The Republican Party, the party that ended slavery, asks for your continued support...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
It was true at the beginning of the Republican Party, and remains true today, that the party bases its ideals on principle, not economic or social self-interest, or appeal to the hatred of one group for another, or the selfish desires of those who seek a free ride at other's expense.

The Republican Party has consistently believed that some things are wrong, and always wrong, and that such things should not be done, by anyone, even if there were financial or social advantages to allowing it to happen.

For example, the Republican Party opposed slavery in the 19th century and opposes abortion today.

There is no selfish interest in these two positions, in fact, the opposite. Slavery was highly profitable, and abortion is very convenient to many people. Opposition to slavery and abortion is based on belief in right and wrong, not self-interest.
The GOP was formed to centralise government authority in DC, transfer tax moneys to corporate cronies, and crush opposition to the first two goals. Nothing about this has changed since 1856.

Screw ‘em.

There was no majority opinion in the north in favor of abolition. The Corwin amendment passed the house and senate and only failed to become a part of the constitution with the secession of the Southern states.
The South has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry. Even after the war was lost, the South oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain. This was all done by the Democratic Party, and the Democrats have tried to rewrite history to make people forget that.
Today’s GOP would’ve been the confederates of 1860.
That's a lie the Democrats tell to confuse people. Don't forget all the Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation.
Republicans willingly forfeited any civil rights legacy and seem to be consumed with reversing it all.
The democrat party on the other hand... whatever gets the most free shit the fastest and lines up the vote coffers the quickest. Yesterday it was slaves, today the tax cattle and invasion.
It was true at the beginning of the Republican Party, and remains true today, that the party bases its ideals on principle, not economic or social self-interest, or appeal to the hatred of one group for another, or the selfish desires of those who seek a free ride at other's expense.

The Republican Party has consistently believed that some things are wrong, and always wrong, and that such things should not be done, by anyone, even if there were financial or social advantages to allowing it to happen.

For example, the Republican Party opposed slavery in the 19th century and opposes abortion today.

There is no selfish interest in these two positions, in fact, the opposite. Slavery was highly profitable, and abortion is very convenient to many people. Opposition to slavery and abortion is based on belief in right and wrong, not self-interest.
Fuck that useless, dog shit party.

Dem-lite. Douopoly. UniParty.


Kinda funny how we went from that to Trump saying you can still be a "very fine person" even if you attend KKK white supremacist sponsored events.

Remind me the ONLY president to ever reduce immigration laws and restrictions? Lincoln.

No wonder they aren't calling them progressive anymore.
The South has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry. Even after the war was lost, the South oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain. This was all done by the Democratic Party, and the Democrats have tried to rewrite history to make people forget that.
Is that why republicans dropped reconstruction and the black voter for an industrialist candidate in 1876?
Today’s GOP would’ve been the confederates of 1860.
That's a lie the Democrats tell to confuse people. Don't forget all the Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation.


"The South has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry. Even after the war was lost, the South oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain. This was all done by the Democratic Party, and the Democrats have tried to rewrite history to make people forget that. "

Today’s GOP would’ve been the confederates of 1860.

"That's a lie the Democrats tell to confuse people. Don't forget all the Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation. "

The problem with conservatives is that they know so much that just aint so.

Now here is the TRUTH;

(which includes ALL of the REAL FACTS and not just CONSERVATIVE LIES!)

"The South has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry."

The SOUTH (white, conservative, christians) has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry.

"Even after the war was lost, the South oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain."

Even after the war was lost, the South (white, conservative, christians) oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain.

"This was all done by the Democratic Party, and the Democrats have tried to rewrite history to make people forget that. "

The Democratic party at that time was comprised of white, conservative christians.

and white conservative christians (like you) are STILL trying to rewrite history....

YOU are trying to rewrite it with these lies you are posting right now.....

""That's a lie the Democrats tell to confuse people. Don't forget all the Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation. "


I won't.....

here are the actual numbers;

Steele says GOP fought hard for civil rights bills in 1960s

"The Civil Rights Act -- which is best known for barring discrimination in public accommodations -- passed the House on Feb. 10, 1964 by a margin of 290-130. When broken down by party, 61 percent of Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill (152 yeas and 96 nays), and a full 80 percent of the Republican caucus supported it (138 yeas and 34 nays).

When the Senate passed the measure on June 19, 1964, -- nine days after supporters mustered enough votes to end the longest filibuster in Senate history -- the margin was 73-27. Better than two-thirds of Senate Democrats supported the measure on final passage (46 yeas, 21 nays), but an even stronger 82 percent of Republicans supported it (27 yeas, 6 nays).

The primary reason that Republican support was higher than Democratic support -- even though the legislation was pushed hard by a Democratic president, Lyndon B. Johnson -- is that the opposition to the bill primarily came from Southern lawmakers. In the mid 1960s, the South was overwhelmingly Democratic -- a legacy of the Civil War and Reconstruction, when the Republican Party was the leading force against slavery and its legacy. Because of this history, the Democratic Party in the 1960s was divided between Southern Democrats, most of whom opposed civil rights legislation, and Democrats from outside the South who more often than not supported it.

This pattern showed clearly in the House vote. Northern Democrats backed the Civil Rights Act by a margin even larger than that of Republicans -- 141 for, just four against -- while Southern Democrats were strongly opposed, by a margin of 11 yeas to 92 nays."

"is that the opposition to the bill primarily came from Southern lawmakers."

southern white conservative christians.....OPPOSED the civil rights acts......

Now....keep on lying....
It was true at the beginning of the Republican Party, and remains true today, that the party bases its ideals on principle, not economic or social self-interest, or appeal to the hatred of one group for another, or the selfish desires of those who seek a free ride at other's expense.

The Republican Party has consistently believed that some things are wrong, and always wrong, and that such things should not be done, by anyone, even if there were financial or social advantages to allowing it to happen.

For example, the Republican Party opposed slavery in the 19th century and opposes abortion today.

There is no selfish interest in these two positions, in fact, the opposite. Slavery was highly profitable, and abortion is very convenient to many people. Opposition to slavery and abortion is based on belief in right and wrong, not self-interest.
Why is it that it is the Republican party supporting the con-federate flag today?
The South has tried to rewrite it's shameful history to make people believe the Civil War was a war for freedom, when they were fighting for the opposite of freedom for their residents of African ancestry. Even after the war was lost, the South oppressed blacks and didn't let them vote or even use the same water fountain. This was all done by the Democratic Party, and the Democrats have tried to rewrite history to make people forget that. show where any of those people and their policies still live.
Today’s GOP would’ve been the confederates of 1860.
That's a lie the Democrats tell to confuse people. Don't forget all the Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation.
You DO know that more Democrats supported the Civil Rights Act of 1965 than Republicans, right? That's why Southern Democrats switched to the Republicans....they found a new home because they would much rather give up their party than give up their racism.

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