go on national television and claim, correctly, that nobody has ever proven that the memos he used in his report were fake, and pointing out that the basic facts of the Texas Air National Guard story -- that Bush walked away from his military commitment during the Vietnam War for months at a time--are still not in dispute.

After all, for lots of Bush bloggers, two absolute truths that must never be questioned in public are that the CBS memos were proven forgeries (they weren't), and that the whole Bush-skipped-out-on-his-National-Guard-duty story was bogus (it wasn't).

Turns out, though, it wasn't the suits at CBS or the right-wing bloggers who busted the biggest vein over Rather's lawsuit. It was mainstream journalists who rushed in to denounce the former anchorman as dishonest, arrogant, bitter, and delusional, all the while making sure not to take up Rather's challenge of addressing the underlying facts of the story surrounding Bush's no-show military service.

Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America
Dan Rather is right

first, I was wondering whose blood was boiling hotter last week when former CBS news anchor Dan Rather announced he had filed a $70 million lawsuit against his former employer in response to Rather's unceremonious CBS exit following the botched 60 Minutes II story about President Bush and his military service.

Was it executives at CBS News who now face the prospect of reliving one of the network's darkest chapters via endless depositions from a plaintiff who says he won't accept a cash settlement?

Or was it right-wing bloggers, some of whom likely punched their TV sets in frustration watching Rather go on national television and claim, correctly, that nobody has ever proven that the memos he used in his report were fake, and pointing out that the basic facts of the Texas Air National Guard story -- that Bush walked away from his military commitment during the Vietnam War for months at a time--are still not in dispute.

After all, for lots of Bush bloggers, two absolute truths that must never be questioned in public are that the CBS memos were proven forgeries (they weren't), and that the whole Bush-skipped-out-on-his-National-Guard-duty story was bogus (it wasn't).

Turns out, though, it wasn't the suits at CBS or the right-wing bloggers who busted the biggest vein over Rather's lawsuit. It was mainstream journalists who rushed in to denounce the former anchorman as dishonest, arrogant, bitter, and delusional, all the while making sure not to take up Rather's challenge of addressing the underlying facts of the story surrounding Bush's no-show military service.

Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America

Not surprised how it was omitted that the right correctly pointed out how Clinton ran to Russia to escape the draft...but ya I don't expect that to be mentioned
poor p.c.

ah well...acknowledgement is the first step to helping yourself.

good luck.

A k00k giving personal advice.

Sweetie........35,000 posts.:eek:

Try to convince us you're not a feminist bulldog with the social lifestyle of a guinea pig!!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:

But do keep providing the education on normalcy!!!:rock:
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So, by the liberal definition....the Left is made up of liars?

Can you think of a few more of the Left's memes?'s different when a "conservative" lies????


* * *

Anyone who continues to provide untrue, uninformed Left-wing, anti-American propaganda such as "Th Iranian Hostage Crisis stems back from ousting Mossadegh and then installing the Shah and teaching the SAVAK Nazi torture tactics for those who opposed that our American puppet"... ignorant, a dupe of the Left, or of the Left and deserves at the very least the contumely that I provided.

You have allowed yourself to fall into one of those categories...unless you cannot read, or have no library card.
....Or, if he was a lazy, Bubbleheaded-Bimbo.....

(Better go mop-up your mascara, now.


You've got a lotta nerve, showin'-up, again, after being exposed for the know-nothing bullshitter you are.

Maybe you've (finally) been schooled on the necessity to double-check your sources, the next time you state anything as a certainty!!!
"Death panels

Obamas a muslim

Obamas a socialist

Obama was born in Kenya

Obamas going to take away your guns

There is a short list of lies the right panders in and the right laps up.

Lies are a favorite tactic of the right."

One of my good buddies on the board posted the above....

Thought it might be illustrative to note how Coulter responds in her latest best-seller:

"So which political perspective was it that believed….
1. Sarah Palin’s infant child, Trig, was actually the child of her daughter.
2. The Rosenberg’s were innocent.
3. The conviction of Mumia Abu Jamal, arrested while literally holding the smoking gun over the body of the cop he had just shot, was a frame-up.
4. Power lines cause cancer
5. 150,000 women die of anorexia each year. Reply to FAIR

6. Domestic violence against pregnant women is the leading cause of birth defects. Domestic Violence Factoids - MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse
7. On January 28, 1993 FAIR, along with several women's groups, …said, "Many women's shelters report as much as a 40 percent increase in calls for help on Super Bowl Sunday" (AP Wire 1/28/93). FAIR had earlier sent out a mailing to its activists which stated "women's shelters report a 40 percent increase in calls for help during Super Bowl Sunday" (reported in American Journalism Review, 5/93). Reply to FAIR
8. Global Warming
9. The Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper.
10. There is a “plastic gun” that is invisible to metal detectors. The Straight Dope: Is it possible to make an undetectable nonmetal gun?

11. The Supreme Court stole the 2000 election
12. Breast implants cause disease. Breast implants safe but don't last forever, FDA says: What women need to know - HealthPop - CBS News
13. O.J. was innocent.
14. Dan Rather had documents proving Bush shirked National Guard duty.
15. Bill Clinton did not have sex with “that woman.”

16. Al Gore didn’t realize he was in a Buddhist temple.
17. Heterosexuals are just as likely to contrast AIDS as gays.
18. Jim Jones was not a sociopathic cult leader but an inspirational visionary in the mold of “Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, Chairman Mao…”WGBH American Experience . Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple . The Peoples Temple in California | PBS
19. John Edward’s campaign aide Andrew Young fathered Rielle Hunter’s child.
20. Tawana Brawley was raped by policemen and a prosecutor.

21. Someone shouted “Kill him!” at the mention of Obama at a Sarah Palin rally in ’08.
22. A census worker found dead in the woods of Kentucky with “Fed” painted on his chest was murdered by a right-wing anti-government nut. Authorities: Hanged Ky. census worker killed self » Knoxville News Sentinel
23. Everything in a Michael Moore or Oliver Stone film is ture.
24. Bill Clinton reduced the national debt.
25. Embryonic stem cells are just as efficient as adult stem cells.

26. More concealed carry permits would produce widespread shoot-outs.
27. Republicans revealed the name of a secret agent in the Plame case.
28. The August 6 (2001) PDB spelled out exactly what was to happen."

So, by the liberal definition....the Left is made up of liars?

Can you think of a few more of the Left's memes?

lmao, your hyperbole is sooooooooooooooo over the top it is funny. Let's examine the allegations from a perspective of those who post on this MB.

How many threads and comments have been posted on:

QUOTE=PoliticalChic;3789698]"Death panels,

Obamas a muslim,

Obamas a socialist,

Obama was born in Kenya,

Obamas going to take away your guns (how many Obamas are there, btw)?

It wouldn't take long to provide evidence that on this MB, on conservative talk shows and Fox 'News' all of these topics play & play often (and no, I really have no interest in proving the obvious).

On the other cheek, how often have any of the 28 posted have been the subject of threads or posts on this MB or a theme played over and over on left wing or liberal leaning radio or TV?

There is truth to many of the 28, for example:

It is your opinion that the Supreme Court didn't resolve the 2000 election in Bush's favor; it did in a Supreme Injustice on a 5-4 vote.

It is your opinon that Global warming is not occuring.

You lied when you report ESC's are not as efficient as ASC's, no one knows for sure.

You lied when you state no one yelled, "kill him" at a SP/McCain Rally, see:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Hate at McCain and Palin rallies. People yelling kill him!‬‏[/ame]

While the "kill him" comment is hard to hear, it comes in the very beginning of the clip, at 33 seconds. McCain's face reveals he heard the comment and his remarks suggest the truth that PC is strectching the truth for partisan reasons.
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Dan Rather is right

first, I was wondering whose blood was boiling hotter last week when former CBS news anchor Dan Rather announced he had filed a $70 million lawsuit against his former employer in response to Rather's unceremonious CBS exit following the botched 60 Minutes II story about President Bush and his military service.

Was it executives at CBS News who now face the prospect of reliving one of the network's darkest chapters via endless depositions from a plaintiff who says he won't accept a cash settlement?

Or was it right-wing bloggers, some of whom likely punched their TV sets in frustration watching Rather go on national television and claim, correctly, that nobody has ever proven that the memos he used in his report were fake, and pointing out that the basic facts of the Texas Air National Guard story -- that Bush walked away from his military commitment during the Vietnam War for months at a time--are still not in dispute.

After all, for lots of Bush bloggers, two absolute truths that must never be questioned in public are that the CBS memos were proven forgeries (they weren't), and that the whole Bush-skipped-out-on-his-National-Guard-duty story was bogus (it wasn't).

Turns out, though, it wasn't the suits at CBS or the right-wing bloggers who busted the biggest vein over Rather's lawsuit. It was mainstream journalists who rushed in to denounce the former anchorman as dishonest, arrogant, bitter, and delusional, all the while making sure not to take up Rather's challenge of addressing the underlying facts of the story surrounding Bush's no-show military service.

Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America

Not surprised how it was omitted that the right correctly pointed out how Clinton ran to Russia to escape the draft...but ya I don't expect that to be mentioned
You White Wingers never were accomplished English-students. The correct-spelling is....

If you can't learn the language, go back to where you came from.

Dan Rather is right

first, I was wondering whose blood was boiling hotter last week when former CBS news anchor Dan Rather announced he had filed a $70 million lawsuit against his former employer in response to Rather's unceremonious CBS exit following the botched 60 Minutes II story about President Bush and his military service.

Was it executives at CBS News who now face the prospect of reliving one of the network's darkest chapters via endless depositions from a plaintiff who says he won't accept a cash settlement?

Or was it right-wing bloggers, some of whom likely punched their TV sets in frustration watching Rather go on national television and claim, correctly, that nobody has ever proven that the memos he used in his report were fake, and pointing out that the basic facts of the Texas Air National Guard story -- that Bush walked away from his military commitment during the Vietnam War for months at a time--are still not in dispute.

After all, for lots of Bush bloggers, two absolute truths that must never be questioned in public are that the CBS memos were proven forgeries (they weren't), and that the whole Bush-skipped-out-on-his-National-Guard-duty story was bogus (it wasn't).

Turns out, though, it wasn't the suits at CBS or the right-wing bloggers who busted the biggest vein over Rather's lawsuit. It was mainstream journalists who rushed in to denounce the former anchorman as dishonest, arrogant, bitter, and delusional, all the while making sure not to take up Rather's challenge of addressing the underlying facts of the story surrounding Bush's no-show military service.

Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America

Bush, himself, can't really "remember" what he was doing..except that he was reading magazines on bases. Kinda boring thing to do for a fighter pilot.

Which brings up another point. George W. Bush was by all accounts..a pretty good pilot. That sort of training isn't cheap. What the heck was he doing reading magazines while a war was ongoing?

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