The Republican Tax Cut Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Spare us the lies from the Daily Kos.
Those assholes lost their credibility years ago.

Who would ever be so clueless as to quote the Daily Kos?

Yes it is true. People just hate having that extra money. Why democrats are going as far as dashing off a check every week to send that money to the IRS.

They aren't? Why not?
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.

Come November, the Republican Party will have nothing to run on except for Donald Trump.

Well, they can run commercials saying they cut your taxes, and then have clips of
Pelosi and other Dems saying they're going to raise your taxes.

We all know how popular tax hikes are..........
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
/----/ Well well well, another fake poll of 900 random adults. Totally meaningless. No wonder they hid the demographics and the bottom of the article.
The NBC/WSJ poll was conducted April 8-11 of 900 adults
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Spare us the lies from the Daily Kos.
Those assholes lost their credibility years ago.

ok. youre spared -

Trump's Tax Cut Scam Is Crashing And Burning Right Before Our Very Eyes

The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Spare us the lies from the Daily Kos.
Those assholes lost their credibility years ago.

ok. youre spared -

Trump's Tax Cut Scam Is Crashing And Burning Right Before Our Very Eyes


Sinclair trained all the simpletons to repeat "fake news" on command ...
Well if the GOP can make the issue about individual workers keeping the extra 50-200 bucks per month, it probably works for them. The GOP added over two trillion to the debt with the tax cuts. That's why they are not very popular. But most people will think that their relatively small increase in take home pay is not really the cause for most of that, and they're right.

If the Dem can make the issue about workers keeping their cuts while clawing back part of the rest to pay for soc sec of medicare, it probably works for them.
What's not to like about tax cuts? Only the crazy angry left could let the notoriously left wing "Daily Kos" get way with contradictions like Americans don't like the tax law but they are fanning out across the Country to celebrate "tax day rallies". The freaking author of this crap doesn't even have the balls to use his real name.
Sinclair trained all the simpletons to repeat "fake news" on command ...
Yep. Left-wing rags released op-eds designed to discourage passage of the plan last year. Well it passed and its too late. People got their bonus and have decided that the crumbs are helping not hurting them. The Apocalypse never came. People aren't dying in the streets like the MSM claimed would happen.

OH and check the fucking date on your ref. Dumbass. Nov of 2017
Sinclair trained all the simpletons to repeat "fake news" on command ...
Yep. Left-wing rags released op-eds designed to discourage passage of the plan last year. Well it passed and its too late. People got their bonus and have decided that the crumbs are helping not hurting them. The Apocalypse never came. People aren't dying in the streets like the MSM claimed would happen.

OH and check the fucking date on your ref. Dumbass. Nov of 2017

you must be one of the happiest people alive those tax cuts added $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit huh ?

:cryhug_1_: you'll get your head out of Trumps fat old butt one day :cryhug_1_:
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
well the wealthy aren't. there prove they are.

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